
She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

author:Simple clothes and vegetarian food


Statement: This story is pure fiction, if there is a similarity is a coincidence, please do not sit in the opposite number, you know!!

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When the nanny Guan Fen came out of the bathroom, she saw that Mr. Li had already sat down on the chair in front of Junjun's bed. He also carried a large black backpack on his back.

He wears a short-sleeved white T-shirt with two thin black trims on the neckline and cuffs. Yu Qingshuang still has calmness.

Without glasses, he was a little more gentle than usual, wearing only his daily watch on his wrist, although he had a smile on his face, the faint tiredness under his eyes still showed his dustiness.

Junjun was half-lying on the bed, and the tears in his eyes flowed freely, like a river that opened the gates, flowing around on his little face.

Silent and turbulent. Only the tip of the small nose fluttered slightly.

The long, dark eyelashes were wet and stained with sparkling tears. Like angel wings flying in the rain.

Mr. Li said softly: "It's over, don't cry, be careful to pull the wound." ”

Junjun nodded, trying to hold back his tears. But the tears flowed even harder.

Guan Fen took a tissue, Mr. Li took it, and wiped the tears from his daughter's face like a feather.

Junjun finally slowly stopped his tears. Guan Fen asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?" ”

Junjun nodded, and said, "I didn't expect Dad to come." ”

Mr. Li said: "This is a normal situation, although I have undergone surgery, there is still some inflammation in my stomach that has not gone away. And there are wounds. It will be fine in two days. Don't worry. ”

Guan Fen said: "Mr. Li, give me your bag and help you put it in the cabinet." ”

Mr. Li got up and said, "I'll just let it go myself." ”

He put the bag in the cupboard, looked around the room again, and said, "Isn't there anyone living in these two beds?" ”

Guan Fen said: "Miss Qian's friend found someone, and it was not long before she was replaced. The room where I stayed last night had all three beds full. I'm afraid that Junjun won't rest well. ”

Mr. Li nodded and said, "Other things can be delayed, but appendicitis can't be delayed." She was supposed to be discharged from the hospital within a few days, so I asked her not to transfer to the hospital. It's certainly better to have a separate ward now. ”

Guan Fen said: "Yes, there are people coming and going in that ward, and it is much quieter here." ”

Junjun asked, "Dad, why are you here?" ”

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

Mr. Li sat down in front of the hospital bed, rested his elbows on the back of the chair and said, "You are sick, I will definitely come over." ”

Junjun smiled and asked again, "Did you come here on the earliest plane?" ”

Mr. Li said, "Yes, I waited until you got out of the operating room last night before going to bed, and then I took the earliest plane of the day to come over. After getting off the plane, I took the car first, and then took the subway. ”

Junjun asked, "Why do you still want to take the subway?" ”

Guan Fen smiled: "Because the subway is the fastest." ”

Mr. Li's mobile phone rang, he looked at it and picked it up, it was a matter of work, he whispered a few words and hung up.

When the takeaway arrived, Guan Fen went out and brought it in, and said to Mr. Li, "You and Junjun eat first, and I'll order another one." ”

Mr. Li said, "No, I'm not hungry. You eat it. ”

It just so happened that Junjun's needle was also finished, and after the nurse came to dial the needle, she fixed the indwelling needle with adhesive tape, and said gently and happily: "You can eat liquid food." ”

Mr. Li said, "Okay, thank you. ”

Mr. Li pressed the button to stretch the head of the bed and asked Junjun, "Is this okay?" ”

It wasn't until Junjun said it was okay that he put a pillow on Junjun's back and made her half-sitting.

Guan Fen was already standing aside with porridge and waiting for Mr. Li to put down the small table.

Mr. Li reached out and took the porridge from Guan Fen's hand and said, "I'll feed her." ”

Junjun whispered, "I can eat it myself." ”

Mr. Li said, "It's inconvenient for you to eat by yourself, I'll feed you." ”

Junjun glanced at Guan Fen with some embarrassment.

Mr. Li scooped a spoonful of porridge and fed it to Junjun, and naturally whispered, "I have fed all four of you." Especially your brother, when he is five or six years old, Aunt Wang and I still feed him. At that time, as soon as it was time to eat, he looked around, and his hands kept moving. ”

Junjun laughed twice, then immediately frowned, and stopped with some pain.

