
The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

author:Imaginary 307
The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao


According to the record of "Wei Zhi: The Biography of the Concubine", Cao Cao only had fifteen wives and concubines with names and surnames - the original wife Ding. Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, was not born to Ding and Bian, but to Cao Cao's concubine, Lady Liu, but Ding was Cao Ang's adoptive mother (this was the ancient rule), and broke with Cao Cao because Cao Ang's death in the Battle of Wancheng was too unworthy, and later left alone.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cao Cao Park in Bozhou, Anhui Province】

The remaining fourteen concubines are Bian, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Huan, Mrs. Du, Mrs. Qin, Mrs. Yin, Wang Zhaoyi, Sun Ji, Li Ji, Zhou Ji, Liu Ji, Song Ji, Zhao Ji, and Chen Concubine.

After Ding's anger left, Cao Cao arranged for Bian's to become a wife from a concubine, and Bian's was also very powerful, and successively gave birth to Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of Wei, Cao Zhang, King of Renchengwei, Cao Zhi, King of Chen Si, and Cao Xiong, King of Xiao Huai, but Bian's background could not be changed - Mrs. Bian was born in a family, and her family was a happy person.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Sancao Statue】

Here's a brief explanation of the advocates. In ancient times, it mainly referred to musicians engaged in music and dance, and sometimes in ancient books, it also referred to courtesans or even prostitutes. This is a specific occupational group in ancient societies that was based on family units, passed down from generation to generation, and was mainly engaged in performing arts. In the Han Dynasty (including the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty), the advocate family belonged to the nature of a folk performing arts group, often going in and out of the homes of the powerful and wealthy, performing songs, dances, and tricks at banquets and gatherings, also known as "singing people" or "advocating people".

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[Advocating is a fixed profession and family]

First, the picture repays the favor, Cao Cao is happy

Yin, originally the daughter-in-law of the general He Jin in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, He Jin died indecisively at the hands of eunuchs, and when his son also died young, leaving Yin and his son He Yan.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[Xudu, now in Xuchang City, Henan Province]

Speaking of which, He Jin has the grace of knowing Cao Cao. The general He Jin once formed a cavalry to garrison the Beijing Division, boldly used Cao Cao, who was only a little famous at the time, and gave Cao Cao a military general position of cavalry captain, and then Cao Cao was sent to the Yingchuan area, followed by the famous general Huangfu Song and others to fight against the Yellow Turban Rebel Army, Cao Cao's real starting point, it was He Jin to give him this cavalry captain.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Eastern Han Dynasty Bronze Carriage】

In the first year of Jian'an (196 AD), Cao Cao took Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and moved to Xudu (that is, the eastern part of Jian'an District, Xuchang City, Henan Province), and soon Cao Cao was double happy: Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty canonized Cao Cao as Sikong (the three dukes of the Han Dynasty were the three most prominent official positions, namely Sima, Situ, and Sikong), Cao Cao took Yin as a concubine and took Yin's son He Yan to live with him, and Cao Cao was 42 years old this year.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was also helpless]

Yin was already relatively old at this time, and he wanted to keep the festival but considering that he was helpless and still had He Yan, he did not object in his heart, and later married Cao Cao and gave birth to Cao Ju, the king of Fan Yang Min. As for Yin's son He Yan (that is, the grandson of the former general He Jin), Cao Cao treated him very well, and even married his daughter Princess Jinxiang to He Yan.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[I'm afraid the image of Cao Cao in the play is not easy to change]

Second, Zhan Zhang embroidery, Wancheng love story

Shao Shi was originally the wife of Zhang Ji among the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, after Zhang Ji's death, Shao Shi did not remarry but lived with Zhang Ji's nephew Zhang Xiu. In the first month of the second year of Jian'an (197 AD), Cao Cao led the army to defeat Zhang Xiu and stationed in Shuishui.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Wancheng District, Nanyang City, Henan Province】

Zhang Xiu led his troops to surrender to Cao Cao, and after Cao Cao's great joy, he still arranged for Zhang Xiu to garrison Wancheng (now in Wancheng District, Nanyang City, Henan Province), and the two sides were "familiar at first sight". As a result, after coming and going and walking many times, Cao Cao accidentally discovered the Shaw Family, and immediately coveted it, and developed to the extent of longing and loneliness all day long, Cao Cao was 43 years old this year.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[The battle of Wancheng just made Cao Cao slightly restrained in this regard]

As a result, Cao Cao first cooked the raw rice into mature rice, and then directly made it clear to Zhang Xiu, and publicly wanted to accept the Shao family as a concubine, Cao Cao even sent gold and silver to Hu Che'er, the fierce general of Zhang Xiu's subordinates, and sat down to buy people's hearts. All these made Zhang Xiu ashamed and angry, so he decided to turn back. Everyone knows the rest of the matter, for the romantic love story of Wancheng, Cao Cao paid a total of painful prices such as his eldest son Cao Ang, nephew Cao Anmin, general Dian Wei, and his beloved mount.

