
Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

author:Chihyun Akira
Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school
Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

As the world's largest economy and the world's number one power, the United States in many people's impression is synonymous with development, civilization, freedom and beauty.

But is that really the case? In today's increasingly developed Internet, as long as you discern a little, you will find that the United States under the filter is actually not so beautiful.

Today, let's take a look at real American life.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

The United States under "Yilin".

When it comes to the topic that the United States is a sacred place in the hearts of many Chinese people, we have to mention two books, namely "Reader" and "Yilin".

In the 90s and 00s, these two books were arguably popular on campuses across the country, when the Internet was not as developed as it is now, students had few ways to learn about the outside world, and the knowledge in books was obscure.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

In contrast, the above two magazines are more interesting, because they are commercial magazines, and there is an unwritten rule that readers can write whatever they like to read, and as for whether it is true or not, they do not need to spend time and effort to verify it.

In many articles describing foreign countries, there is basically a characteristic, that is, deliberate touting, although it seems exaggerated in retrospect, but at that time there were still many people who believed it.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

With the development of time, the current network is very developed, and you can see foreign videos without leaving home, but this also cannot avoid a problem, that is, in order to win traffic, self-media bloggers deliberately let the audience see what they want to see.

There are even some brainless people who have inadvertently influenced everyone's opinions, one of which is a very typical example, Yang Shuping, a student studying abroad, who deliberately touted the sweet air in the United States in order to attract attention.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

So today, let's take a look at what the real situation in the United States really is?

The Hilton heiress revealed herself

On June 26, a 43-year-old woman named Paris Hilton in the United States exposed a tragic experience in her teenage years when she attended a hearing.

As a teenager, she was sent to a private correctional facility, where she was sexually abused and forced to be drugged, according to Paris.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

If you don't comply, you will be stripped naked and dragged into the hallway, no matter how you shout, no one will care, because the outside world knows nothing about the situation inside.

You must know that this Paris is not an ordinary person, but the heir of the American Hilton Group, and people of this status have been violated when they were teenagers, not to mention those children with no background.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Now, twenty or thirty years later, the situation in boarding schools in the United States has not changed, and there have even been cases of 12-year-old girls becoming pregnant after being violated.

In this so-called free country, where at least 50,000 children are adopted in such institutions every year, just by thinking about it, many teenagers are subjected to such horrific events every year.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

The economy is expanding

An important reason why a large number of people think that the United States is good is that the United States has a developed economy, but is this really the case?

Although the U.S. government always "makes something out of nothing" to tout the strength of the U.S. economy, the pressure on the lives of the people at the bottom is really hanging over their heads.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Let's just say that the previous new crown epidemic, this huge disaster, has become more and more difficult to control under the weak control of the US government, which eventually led to the rise in inflation in the US economy and the increase in pressure on people's lives.

As the president of a country, Biden, in 2022, while eating ice cream, said that inflation is global, and other places are more serious than the United States.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

As a result, inflation in the United States persists until this year, and according to a February 26 Washington Observer report, food prices in the United States have risen by 25% since 2020.

In addition, the debt burden of Americans is also rising, with arrears of various types of debts increasing, and even some listed companies have begun large-scale layoffs.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

There are many homeless people

They all think that only in China can there be street vagrants, and the United States is all elites in suits and leather shoes, but the reality is the opposite.

With the development of the mainland's economy and the intensification of poverty alleviation, the existence of homeless people is almost invisible on the streets.

And in the United States, even now, countless homeless people are undergoing the test of life and death.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

According to the U.S. Department of Health, in the three-year period from 2021 to 2023, the number of deaths due to heat in the United States will be 1602, 1722, and 2302, respectively.

What is even more exaggerated is that most of these figures are homeless, who have no place to take it, so they can only accept the scorching sun, so the probability of dying from the heat is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Especially in recent times, the United States is experiencing hot weather, and the situation of those homeless people will be even more difficult.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

So how many homeless people are there in the United States? According to January 2023 data, there are at least 653,000 homeless people in the United States, and in 2021-2022 alone, an increase of about 25%.

How does the U.S. government deal with such a large number of vagrants? On June 28, the United States just issued a ruling prohibiting homeless people from sleeping outdoors.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

This statement is completely contradictory, if these people have a place to live, who wants to sleep on the streets?

Poor sense of social security

Logically speaking, the level of a country's economy should be inversely proportional to the crime rate, but here it is an exception in the United States, where almost 80 percent of people are very worried about crime and violence.

Compared with inflation, violent crime is obviously more terrifying, and among the crimes in the United States, gun crime is even more uniquely American, and it is reported that in 2023, there will be at least 655 shootings in the United States.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

In addition to the high crime rate, the drug epidemic in the United States is also a major problem, and the streets of the United States are full of delirious addicts.

Although Nixon declared a high-profile war on drugs more than 50 years ago, it now seems that American politicians even did not hesitate to support the legalization of marijuana for the sake of the common people.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

There is no sense of cultural belonging

As we all know, the founding history of the United States is very short, let alone culture, because without a sense of cultural belonging, it is always difficult for the various ethnic groups in the United States to live in peace.

Although nominally, the United States has been advocating freedom and equality, but in fact, white supremacy is the real theme of the United States, especially racial contradictions, which have been extended to education, expectations and other aspects.

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

And the above is only part of the real situation in the United States, so after removing the filter, you will find that the United States is not as good as it says.

Information sources:

2024-07-01 16:14 Red Star News "Forced to be drugged and stripped naked" The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused in boarding school

2024-02-27 14:34 US media: Inflation in the U.S. economy continues to cause food prices to rise, and consumers can only reduce spending in the face of debt and other pressures

2024-06-26 08:54· Hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the United States are suffering from the scorching heat

Forced dosing, stripping! The heiress of the Hilton Group revealed that she had been sexually abused at school