
Let the low-altitude economy "fly"! Fengtai found another way to dislocate incubation——

author:Fengtai, Beijing


Local governments have introduced low-altitude economic development plans

Beijing has also written the low-altitude economy into the government work report

As a new quality of productivity focus on cultivation

But Beijing doesn't have enough

And low-altitude airspace resources can be used flexibly

How to develop a low-altitude economy in such a place?

How do you create a competitive advantage?

How to attract enterprises in the industrial chain to settle in?

Fengtai District, Beijing is giving

Reference "Fengtai sample"

Let the low-altitude economy "fly"! Fengtai found another way to dislocate incubation——


Find another way to develop in dislocation

Under the blueprint of low-altitude economy, various places can be described as "eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing its magical powers". In 2024, Fengtai District will clearly propose to develop a low-altitude economy after determining the preliminary form of low-altitude economic industries in the district in combination with a thorough survey.

But there is no escaping the fact that Beijing is a city with limited airspace. Taking civil unmanned aerial vehicles as an example, the vast majority of Beijing's airspace is not suitable for flying (less than 120 meters in height) for such aircraft. To develop a low-altitude economy in such a place, Fengtai District is bound to give a different solution.

The Management Committee of Fengtai Park said that it should be the master of core technology, the formulator of standards, and the designer of the system. "What we need to think about is how to give full play to regional advantages and form dislocation development with all parts of the country under the condition of limited airspace."

According to the "Urban Low-altitude Economy "Linking Power" Index Report (2024), Beijing leads the country in the indicators of enterprise agglomeration, capital activity and innovation agglomeration, while Shenzhen ranks first in the country in terms of environmental friendliness. According to the management committee, compared with scenario- and application-oriented, Fengtai and even other parts of Beijing should carry out differentiated competition, which is more suitable for R&D-oriented.

Some enterprises in Fengtai District also believe that they should find the right positioning and act cautiously. Gao Chunhai, chairman of traffic control technology, is very calm: "The cultivation and growth of the market takes time, neither be overly pessimistic, nor rush in, but find your own advantages and business models." ”


Outstanding scientific research strength and participation in the formulation of industry standards

What is the "confidence" of Fengtai District to create differentiated competition? In this regard, the Fengtai Park Management Committee provided a set of data:

Fengtai has 2 national key laboratories and 9 national enterprise technology centers; It has two 100-billion-level industrial clusters of rail transit and aerospace; The initial form of low-altitude economy has been formed, with 115 key low-altitude economic enterprises and 110 peripheral affiliated enterprises gathered in the zone, distributed in the industrial chain links such as low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude support, low-altitude flight and comprehensive services. Among them, there are 16 core enterprises in the fields of unmanned aerial vehicles, low-altitude defense systems, high-precision navigation, radar, communication equipment, etc., with an output value of nearly 40 billion yuan.

In the region, the First Academy of Aerospace, the Third Academy of Aerospace, and the Eleventh Academy of Aerospace have all included low-altitude economy in key research areas. Among them, the 11th Academy of Aerospace holds the listed company Aerospace Rainbow, which has the most complete UAV spectrum in China, and its Rainbow 8 series UAV, Rainbow-3, Rainbow-4, etc. can be applied to the domestic civil low-altitude economy. Beijing Yinglong UAV Technology Co., Ltd., a private enterprise, will settle in Fengtai Park in May 2023, and also focus on the R&D and innovation of UAV core components, flight control systems, and UAV machines.

In the field of airspace management and flight support, Yuanfei Technology in Fengtai District has held a national UAV cloud system license, and China General Number, Traffic Control Technology, and CSSC SITC have achieved phased breakthroughs.

In order to seek new market opportunities at low altitudes, Traffic Control Technology and China General Signal have migrated safety control, intelligent perception, dispatching and command technologies to the field of low-altitude airspace management.

The proximity to the approval department can greatly improve the market access efficiency of enterprises. It is understood that the airspace management, aircraft access, flight control, and safety management involved in the low-altitude economy all involve the power of the state, and local governments can only participate in limited areas within the scope of local powers. For example, the Fengtai Park Management Committee said that Xi'an Aisheng UAV, a secondary subsidiary of the North Industries Group, is preparing to land in Fengtai, and the main factor that attracts it is that it can be closer to the approval department and research institutions, and it is easier to attract high-end scientific research talents.

