
The list is out!

author:Dazhou release

A thousand calls ...

"Chunlai Tongchuan Li Saibi"

The 3rd Charm of the Tsukawa in My Eyes

Creation Contest

Best Work Award (Short Video, Youth Painting, Photography, Youth Composition)

The list of winners is out

The list is out!
The list is out!
The list is out!

The expert jury will strictly score on the spot and carefully screen the works

After the strict control of the industry expert jury

After layers of screening

The list is out

Come and see if there are you?


The list is out!
The list is out!
The list is out!
The list is out!

Take a quick look at the list

Do you have any?

After the Best Work Award is generated, the Organizing Committee of the competition will open a special column on the Tongchuan APP today, focusing on the exhibition of the winning works of the Best Work Award, and selecting the Best Communication Award according to the reading volume during the exhibition.

The Best Communication Award will be announced on July 30, 2024

The list is out!

Stay tuned~

Source: Dazhou Heart Tongchuan Editor: Zheng Shanyuan Editor: Pan Dan

The list is out!
The list is out!
The list is out!