
Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Hexi Street, Hecheng District: Build a "safety embankment" for flood control and press the "acceleration button" for reconstruction

author:Huaihua in the palm of your hand

In the past few days, affected by the continuous heavy rainfall and the large flow of floods in the upper reaches, the water level of rivers and reservoirs has continued to rise, and the flood control situation has become increasingly severe. The majority of party members, cadres and volunteers stepped forward, went against the grain in the wind and rain, and persevered in the dark night, built a "safety embankment" for flood control, and fought an "active battle" for flood control.

Tighten the "ideological strings" and strengthen forecasting and early warning without slackening. Hexi Street quickly entered the state of actual combat, and held a special meeting on flood control to redeploy and re-study and judge. Make full use of convenient service grid groups, village loudspeakers, electronic display screens, etc., to timely release more than 40 forecasts and early warnings of meteorological and weather forecasts, water conditions, road traffic conditions, etc., to enhance the people's awareness and response ability of flood prevention and safety, and build a solid people's defense line for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Hexi Street, Hecheng District: Build a "safety embankment" for flood control and press the "acceleration button" for reconstruction

Weave a dense "protective net" and do not slack off to investigate risks and hidden dangers. Give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and resolutely implement the "six hard measures" by members of the street team and cadres stationed in the village (community), quickly sink to the front line of flood control in Liandian villages and communities, and go all out to invest in hidden danger investigation and risk disposal. After the landslide was found behind the Lushan International Inland Port Experimental School, the main person in charge of the street and the community staff reported the disaster situation as soon as possible and went to the scene to check the situation, quickly set up a cordon and warning signs, and evacuated the gathered students and onlookers in a timely manner. Up to now, a total of 58 houses have been investigated, 21 waterlogging hazards, 51 road collapse hazards, 8 mountain pond reservoir hazards, and 75 warning signs have been set up to effectively keep the masses away from danger.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Hexi Street, Hecheng District: Build a "safety embankment" for flood control and press the "acceleration button" for reconstruction

Tighten the "chain of responsibility" and do a good job in emergency rescue and disaster relief without slackening. "Fortunately, at the critical moment, your party members and cadres arrived in time, so that we can feel at ease and be safe." The transferred villagers took the hands of the party members and cadres and said gratefully. Four members of Zeng Xianren's family in Group 2 of Aobei Village needed to be evacuated urgently, but because the elderly mother was over 90 years old and had difficulty moving, they were trapped at home. The two committees of the village branch and the cadres stationed in the village urgently organized firefighting and medical personnel to successfully rescue and transfer them on stretchers. The majority of party members, cadres and volunteers have competed against the wind and rain, raced against time, united as one, and responded scientifically, and have successfully transferred and properly resettled more than 930 people, making every effort to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Hexi Street, Hecheng District: Build a "safety embankment" for flood control and press the "acceleration button" for reconstruction

Press the "accelerator button" and do a good job of post-disaster reconstruction without slackening. Affected by the flood situation, more than 70 landslides in Hexi streets this time, and the power supply of some village groups was interrupted. The streets of Hexi are self-reliant in the post-disaster reconstruction work. When the flood has not subsided, contact the power company, and use self-made kayaks to go into the village to repair the damaged power lines to ensure that the power outage does not exceed 48 hours, providing a strong guarantee for follow-up flood prevention and rescue. At the same time, actively mobilize party members and villager volunteers to clean up the collapsed roads as soon as possible, and most of the village roads have been restored to basic traffic.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Hexi Street, Hecheng District: Build a "safety embankment" for flood control and press the "acceleration button" for reconstruction

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