Guan Fen was afraid that the porridge water would fall on the sheets, so she took a few tissues and handed them to Junjun, and she took them and put them on her chin. The little arm was thin and white, and there was an indwelling needle on the back of the hand, which was really pitiful.

It's also an elegant little beauty when you're sick.

Mr. Li chatted with her while feeding her porridge: "You were very well-behaved when you were a child, and at the earliest, your mother and I had to go to work in the company. So you and your brother are on your grandparents' side. Every time we go back, you are quiet and don't cry or make trouble. ”

Junjun asked, "What about later?" ”

Mr. Li said, "Later, ,,," At this point, he did not say any more.

Instead, he put the spoon in the porridge bowl, took a paper towel, carefully wiped the corners of Junjun's mouth, and then picked up the spoon again to feed her.

A nurse came in and asked, "Have you ever been on the ground?" ”

Guan Fen replied: "Not yet." ”

The nurse smiled and said to Junjun, "If it doesn't hurt too much, let's try to get down to the ground and walk slowly, okay?" ”

Junjun said, "Okay. I finished my meal and went down to the ground. ”

The nurse sweetly replied, "Okay! With that, he turned briskly and walked away.

Junjun asked again: "The four of us, are we Jiajia's naughtiest?" ”

Mr. Li replied casually: "Yes." He is more naughty. ”

Although the conditions of the ward here are certainly not as good as those in Shenzhen, the ward is very clean and quiet, only the father and daughter talk softly and slowly.

Lovely environment.

Guan Fen carried her takeaway and went out to find a place to eat.

Before the meal was finished, Miss Qian called to ask about Junjun's situation.

Guan Fen truthfully reported Mr. Li's coming over and changing wards, Junjun's meal, etc.

Miss Qian asked in surprise, "Is he coming over so soon?" ”

The last 'la' word, the tail note dragged high and long.

Guan Fen said, "Come here." ”

Guan Fen heard Yaoyao's voice and said happily: "Then I'll go to the hospital in a while." ”

"The nurses don't let too many people stay there. ”

Soon, Miss Qian said, "Since he is here, then you can go back to the hotel in the afternoon to rest." It's time for him to do his best. ”

Speaking of this, Miss Qian's originally calm voice habitually brought a tone of dissatisfaction.

Guan Fen said, "Okay." ”

Miss Qian said again: "By the way, I changed to a hotel close to the hospital. I'll send you the location later, and you can go to the lobby and get another room card. ”

hung up the phone, Guan Fen finished eating. I went back to the ward.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

Junjun had finished eating, and Mr. Li was wiping her face and hands with a warm towel.

Guan Fen didn't rob him either, but when he finished wiping it, he took the towel and took it to the bathroom to wash it and dry it.

Mr. Li said, "Do you want to go down to the ground and move?" ”

Jun Jun asked with some hesitation: "Will it be a wound?" ”

Mr. Li said, "Be careful, no. Come, let's be brave. ”

Junjun was just about to move.

Mr. Li bent down and said softly, "Don't move, don't move!" ”

After speaking, he easily picked up Junjun and sat on the edge of the bed, and said to her, "Sit for a while, feel dizzy before going to the ground." ”

Guan Fen took out the slippers she bought, opened them and put them in front of the bed.

Mr. Li helped his daughter walk slowly around the room.

The expressions of the father and daughter were relaxed, like a leisurely stroll.

Parents' emotions are easy to infect their children.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Li said, "Don't move too long the first time. Let's go back to bed and rest. ”

After Junjun lay back on the bed, Mr. Li said to Guan Fen: "Xiaoguan, you go back to the hotel to rest." I'll just watch here. ”

Junjun said, "Then what should I do when I go to the toilet?" ”

Mr. Li said: "I can get out of bed and go to the bathroom by myself. ”

After walking all day yesterday and not sleeping until now, although Guan Fen couldn't feel it, she was already very weak.

Fatigue is a sign of tiredness, so Guan Fen did not shirk and returned to the hotel soon.