It was also after this incident that Cao Cao's original wife Ding went away in anger, and Bian was able to correct him.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Bozhou Underground Troop Transport Road】

Third, capture Lu Bu, Meng De will be the groom again

Du Shi was originally the wife of Qin Yilu, a general of Lu Bu's department, at that time Lu Bu was stationed in Xiapi (Suining County, Xuzhou City), with few small soldiers, and at that time Yuan Shu's power was very large, Lu Bu was worried that Cao Cao would attack at any time and wanted to take refuge in Yuan Shu as a backer, so he sent Qin Yilu to envoy Yuan Shu.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cultural relics unearthed from Cao Wei series mausoleums】

However, Yuan Shu saw that Qin Yilu was very appreciative, not only forced Qin Yilu to stay, but also married him to the daughter of the Han family, but the Du family, who was waiting for Qin Yilu's return, finally waited for a letter of resignation, so he had to take his son Qin Lang to commit to Lu Bu and still live in Xiapi.

In the third year of Jian'an (198 AD), Cao Cao heard that Du was as beautiful as a flower before breaking Lu Bu, and after capturing Lu Bu, he forcibly married Du Shi, and specially took Du's son Qin Lang to live together, Cao Cao was 44 years old this year.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cultural relics unearthed from Cao Wei series mausoleums】

Cao Cao loved this stepson very much, and even boasted of it: How many children in the world can be as good as the children born to my wife and concubine and ex-husband. Du is also very competitive, and has at least two sons and one daughter with Cao Cao, namely Cao Lin, Cao Gon, and Princess Jinxiang. After the establishment of Cao Wei, Cao Lin was named King Pei, so Du was also known as the concubine of Pei Wang, and Du lived a long life, so it is inferred that she lived at least until after the Gaopingling Revolution (249 AD).

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cultural relics unearthed from Cao Wei series mausoleums】

Fourth, break Yuan Shao, father and son marry at the same time

The key battle to defeat Yuan Shao took place from June of the fourth year of Jian'an (199 AD) to October of the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD), Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, the largest prince of the time, at Guandu, and Yuan Shao died of grief and anger soon after. In the following years, Cao Cao exterminated the three most powerful sons of Yuan Shao's many children, namely Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang, one by one, and finally took all the Yuan clan's territory for himself, and by the way, also attacked the Wuhuan forces.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

However, for Yuan's family, Cao Cao dealt with it like this: Cao Cao married Yuan Shao's wife Liu (another Liu, not Cao Ang's biological mother Liu), Cao Cao's son Cao Pi married Yuan Shao's daughter-in-law, the wife of the second son Yuan Xi Zhen - according to legend it is called Zhen Mi [fú], in fact, there is no name in the official history, Zhen married into the Yuan family at the age of 18.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

The Zhen family is actually a rare famous family among the wives and concubines of the Cao family. Zhen was born in the fifth year of Guanghe (183 AD), Zhongshan Wuji people (that is, the current Wuji County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province), the descendants of Zhen Han of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Zhen Han's father-in-law Boshan Marquis Kongguang is the fourteenth grandson of Confucius, the son of Taishi Kong Ba, successively served as a general, prime minister, Taifu, Taishi and other high-ranking officials, and also an auxiliary minister of the Four Dynasties.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

In fact, Cao Cao's initial target was not Yuan Shao's wife, but the love of Zhen's beauty and fame that he would never forget and aspire to win. It's just that Cao Pi, who is also worried about his heart, gave him a head start, Cao Pi was 17 years old that year, and Zhen was 22 years old.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Xuchang imitation of the ancient city of the late Han Dynasty】


If you count the courtesan Lai Ying'er in Luoyang, who is legendary in wild history, Cao Cao had at least sixteen wives and concubines. About this Yinger, the Teochew opera "Cao Ying Love Song" in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province tells this legendary story, and it also won the 7th Excellent Work Award of Guangdong Province that year.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cao Cao Sculpture: Calm Version】

Cao Cao has one thing that is really rare: Cao Cao has done a really good job of these wives and concubines and their children who come from different backgrounds, have complex backgrounds, and have managed their families very well. If there is, there will be clues in the official history, and the wild history will be described in detail.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[Cao Cao Sculpture: Domineering Version]

Speaking of which, the label of a lover of the dead is definitely worthy of the name and cannot be shaken off when attached to Cao Cao. So is it necessary to first analyze Cao Cao's growth experience and psychological trajectory, and then explain why Cao Cao has this hobby from a scientific or even medical point of view?

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

【Cao Cao Sculpture: Contemplative Edition】

Not at all, just know that there is such a thing, and you don't have to drill the horns. Current events and heroes often fulfill each other, and any historical hero is multifaceted and complex, and they have both the past, bad habits and bestiality of human civilization, as well as the future, humanity and even some divinity of human civilization.

The label of lovers of the surviving cannot be shaken off when it is attached to Cao Cao

[Cao Cao's real appearance is actually unknown to anyone, and this version appears more]

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