
The "姥" of "Gong Mu, Lao Ma, Tianmu Ling, Taimu Mountain, Dou Mu Palace" reads "lǎo" (full draft)

author:Call in unison

Grandma, old grandmother, grandma's surname, Tianmuling, Taimu Mountain, Peng Muling, Dou Grandma Palace, Du Grandma's house

The character "姥" is often pronounced lǎo. The first meaning of this sound is maternal grandmother and its derivation. Such as: grandma, aunt, aunt, aunt. The second meaning is for place names. For example, Huaping Mountain, She County, Anhui Province, has Xianmu Peak and Xianmu Valley; Nanmu Xiahe River in Hexian County, Anhui; Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, Zhengpugang New District, Laoqiao Town, Laochang Village; Dengcun Township, Yichang City, Jiangxi Province, has Damuling; On the western outskirts of Hue, the capital of Thua Thien Hue province in central Vietnam, there is the Ling Mu Temple, also known as the Tian Mu Temple (the gate is calligraphy Chinese characters, and the local tour guide is called "Ling Lǎo Temple").

Another pronunciation is "mǔ". Through "mother" and "mother". "Guangyun": "Grandma, old mother, or Zuomu, female teacher." "1. The husband's mother, e.g. father-in-law and mother-in-law. "Yutai New Song: Ancient Poems for Jiao Zhongqing's Wife": "You can be a white grandmother." "Yuefu Poetry Collection: Songs of King Yaoya": "The grandfather died and remarried, and the orphans were very pitiful. ”

2. Honorific title for an old woman. "Book of Jin, Volume 8, The Biography of Wang Xi": "Huiji has a lonely grandmother who raises a goose, is good at singing, and fails to get the market. The book also said: "I also tried to see an old grandmother in Qishan." "The World Speaks New Words": "Before more than ten miles, there was a guest grandmother who sold food in a store. Deng Qitong, "Words that are easy to make mistakes" (p. 128), said: "The Modern Chinese Dictionary and Cihai say that when the character '姥' pronounces the sound of 'mother (mǔ)', it means an old woman. ”

3。 The surname is derived from the word "respect for the elderly". [Italy] Marco Polo's "The Legend of the Universe" contains: Chaohu Lake will fall, and there is a witch who predicts it, and he will go south to avoid disasters. Later generations of gods, in the present Chaohu Lake to set up a temple of Laoshan temple to worship. Qing Jiaqing [Qing Jiaqing] Zhang Xiangyun Xiu, Sun Xingyan (Anhui) "Luzhou Mansion Chronicles" contains "Chaohu Holy Concubine Temple, in Laoshan Mountain. The temple was built during the Jin Dynasty. [Southern Tang Dynasty] Zhang Zhen's "Reconstruction of Chaohu Taimu Temple" said: "Chaohu Taimu, surnamed Ning, is also from ancient Chaozhou." "[Qing] Guangxu period "Chaohu Chronicles" said, Chaohu literature and history expert Li Enshou repeatedly examined, "cover this god, surnamed Ning, live in Chaozhou"; "My surname is Ning, a native of Guchaozhou". Because it is married to Jiao's, it is commonly known as Jiao's grandmother; Sacrificing incense and calling the grandmother, it is really one person. Later generations called Grandma. [Song] Zheng Qiao's "Tongzhi Clan: Clan Brief (13)" said: "The sound of the Basking clan died in ancient times, and now corresponds to the sound of 'mǔ'. "There are residents in Jiangsu, Chengde, Hebei, Xuzhou, Jiangsu (less than 100 people), and Taiwan.

4. "Old woman" is used in place names. 1) Tianmu Mountain, also known as Tianmu Mountain. Located in Xinchang, Zhejiang, there are also scenic spots such as Grandma (Mother) Rock, Tianmu (Mother) Eagle, Tianmu (Mother) Dragon Pond and so on. "Teaching and Management" (No. 6, 1987) contains the article "<梦游天姥吟留别>Examination of Ideological Content - Occasional Achievements in the Teaching of Ancient Poetry", which reads: "The third volume of the Chinese Textbook for Senior High Schools (the first edition of the People's Education Publishing House in September 1984) selects the poem "Sleepwalking in the Sky and Leaving Farewell" by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai; In the same volume, "Teaching Reference Book" (People's Education Publishing House, 2nd edition, 1985), "'Sleepwalking in the Sky and Leaving Farewell' Synchronous Practice: Appreciation of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Prose" [Renjiao (Senior 2) New Course Standard Edition Elective], all of them pronounced 'Tianmu' as mǔ. Wei Xiuqi published an article "Appreciation of Tianmu Shen Yun Lessons" in "Classical Literature Knowledge" (No. 4, 2002), Geng Wenchao and Chen Lufeng published an article "Lesson Appreciation" in "Chinese Teaching Newsletter" (No. □1, 2013), <梦游天姥吟留别>and Xing Wenzhi published an article "No Dreams Say Dreams ?—— Reading" in "Mountain Flowers" (No. 17, 2008<梦游天姥吟留别>). It is said that the "姥" in Tianmu Mountain means the old woman, and should be pronounced "mǔ", not "lǎo". Chen Pingyuan, an expert in Jin Yong's research, and Zhang Yiwu, a professor in the Department of Chinese at Peking University, both said that the character "姥" should be pronounced "mother" when referring to Tianshan Tong Grandma in the "Eight Divisions of the Heavenly Dragon". Located in the territory of Fuding City in the northeastern part of Fujian Province, the "grandmother" of Taimu Mountain is also pronounced "mǔ". It is different from Tianmu Mountain in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Deng Qitong, "Words that are easy to make mistakes and easy to mistake" (p. 128), says: "'天姥 (mǔ) 山' is easily mispronounced as '天lǎo 山'. "It should be noted that Tianmu Mountain should be distinguished from Tianmu Mountain (located in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province).