The hotel that Miss Qian changed to is not far from the hospital, and it is estimated that it will take no more than 15 minutes to walk. But Guan Fen still took a taxi back to the hotel. Now it's more important to buy time to rest than anything else.

I happened to meet Yao Yao in the lobby. Guan Fen asked him what he was waiting for?

He said that he called a hotel car to take him to the doctor, and waited for the car here.

Guan Fen asked, "I didn't rest well last night, didn't you take a nap?" ”

Yao Yao was embarrassed to say: "I couldn't sleep after the phone call last night, but then I fell asleep again." ”

In the end, it's the kids. Guan Fen said funny: "It's already very good, wake up so early and bring us breakfast." ”

Yao Yao smiled again.

The front desk informed: "The car has arrived. ”

After Guan Fen sent him to the car, he took the room card and went back to his room to rest.

I took a shower and lay on the bed, but I couldn't sleep.

Insomnia caused by sympathetic nerve excitement after extreme exertion.

Guan Fen called her husband and told her about some interesting things about this trip.

In just a few minutes, the mood relaxed.

I hung up the phone, set the alarm for 5 p.m., and fell asleep shortly after.

As soon as I woke up, I received a call from Miss Qian: "Xiaoguan, let's go to the restaurant for dinner." ”

Be concise and to the point, and hang up after speaking.

Guan Fen changed her clothes, hurriedly cleaned up, and as soon as she left the door, she saw Miss Qian standing at the door.

The two went to the hotel's restaurant.

Before ordering, Miss Qian dialed Yaoyao's phone and asked, "Son, what are you eating with your sister?" I'll bring it to you in a moment. ”

Yao Yao asked, "Junjun, what do you want to eat?" ”

I heard Mr. Li on the other side say, "She can only drink some porridge or porridge." Softer noodles are fine. ”

Yao Yao asked again: "Dad, what do you eat?" ”

Mr. Li said, "I'll eat the same as you." ”

Miss Qian put her phone on the table and listened with a calm face.

Soon, Yao Yao said, "I'll eat steak and rice with my father." Junjun will eat, hey, you can watch it. ”

Miss Qian said, "Got it." ”

hung up the phone, ordered four steaks with rice, and ordered a soup and a porridge for Junjun.

When the steak is served with rice, it consists of a fried steak cut into strips, a one-sided fried egg, and some vegetables.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

After Guan Fen and Miss Qian finished eating, they went to the hospital with the meals packed for them.

When he arrived at the hospital, Junjun sat with the head of his bed raised. There is a chair on either side of the bed, and one on each side of Mr. Li and Yaoyao.

At this moment, Mr. Li was working on the computer, and Yao Yao was holding his father's mobile phone in his hand and leaning in front of Junjun. The little brother and sister are meeting to talk about a video call.

Yingying's somewhat rough milky voice came out of the mobile phone very clearly: "Oops! Did the doctor cut my sister's stomach open with a big knife? ”

Jun Jun looked at his brother with a helpless smile.

Yao Yao said: "How can you say that it is so terrible, that is, there are two small holes in the stomach." Don't talk nonsense. ”

Mr. Li turned his head sideways, glanced at Miss Qian who had just entered the door out of the corner of his eye, and looked down at the computer spread on his lap casually.

Yaoyao and Junjun looked at their mother, and the expressions on their faces were embarrassed and uncomfortable for a moment.

The siblings quickly turned their attention back to the screen of their phones.

Yingying was still talking over there: "You can't speak, why are you using your mobile phone?" ”

Miss Qian sat down on another chair with a calm face. Without saying a word, he turned his face out the window.

This room has a wider view than the previous one.

Yao Yao said, "Let him come over, let's see him." ”

Soon, Jiajia's clear voice came from the mobile phone: "Brother! Brother! ”

He was so excited that he giggled when he finished calling.

Yao Yao said: "I know that I call my brother, you should go back quickly, don't stay outside anymore." It's easy to get sick. ”

Hearing this, Mr. Li looked up at Yao Yao.

Guan Fen hadn't seen what he meant by this glance.