Fengtai District also plans to support enterprises to carry out standard formulation around low-altitude manufacturing, flight applications, infrastructure, flight supervision, service guarantee, etc., and form a number of industry standards and national standards that Fengtai enterprises participate in drafting and formulating.

Let's go

Create ecology and build a platform to attract enterprises to compete for habitat

To the west of the Yongding River, Fengtai Park is planning to build a 2 million square meter low-altitude economic industrial park. Among them, the R&D base and the manufacturing base each account for 1 million square meters. So far, 260,000 square meters of factory space and 5,000 sets of public rental housing for talents have been prepared for CRRC No. 27 Factory and Shougang No. 2 Tong Factory, which can directly connect with enterprises and talents.

It is reported that the Xinzhuang area will rely on the collective industrial land of Xinzhuang Village, Beigong Town, to build a UAV manufacturing R&D and application verification base. The West 2nd District will build a low-altitude innovation R&D and intelligent manufacturing center, where future technology research and development, aircraft manufacturing and low-altitude application scenario display will be located.

To create a "Fengtai sample", you can't just talk about it; When enterprises enter the game, they must also choose a good place to live. In addition to planning and building a low-altitude economic industrial park to create physical space for industrial chain enterprises, Fengtai is also building a foundation for the development of low-altitude economy in a more comprehensive and three-dimensional way by setting up industrial funds and creating industrial ecology.

In addition, Fengtai District is planning to set up a low-altitude economic industry development fund to jointly promote the rapid and high-quality development of low-altitude economic industries with leading enterprises and social investment institutions. At the Beijing level, the "Beijing Action Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economic Industries 2024-2027 (Draft for Comments)" released a few days ago also mentioned that it is necessary to set up a low-altitude industry fund to guide social capital and professional institutions to invest in low-altitude industrial projects. The Management Committee of Fengtai Park said, "In the future, funds will be set up in different ways, such as cooperation at the urban and urban levels and integration of social forces." For the enterprises settled in the park, Fengtai District has industrial policies that are being implemented, such as "Unicorn Eight" and "Feng Nine".

In terms of building an industrial ecology, the Fengtai District Government initiated the establishment of the Beijing Low-altitude Economic Industry Development Alliance in April this year, with the goal of gathering upstream and downstream resources of the industrial chain, building a collaborative platform for government, industry, learning, research and use, and forming a low-altitude economic and industrial ecology.

"We plan to build the alliance into a platform for information sharing, technical exchanges, and complementary resources," said the Fengtai Park Management Committee. After the establishment of the alliance, relevant enterprises, research institutions, and universities will be able to know the development ideas of Fengtai or Beijing around the alliance. At the same time, the formation of cooperation between each other, for example, I don't know the company, he doesn't know what his peers can do, through the industry alliance to understand the formation of cooperation immediately, under a banner to do things, this is the ecology. When the ecology is formed, industrial resources will continue to gather and form linkages. ”


Only if you manage it well can you fly Focus on the air traffic control system

The Management Committee of Fengtai Park and the enterprises in the area have solved the problem of low-altitude development from different angles - to fly, you have to manage it well. "The core of solving the airspace problem is the safety and reliability of the technology, and the airspace restriction problem can only be solved when the low-altitude air traffic control system is mature and stable." The Management Committee believes.

To this end, Fengtai plans to integrate China General Signal, Traffic Control Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yuanfei Technology, etc., to establish a low-altitude flight control research center to carry out research and development, incubation and investment in related technologies. It is expected to launch 1-2 more mature management and control systems within 1 year, and then 1-2 years, enterprise-oriented to promote demonstrations in various places to improve product reliability and promote product process improvement. At the same time, Fengtai District will also focus on the research and development of key technologies for aircraft development and ground supporting service systems and equipment. As the technology matures, the gates of the low-altitude city will open wider and wider.

High-altitude aircraft are large and few, and low-altitude aircraft are numerous and dense. Therefore, in the face of a large number of low-altitude aircraft with different standards, the low-altitude airspace management system is indispensable. Zhang Gang, chairman of Yuanfei Technology, believes that manufacturing, operation and operation are the three main links of low-altitude development, among which operation is the bridge to provide security, manage airspace, and link manufacturing and operation. The main body of the operation link is divided into the top-level leadership and management mechanism, the digital airspace management system in the middle, and the infrastructure as the underlying support.

Source: Finance Associated Press

Intern Editor: Qian Yixin

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