
Qin An: Chang'e-6 Mach 31 went home, is this the reason why the United States absolutely does not dare to send troops in the Taiwan Strait?

author:Qin'an Strategy

#嫦娥六号31马赫是什么概念##张亚中: If there is a war in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will never send troops#Millennial Flying Dream, see Chang'e in the Moon Palace. Chang'e, who should have lived in Guanghan Palace for a long time, returned to her heart like an arrow, and Chang'e-6 went home at a speed of 31 Mahd, which aroused heated discussions among everyone. What is this concept? Mach 1 is 334 m/s, which is the speed of sound. Mach 31 is 31 times the speed of sound, which translates to 11.2 km/s per second. You may not be impressed. Let's move on to the comparison.

Qin An: Chang'e-6 Mach 31 went home, is this the reason why the United States absolutely does not dare to send troops in the Taiwan Strait?

We might as well compare it with the fastest American fighter SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft to know how powerful the Chang'e-6 is at Mach 31, the maximum speed of this American fighter is Mach 3.35, and the speed of Chang'e-6 is more than 6 times that of it. Look at the American AGM-183A hypersonic missile, the speed of which is Mach 20. At the moment all ICBMs do not exceed Mach 27 at a maximum speed. From this, you can see the great deterrent power displayed by Chang'e-6 Mach 31.

In other words, if China pursues the "law of the jungle" like the United States, the speed at which its intercontinental missiles hit the United States will crush all American missiles, which is why the US aircraft carriers are afraid of the "Dongfeng Express" of the People's Liberation Army and dare not approach.

Zhang Yazhong, the current president of the Sun Wen School, chairman of the Cross-Strait Integration Society, and member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, believes that there will absolutely be no future for "leaning on the United States to seek independence," and that the United States will definitely not send troops if there is a war in the Taiwan Strait. This kind of argument has indeed greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese, and the support for the "Taiwan frogs" fantasizing about "American fathers" is a blow to the head, and this is effective in the game of public opinion and the cognitive war against the United States and the "Taiwan independence" diehards. But at the same time, we must realize that the situation is completely different at the military level, especially when it comes to reunifying Taiwan by force.

On the one hand, Chang'e-6 Mach 31 returned home and told us that the United States did not dare to enter the war, and that the Chinese people and the Chinese army are using great strength to extinguish the attempts of US politicians to intervene in the Taiwan Strait conflict with the "law of the jungle." The reason why the US military does not dare to intervene is absolutely not for any other reason, that is, once it intervenes, it will inevitably be annihilated. This point is not only the indelible memory left by the US military to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but also the glorious course of the PLA from victory to victory, and the powerful combat power that the current five major theaters have honed day and night. Of course, the return of Mach 31 on Chang'e-6 this time also made American politicians, especially the US military, clearer in their minds, and the result of daring to go to war with the PLA will be annihilated.

Qin An: Chang'e-6 Mach 31 went home, is this the reason why the United States absolutely does not dare to send troops in the Taiwan Strait?

Another point of comparison, which needs to be told to you, is that our Chang'e-6 adopted a more complex and high-end route: a semi-ballistic jump reentry method, with a maximum speed of Mach 31. Compared with the U.S. Apollo lunar exploration program half a century ago, even if it is real, it adopts the method of strengthening heat protection and direct re-entry into the atmosphere.

In contrast, the US approach is simple and crude, and it seems that even this capability has been lost. The Chang'e-6 "drifting" return not only alleviates the thermal resistance pressure on the returner, but also demonstrates China's aerospace ability to manage the return path of the spacecraft in a refined and scientific manner. In particular, you will be very excited when you watch the return time: the Chang'e-6 "drifting" method allows the returner to separate from the South Atlantic, cross the Indian Ocean in the east of Africa, and then land precisely in the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia, the whole process spans more than 6,500 kilometers and lasts about 30 minutes.

In other words, compared with the "one-hour global strike capability" that the US military has been exaggerating, China can destroy any US target in half an hour by pre-launching and pre-setting it in space.

On the other hand, in the PLA's operational plan, there must be absolutely no plan that "the United States will absolutely not send troops to fight a war in the Taiwan Strait."

How to deal with American bullying, it is really necessary to refer to the current German-Russian-Ukrainian war. According to the latest news from the Global Times, according to Ukrainian "Pravda" and other media reports on July 2, the Netherlands has completed the final preparations for the transfer of 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, and the fighters "will be delivered soon." The Russian side warns that if the F-16s take part in the fighting, then both they and the airfields where they are located will become legitimate targets.

Qin An: Chang'e-6 Mach 31 went home, is this the reason why the United States absolutely does not dare to send troops in the Taiwan Strait?

Why, despite repeated warnings from Russia, is the United States providing Ukraine with cluster bombs to hit targets on Russian soil? In particular, the provision of F-16 fighters will subversively change the balance of air power between Russia and Ukraine.

Its essence is that Russia did not strike directly at the United States! Although Russia has repeatedly warned the United States and NATO, until now, it has not launched strikes on the United States and NATO's arms transport lines to Ukraine and Germany. This was a strategic mistake. Soon after Russia launched its special military operation, the Qin'an strategy not only proposed that Russia should talk about a protracted war, but also proposed a direct strike on the arms shipments of the United States and NATO to Ukraine.

It is precisely because Russia's warnings have remained in words that the United States and NATO have become increasingly rampant. Now that the United States has allowed Ukraine to use the advanced weapons it provides to strike inside Russia, it is time for the Russian army to act.

Therefore, China has Mach 31 "Chang'e-6" home, and other capabilities that are sufficient to annihilate the US military, it must act. This action does not mean that we will open fire on the US military, "if people do not offend me, I will not offend others", this is our principle. However, it is necessary to take action against warships and warships approaching China's periphery, scurrying through the Taiwan Strait, and even intruding into China's territorial waters in the Xisha Paracels.

Qin An: Chang'e-6 Mach 31 went home, is this the reason why the United States absolutely does not dare to send troops in the Taiwan Strait?

In a word: With capability, we must also take action in order to achieve the goal of "starting a war in the Taiwan Strait, and the US military will not dare to intervene."

Qin'an, July 3, 2024, Tianshui Yuanchuan.

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