
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

author:Illustration & Branding
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

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A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

Yang Naiwen's "Flow" album vinyl version

On June 29, 2024, at the 35th Golden Melody Awards ceremony, the "Flow" album designed by Blob Club studio designer Wu Jianlong for singer Yang Naiwen won the Best Binding Design Award of the year. This is the second time that the studio has won this award, following Bi Zhanying's "Femdom" album last year.

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

Yang Naiwen's "Flow" album, as the spirit of his name embodies, includes ten classic and cutting-edge orchestras in the Chinese music scene, and experiments reinterpret ten classic tracks, showing Yang Naiwen's unique musical aura.

The binding design corresponds to the concept of re-interpretation of the album, at first glance it is a blank record cover, but in fact it is printed with special ink, when the cover meets the water, the hidden Yang Naiwen will slowly emerge, just like this album, a new "Yang Naiwen" style is hidden in the stacking of a group of different genres......

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

The award of this album is largely due to the special ink process of the cover, which not only reflects the concept of the album appropriately, but also gives people a novel interactive experience.

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges
A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

A total of 233 entries were submitted for the "Best Binding Design Award" at the 35th Golden Melody Awards, and the other four of the five shortlisted works were Zheng Lihua's "Haihai Life", Jianben Bio's "Posture", Lu Yixuan/Huang Jiahong's "Empty Heart", and Liu Yuede's "Almost Human".

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

Zheng Lihua Green Worm AOI "Haihai Life"

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

See "Gesture" by the Idiot and the Idiot

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

Lu Yixuan/Huang Jiahong, Su Mingyuan, "The Void in the Heart"

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

刘悦德陈昊森《Almost Human》

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

A near-blank record won the Golden Melody 35 "Best Binding Design Award", and a printing process impressed the judges

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