
The county CPPCC held the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee

author:Slightly white river
The county CPPCC held the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee
The county CPPCC held the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee

On July 2, Yu Shengwu, chairman of the county CPPCC, presided over the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee of the county CPPCC. Ji Changbin, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, deputy secretary of the party group of the county CPPCC and minister of the United Front Work Department, and Sun Wen, deputy head of the county government, were invited to attend the meeting.

The county CPPCC held the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee

The meeting conveyed and studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important articles "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up, Continuously Injecting Strong Impetus into Chinese-style Modernization", "The Development of New Quality Productive Forces is the Internal Requirement and Important Focus of Promoting High-quality Development", General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he presided over the Symposium on Promoting the Development of the Western Region in the New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he presided over the fifth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, Important speeches at the conference of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At the meeting, Wei Bin, deputy secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the Supervision Commission, was also invited to conduct special training on discipline education, and reviewed and approved the "Key Points of the Work of the Baihe County Committee of the CPPCC in 2024", "Research Report on Investment Promotion", "Research Report on the Development of Clean Energy Industry", and passed relevant personnel issues.

The county CPPCC held the 12th meeting of the 10th Standing Committee

Yu Shengwu emphasized that learning and understanding General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important expositions is a compulsory course for the CPPCC Standing Committee and cadres of the organs, and it is an urgent need to concentrate on the soul and promote the high-quality development of the CPPCC work in the new era. It is necessary to firmly grasp the political direction of learning, closely follow the performance of duties and responsibilities, grasp learning based on improving the ability of work style, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in the study, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two maintenances". It is necessary to profoundly grasp the new situation, new tasks, new deployments, and new requirements faced by the work of the CPPCC in the new period, focus on the performance of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of politics, play an exemplary role, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the county's economic and social development and the innovative development of the CPPCC work.

Yu Shengwu demanded that we should focus on consultation and discussion of politics and actively make suggestions. With a high sense of political responsibility and a sense of mission in performing duties, we will conduct in-depth research and investigation of the facts, actively make suggestions and practical measures, give play to the role of participating in and discussing politics, and promote scientific and democratic decision-making. It is necessary to focus on reflecting social conditions and public opinion, and be a good decision-making staff. Actively write and submit valuable information on social conditions and public opinions, and jointly promote the high-quality development of social conditions and public opinion information work of the county CPPCC. It is necessary to focus on the handling of proposals and improve people's livelihood and well-being. Pay attention to the transformation of the results of proposals, strengthen daily contacts, broaden ideas, jointly implement proposals, and effectively improve the completion rate and satisfaction of proposals. It is necessary to focus on capacity improvement and ensure the effectiveness of performing duties. Strengthen the self-building and discipline and work style of the CPPCC Standing Committee, keep the bottom line of abiding by discipline and law, and establish a good public image of CPPCC members in the whole society.

Ji Changbin pointed out that all departments should attach great importance to the transformation of the results of the county CPPCC consultation, conscientiously absorb opinions and suggestions, face problems, conduct in-depth research, grasp practical measures, and achieve concretization and list-based; It is necessary to do a good job of combining the handling of proposals with the performance of daily work duties, and regularly carry out "review" to ensure the effectiveness of work. At the same time, it is hoped that CPPCC members will continue to pay attention to and support the united front work, actively make suggestions and suggestions, strengthen normalized communication, and work together to promote the high-quality economic and social development of Baihe.

Author: Wei Zewen

—END—Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yinchun Editor-in-Charge: Tang Guohui Proofreader: Liu Chuan Submission Email: [email protected]

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