(2) Taimu Mountain: also known as Taimu Peak. In the northeast of Fujian Province, Fuding City is just south (one said to be the prototype of Tianmu Mountain where Bai sleepwalks), which is a national geological park. There is also Taimuyang Village in Taimushan Town. CCTV's "Geography China" (April 1, 2011) broadcast "Strange Peaks Out of the South, East China Sea Taimu Peak Magical Natural Mystery Machine", read as "Tai Mǔ Peak". There is also Tianmu Peak in the Tianhe Scenic Area of Ninghai County in the Grand Canyon of East Zhejiang.

(3) Peng Mu Ling and Peng Mu Village, which are said in one place. Peng Muling in the south of Nanlongnan Township, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province: Peng Muling in Yuyao County recorded in the Minutes of Fang Yu (Volume 92); Peng Mu Village, Zhidan Town, Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province (Zheng Songcai in the "China Nationalities Expo" (2015 No. 4) published an article "Xiangshan Tang Dynasty County Zhi Peng Mu Village Site Examination", which recorded: "In the second year of Tang Shenlong, Xiangshan County was established in Peng Mu Village. "Yuanhe County Chronicles": "Pengmu Village, Xiangshan Mountain, Zhi County". "Xiangshan" is a county under the jurisdiction of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. Pengmu Village is in the area of Pengmu Ridge.

(4) Dou Mu Palace. a building viewing platform in Zhongnan Mountain, Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City; One is in Heming Mountain, Dayi, Sichuan. The fifth is Peng Muling: in the south of Nanlongnan Township, Cixi City, Zhejiang. "Fangyu Minutes" (Volume 92) Yuyao County: "Laoling" is fifteen miles northeast of the county. Go east to Candle Creek Lake for five miles".

(5) Du Mada's house. "Zizhi Tongjian", "Book of Jin" and Li Na Guowei's "Southern Dynasty's "Mansion Gate" - Du Mu Mansion Examination" contained in "Yan Zhao Academic" (2011, No. 2), all record that the Eastern Jin Dynasty Emperor Du's mother Empress Pei Shi was in the south of Taicheng in Jiankang Six Dynasties, in the south of the Qianhe River in present-day Nanjing City, Jiangsu.


(1) Misreading: 1. Wu Huang in "Language Construction" (1995 No. 12) article "Polyphonic Character Place Names to Read Accurately", Zhou Hui in "Shuo Fang" (2011 No. 2) article "Xia Tan Tianmu Mountain" both said that it is often heard that some celebrities "read the '姥' of Tianmu Mountain as 'lǎo'." "2. On the sign introduced by the above-mentioned "Tianmu Peak" scenic spot, the pinyin of "Lao" is written as "lao". New Media 360 Q&A (December 19, 2016) transmitted, "Li <梦游天姥吟留别>Bai's Poems D Pronunciation", saying that the pronunciation of "姥" in "sleepwalking in the sky and leaving farewell" is "lǎo". Experts believe that the "vowel" sound should be pronounced.

(2) Misspelling: the noun "Tong Mu" (e.g., Tianshan Tong Mu in "Tianlong Babu", is the first generation head of the Tianshan School)) is pronounced as "Tong Mǔ"; It can't be written as "Tong Lao", this is because: "Tong Mao", which means an old lady like a little girl. Aunt: Usually refers to an elderly woman. And "guy" has a contemptuous connotation, such as "fat guy", "broad guy", "hillbilly", "gringo", etc. ”

1. Gu Huaying wrote an article "Tong Ma" is mistaken for a "Tong Lao" in the magazine "Biting Wen and Chewing Words" (Issue 8, 2010), writing: "In Jin Yong's "Tianlong Babu", there is a Tianshan Tong Lao ...... who is more than 90 years old and still looks like a teenager" 2. Mo Yan's "Life and Death Fatigue" (Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 2008 edition, p. 328), wrote: "The Tianshan Tong Lao in Jin Yong's "Tianlong Babu" who is still in his nineties and still looks like a girl...... Mo Yan mistook "Tianshan Tong Lao" for "Tianshan Tong Lao".