Yao Yao whispered: "It was originally so." The two of them were sick in Guangzhou, and now Junjun is also sick when he comes to Shanghai. ”

Yingying stammered a little and asked, "Then you, did you get sick when you went to a foreign country?" ”

Yaoyao glanced into the phone in disgust, opened his mouth, and closed it speechlessly.

Junjun whispered, "Not everyone gets sick. ”

Yingying said, "I'll talk to my mother and go see my sister." ”

Mr. Li closed the computer at this time and asked softly, "I've been talking for a while, let's eat first." ”

Yingying said anxiously over there: "Hey! I'm not done yet! ”

Miss Qian finally turned her face back from the window, still calm, looking at the hospital bed.

Yao Yao said, "Next time." Bye! ”

Yingying reluctantly said, "Okay." Bye. ”

Yaoyao hung up the phone and went around here to return the phone to his father.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

For a moment, everyone was silent. There was silence in the hospital room.

Guan Fen said, "Let's eat." As he spoke, he took out Junjun's share.

Mr. Li got up and put the computer in his backpack. watched Guan Fen open the lid and said, "I'll feed her." ”

Miss Qian glared at Mr. Li and said, "Hey, what, what?" I just like to engage in some formalism! It's not a hand injury! ”

Mr. Li didn't look at Miss Qian, nor did he answer, so he went to the hospital bed with the soup.

Junjun was embarrassed and said, "Dad, I'll eat it myself." ”

She said as she waved her hands in emphasis.

Guan Fen still handed the tissue to Junjun.

Mr. Li scooped a spoonful of soup, fed it to Junjun's mouth and said, "It's okay to feed you when you're sick." You've got a straight needle in your hand. ”

Actually, the indwelling needle is placed in the left hand.

Miss Qian asked again, "Can you feed it every day?" Don't hey? ”

Junjun drank the soup and shook his head slightly.

Yaoyao stood at the end of the bed and said, "One of you wants to feed, and the other says no." Junjun is embarrassed, alas! ”

He said with a smile on his face.

Miss Qian listened, picked up the other bowl of porridge, walked to the other side of the ward and sat down, scooped a spoonful of porridge and fed it to Junjun's mouth.

Seeing this, Mr. Li put the soup on the bedside table, got up and said to Yao Yao easily, "Let's go, let's eat!" ”

As he spoke, he patted Yaoyao on the shoulder. The father and son went out with their meals.

Junjun said, "Mom, I can eat it myself." ”

Miss Qian softened her face and said, "Mom feeds you." ”

Then he said to Guan Fen: "Xiao Guan, hand me the box of soup." Porridge does not provide any nutrients. ”

After Guan Fen walked over and handed the soup to Miss Qian, she found a chair and sat down.

I slept for a few hours in the afternoon, and my body still hasn't recovered.

There was a set of pajamas at the end of the bed, and Guan Fen asked, "Is this what the nurse brought it?" ”

Junjun said, "Yes. Dad said I'd wait until you and Mom came to scrub it for me before I put it on. ”

Junjun's appetite is better than at noon. I drank a lot of soup and ate some porridge.

After the meal, Guan Fen closed the curtain in front of the hospital bed, wiped Junjun's body, and changed his pajamas.

took the changed pajamas to the dirty room and returned to the ward, and Mr. Li and Yao Yao also returned to the ward.

Miss Qian glanced at Mr. Li and said with some complaint: "The conditions are so poor, I have to stay for a few days." Last night, everyone's cars arrived at the door. There is no traffic jam at night, and there will be no delay in transferring to a hospital. In the past, when the child was sick, you always bought medicine to observe. ”

Mr. Li frowned and asked rhetorically: "Can you observe a headache and brain fever, and can you also observe a stomachache?" Especially when you're still out of town! The most important thing for appendicitis is to have timely surgery, and everything else is secondary! ”

It just so happened that the nurse came in and asked how many times did you do this afternoon?

Mr. Lee replied, "Twice." ”

The nurse said, "You can increase your activities from tomorrow. As long as you don't feel uncomfortable. ”

The nurse finished explaining and left. Guan Fen was worried that the nurse would say that there were too many people accompanying her in the ward, but fortunately she didn't mention it. I didn't ask the question again for the next few days.

Miss Qian's cell phone rang.

