
Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

author:Yibin release
Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment
Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

On the morning of July 2, Liao Wenbin, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, led a team to Xuzhou District and Cuiping District to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment, and put forward clear requirements for related work.

Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

Liao Wenbin supervised the sewage overflow remediation work at the Fenghuangxi Xinyuewan Pumping Station in Xuzhou District

Liao Wenbin and his entourage successively went to Fenghuangxi Xinyuewan Pumping Station, Future City and Modern City in Xuzhou District to supervise the sewage overflow remediation of the pumping station, the rectification of the sewage overflow in the Future City and the remediation of the tailwater outlet of the Baixi Sewage Treatment Plant. Liao Wenbin pointed out that the sewage system remediation work is based on the long-term development of the city, optimize the urban water ecological environment, improve the urban sewage system, and improve the quality of urban functions, and is also an important livelihood project. All relevant departments at all levels in the city should resolutely implement the responsibility of water environmental protection, adhere to the problem-oriented, both the symptoms and the root causes, thoroughly investigate and comprehensively find out the problems and hidden dangers in the urban sewage treatment work, scientifically formulate a work plan, concentrate forces and resources, accelerate the rectification and rectification, and effectively understand the situation, investigate in place, and solve problems. The relevant municipal departments and local governments shall strengthen the standardized management of sewage pumping stations and sewage treatment plants in the central urban area, ensure the normal and intact operation of sewage treatment facilities, and effectively carry out sewage collection and treatment and water quality monitoring. At the same time, we should persistently promote the prevention and control of urban water pollution, so as to lay a solid foundation for building a livable and workable city.

Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

In the riverside park in Cuiping District, Liao Wenbin supervised flood prevention and disaster reduction, the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River, and the mixed drainage and remediation of rainwater and sewage in culverts

On the Jinsha River Trail in Binhe Park, Cuiping District, Liao Wenbin and his entourage watched the scene, listened to reports, carried out river patrol work along the way, and supervised flood prevention and disaster reduction, the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River, and the mixed drainage and remediation of rain and sewage in culverts. Liao Wenbin pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on visiting Sichuan Laiyi, resolutely establish upstream awareness, shoulder upstream responsibilities, and strictly benchmark the three-year action plan of "guarding the clear water of a river", thoroughly implement the river chief system, and increase the intensity of river patrol, river investigation and river governance; We will do a more solid and effective job in banning fishing in the Yangtze River, and further consolidate the results of banning and retiring fishing. On the premise of ensuring safety, we should vigorously and orderly promote the dredging and restoration of culverts, continue to maintain the water ecological environment with clear water, green banks and beautiful scenery, and ensure that the clear water of the river flows eastward.

Liao Wenbin stressed that it is currently the flood season, and extreme weather such as strong winds, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and high temperature are prone to occur, and risks and hidden dangers are intertwined and superimposed, and the security situation is more severe and complex. The whole city should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought relief, based on the prevention of major floods, major droughts, and disaster relief, with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", further grasp the work of flood prevention and disaster reduction and geological disaster prevention and response, and make every effort to protect the safety of people's lives and property. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of prevention, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers at key points and weak links, improve the early warning "call and response" mechanism, timely and accurately do a good job in flood and drought monitoring, forecasting and early warning, strictly implement the "three avoidances" and "three emergency evacuations", and resolutely prevent major casualties. It is necessary to strengthen emergency preparedness, prepare sufficient equipment and materials, prepare and strengthen emergency forces, earnestly do a good job in civil air defense, physical defense, and technical defense, improve work plans, strengthen joint drills, and ensure that emergency rescue can be put into full time in case of emergency. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility for compaction, strictly implement the system of 24-hour duty and leadership in the flood season, strive to build a smallest, comprehensive coverage, strict and effective responsibility implementation system, resolutely win the tough battle of flood and drought disaster prevention, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the flood.

Vice Mayor Zhou Wenyu participated in the supervision.

Yibin released a WeChat public account

Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment
Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

Source丨Yibin Financial Media Reporter丨Wang Yu, Guo Xiaojuan, Cao Jiang

Editor丨Zhao Bei

Editor丨Luo Wenxin, producer丨Huang Ruiqi

Liao Wenbin led a team to carry out river patrol and supervise flood prevention and disaster reduction and urban domestic sewage treatment

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