
Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

author:Shanghai Jing'an
Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......
Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

In the bustling city of Shanghai, the Fangua Lane community has become a microcosm of an era with its unique identity and story. This new workers' village, which was built in the 60s of the last century, has witnessed the development of Shanghai and carries the warm memories of countless families. However, as time goes by, the aging of the houses and the obsolescence of the facilities have made the residents' calls for better living conditions stronger.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

In 2023, the Jing'an District Party Committee and the District Government will list the renovation (demolition and reconstruction) of the old housing in the Fangua Lane Community as a key project for the transformation of the "two olds". In the face of this major livelihood project, the party members in the community responded positively and became the backbone of the project with the spirit of "a party member is a banner".

However, with the completion of the relocation, the 109 party members began a three-and-a-half-year transition period. Their residences are scattered in Jing'an, Putuo, Baoshan, Pudong, and even as far as Qingpu and Fengxian, which undoubtedly brings unprecedented challenges to the daily education and management of party members. In the face of this situation, the general party branch of the residential area of Fangua Lane rose to the challenge, actively explored and innovated, and took the "three alliances and three forces" as the starting point, and strived to build Fangua Lane into a happy home for residents.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Standardization of organizational joint construction

Formation of the Party

During the visit, the general party branch of the residential area of Fangua Lane conducted a comprehensive combing of the basic situation of 109 transitional party members abroad, established a detailed party member file, and realized the precise management of "one person, one file".

At the same time, they communicated and negotiated with the property owner North Group and the construction party China Railway 24th Bureau, and jointly established the temporary party branch of the old housing reconstruction (demolition and reconstruction) project in the Fangua Lane community. This temporary party branch has become an important bridge and link between all parties, ensuring smooth information communication and problem solving.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

After the establishment of the temporary party branch, a series of special party class joint learning and theme party day joint activities were carried out, and the "three meetings and one lesson" with the characteristics of sweet gourd lane were successfully created. Up to now, it has successfully held 2 joint construction and joint construction visits and 2 special party discipline education.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

In addition, the temporary party branch also adopts the method of regular door-to-door visits, implements the "pairing contact system", and sends the "regulations" to the door of the "online + offline" mode to ensure that party discipline education covers every party member. Combined with the summer cooling activities, they personally brought condolences and party member learning materials to visit the party members who were transitioning outside.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Zhu Xiaorong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Fangua Lane Residential Area, said:

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

"Considering that some party members live far away and it is inconvenient to participate in the life of the organization, we deliberately send learning materials to the door so that they can keep abreast of the work dynamics and learning content of the party organization."

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

This kind of intimate care and warm greetings made the party members feel the warmth and care of the party organization, and realized "the separation of people and the hearts of the people".

Harmony and co-creation are normalized

Inject momentum into party building

In the process of reform, two problems emerged. First, the residents of the Beisheng Building in the undemolished area have been affected in their daily lives because they are too close to the construction site; Second, the residents who are in transition are too far away to keep abreast of the progress of the project, and their hearts are full of doubts.

To solve these problems,

The general party branch of the residential area has played an active role

The leading role of the temporary party branch.

They held a joint meeting on the 10th of each month to report the progress of the project, solve the problems of noise, dust, sewage pipeline dredging, manhole cover replacement and other problems generated during construction, and jointly deployed flood control and platform prevention work. The strength of the temporary party branch has successfully transformed the cohesion of party building into a powerful driving force to push the project forward.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

At the same time, in order to strengthen the connection with the party members living abroad, the party branch will invite them to "go back to their parents' home" to see every important construction node, so that they can understand the progress and changes of the project on the spot.

Uncle Chen in Room 401 of Building 6 is one of them. He was a veteran party member who was named a model worker in Shanghai in 1978 and is full of expectations and support for this reconstruction. He took the lead in signing the contract early and moved his family to Qingpu District.

Although he left the familiar environment, Uncle Chen's heart was always concerned about Sweet Gourd Lane: "The party branch's concern for us makes us reluctant to leave this big family." Every time we go back to our parents' house to see the changes in the community, we are also very happy and proud. ”

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

These measures of the temporary party branch not only effectively alleviated the contradictions between "far and near", strengthened the support and confidence of nearby residents for the old renovation project, but also allowed residents living outside to wait for the day of return with peace of mind.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Regionalization of resource sharing

Stimulate the vitality of party building

In order to further improve

the quality and level of party building work,

The temporary party branch actively integrates the resources of all parties,

Provide more convenient services and support to residents.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Since the beginning of this year, the temporary party branch and the rotating unit of the Tianmu Party Building Alliance, Donghao Lansheng Group, have carried out double pairing activities. During the Spring Festival, Donghao Lansheng Group came to the door to care for 5 families in the undemolished area. Yingdong Law Firm also regularly comes to the residential area every month to provide legal assistance and answer legal questions for residents in the old reform.

In addition, the temporary party branch also actively communicated with the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee and successfully coordinated the project department of the Beiheng Passage to vacate the east site in advance to support the construction of the dormitory area for the construction personnel of the Fangua Lane project. At the same time, they also successfully coordinated the office space of Fangua Lane Primary School as the project headquarters and are about to complete the handover of the keys.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Zhu Xiaorong said that in the future, she will continue to work as a "mother's family" to actively explore the education and management service mechanism of party members separated from households by carrying out more various forms of activities, so as to improve the sense of belonging and happiness of party members.

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

Renderings, subject to actual delivery

Today's Fangua Lane is in full swing of construction, through the practice of the concept of "people's city", do a good job in party building to lead the practice of urban renewal, and strive to let residents truly realize their dream of a new home as soon as possible, and strive to write a new chapter of "city, make life better".

Reporter: Chen Jie Picture: Tianmu West Road Street Editor: Shi Xiaoyu Reprinted, please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Jing'an

Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......

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Households are separated, and people's hearts are inseparable! The "mother's family" of Sweet Gourd Lane brought them together again......