
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people

author:Wenhai ink rhyme
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people


Text/Zheng Keer (Xiaogan, Hubei)


I can't see you

See your face more

But you have affected all things

You use your delicate hands

The ripples of the river were stirred

and the anger of thy heart

Make the waves roar!

You have traveled through the land of time!

You dance in the midst of all four seasons!

You dress spring in green

Thou hast made the flowers fragrant

You paint autumn with golden colors!

You've brought a silver outfit like yarn for winter!


You are the most beautiful decoration of the earth

The mountain park is beautiful because of you

You are a bee confidant

You are the soul of a butterfly

Bees are sweet because they meet you

Butterflies rejoice in rubbing shoulders with you

Bees sing because of you

Butterflies are obsessed with you

Visitors are obliged to return because of you

I made a good memory with photography!


Your lithe figure floats from the heavenly palace

You dance gracefully like a goddess scattering flowers!

You don't open in the spring

Not to mention rendering in warmth

But in the winter you show your charm

In the cold wind

Practice your unique dance style

Accompany Mei in the cold

You are the most beautiful scenery in winter

It is also the holiest flower of winter.


Thou hast rejected the invitation of the sun

Never show glory before men

but he hides himself in the daytime

You want to be with the stars

You are willing to do it in the night

A pedestrian's pole

You are a light in the darkness

You are also a great light in the darkness

You don't just light up the night

You show the way to those in the dark.

Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people

Moonlight on the lotus pond

Text/Zheng Keer (Xiaogan, Hubei)

Moonlight on the lotus pond

A quiet corner of the heart

Fireflies are scavengers

Pick up a lot of starlight

The lotus flower has never slept well

It's not that I don't want to

Every time Moonlight walks by

It is said that the high places are not cold

The smoke is vast


The daughter of the night lotus fairy

Standing in the middle of the water

Gorgeous and colorful from afar

Up close, it's glamorous but not demonic

The most is the gentleness of the bowed head

It's like a shy reserve

The love of the little lotus concubine

The butterfly love flower of the golden boy and the jade girl

The season to attract bees and butterflies

Just waiting for the sweet you

The wind is high and the moon is dark


Stand up flowers and trees

Watch and help each other

The temperament of the lotus

Distinctive, tasteful

Let it go

It's better to forget about me

Paddle a leaf light boat

Salvage underwater encounters

Distant love is agreeable

But the thread is broken

Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people

【Seven Uniques.. Seven songs]

Chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea

Text/Zheng Keer (Xiaogan, Hubei)


Born in the deep mountains and suffering from the family, a thousand cuts divide the world.

Burned into ashes, only for the world to offer sparks.



The crystal jade grains are white and blooming, and the hard work is doubled.

The people's three meals are treasures, and the eyes of the wealthy are not as good as sand.



The essence is refined by thousands of hammers, and the delicious fragrance is everywhere.

Let the chef fry and fry, and win the praise of the guests at the banquet.



In the salty water of the salt fields of Canghai, the wind blows hot and becomes crystalline.

Life tastes a thousand flavors of kindness, and it is impossible to do without these three meals.



The color of the bean drum is red, and the flavor on the cooking table is fragrant.

Hugh came to underestimate the home-cooked sauce, and he had merit in feasting on delicacies.



Coming from the countryside to the earthen jar, brewing a thousand strange dreams.

After souring people's hearts, they know that the world is bitter and sweet.



The black stone peak is home, and the green buds are deep in the clouds.

Life is sad and tasteless, only a cup of tea.

Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people


Text/Zheng Keer (Xiaogan, Hubei)

It is an agarwood of life

With the essence of nature

Moisture of rain and dew

There is also the craftsmanship of the craftsmen

It became tea

The scenery of the ups and downs in the cup

And time

It's like a cup of tea

With the precipitation of the years

The tragedy and joy of the story

The warmth and coldness of human affection

Precipitate the different tea aromas on the journey of life

I've always felt it

Tea should be made with the afternoon


Carved windows

Literary flower arrangement

Exquisite dishes

Plain woman matches

Or comparable to a man like a breeze and a bright moon

And really meet tea

but saw the helplessness in its fireworks

The nobility in the world

The indifference under the stillness

Delicious when you're hungry

Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people

People take tea and cool things are not people

Text/Zheng Keer (Xiaogan, Hubei)

Short words

The road is full of warmth and coldness, and the world is hot and cold

The sea of people is vast

Whether it's a chance passing

Or an unintentional glance at each other

Or a meeting in the midst of people's comings and goings

It's all a rare fate, and they should all be cherished

But when fate passes

We don't have to be stubborn

People go to tea and cool things, and people have to let go of it adaptively

Turn around just right

It is the choice that a calm person should have

People walk away and tea always has to be cold when you go

Someone else will definitely come

If it's all the time

Hot tea for you

What about the newcomers, if the tea is not cold

How tiring that must be

So here you go

The tea is naturally cold

If there is a chance to come back

I'll warm up the tea for you

This is the reality of people

As soon as you leave, the tea will be cold

It is the law of nature

Figure this out

There is nothing to lament about the fact that the object is people

It's not normal

What is not normal is that you have a mentality that people go to tea and cool

Substitution for tea

This is a fact that life has to face all the time

A lot of people can't think about it

Can't see through

I hate this for being sophisticated

This is true of life by chance

Meet all the way

Say goodbye all the way

The circle around me is so big

Human energy is limited

A confidant who keeps a gentleman's friendship as light as water

The rest are mostly people and things passing by

It's gone, it's gone

Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people
Selected poems of Zheng Keer: Wind and snow, moonlight, lotus pond, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, people go to tea, and cool things are not people