After she picked it up, she said softly, "Much better." It's no big deal, and they're all starting to get out of bed and walk around. ”

After saying a few more words, Miss Qian walked to the hospital bed and said, "Junjun, Uncle Wang wants to talk to you on the phone." ”

Jun Jun took the mobile phone and called out politely, "Uncle Wang." ”

"It hurt a lot last night, and now it's getting better."

"Hmm. I do not know. ”

I don't know what to say, Junjun responded repeatedly, and soon returned the phone to Miss Qian.

Miss Qian took it and said, "Okay." ”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

So many people stay in the ward, but there is nothing to say.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

After a while, Mr. Li's cell phone rang.

Because he didn't wear glasses, he glanced at the screen with his eyes slightly wide, and quickly picked it up and said, "Hey~~"

I don't know what to say over there, Mr. Li quickly handed the mobile phone to Junjun and said, "Auntie wants to talk to you." ”

Junjun glanced at Miss Qian quickly, took the mobile phone and whispered to Auntie.

I only heard Junjun say again: "Hmm." It's almost done. ”

"Eat. Drink the soup and eat porridge. ”

"It doesn't hurt too much."


Junjun said these words softly, and returned the phone to his father.

Mr. Li glanced at the screen of his mobile phone, then casually put it on the bedside table and tidied up the quilt.

Miss Qian looked at Mr. Li's back dissatisfiedly and said, "Junjun's body is still weak, don't always let her talk on the phone!" Interrupt the break! ”

He also said: "You and Huang Xiaoai both like hypocrisy!" Does my daughter need her greetings? What a joke! ”

Mr. Li straightened up, looked at Miss Li, and said with a serious face: "The child is sick, put away your emotions for the time being." If you don't want to stay, go back to the hotel! ”

With that, he sat down in his chair again.

Yao Yao is already very irritable. said, "Otherwise, you both go back to the hotel." I'm here with Aunt Xiaoguan. ”

Junjun, who was originally half-sitting on the bed, unconsciously lay his back completely on the pillow. I made it look like I was going to sleep.

It was still early, and neither of them mentioned going back to the hotel.

Mr. Li took out his computer again and began to work.

Miss Qian went outside to answer the phone.

Silence returned to the ward.

Guan Fen asked Junjun: "Do you want to get out of bed and move?" ”

Junjun shook his head.

Guan Fen lowered the head of the bed and let her lie flat. Be comfortable .

At eight o'clock in the evening, Miss Qian said, "Yaoyao, you can go back." ”

I don't know who she means by her.

Mr. Li looked at Miss Qian and said, "You can take Yao Yao and Xiaoguan back to the hotel to rest." I'll just stay. ”

Miss Qian looked at Mr. Li for a while before she spoke, "Did you sleep last night?" Did you sleep during the day today? Are you staying? ”

Yao Yao said, "Dad, you and I should go back to the hotel." You can stay in a room with me. ”

Mr. Li said to Yaoyao: "It's okay, you can sleep here at night." ”

Miss Qian asked Yao Yao dissatisfiedly: "Didn't you say that you are not used to sharing a room with others?" Let him open another one himself! ”

By the end of her speech, her tone intensified.

Yao Yao said: "It's so late. It's okay to stay for a while. ”

Guan Fen said: "You all still have work to deal with. Let's all go back. Just ask the waiter to change the sheets in my room and stay there. It's past the danger period, so I'll just be here to accompany you. ”

After sitting for a while, Guan Fen persuaded him twice. Mr. Li and Ms. Qian did bring their work with them, so they both went back.

After greeting Junjun, Miss Qian walked ahead alone with her head held high.

Mr. Li took the backpack and walked behind with Yaoyao.

The sparkling hospital room finally calmed down completely.

Guan Fen was thinking about how they would get in the car? Did you eat breakfast together the next day?


After some tossing last night, Junjun was much more comfortable tonight, and not long after Mr. Li and the others left, Junjun fell asleep.

That night, Guan Fen woke up several times, and Junjun slept soundly. Guan Fen also slept well.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

The next day, Mr. Li and Yao Yao came to the ward very early.

brought soup noodles for Junjun and Guan Fen for breakfast.

Yao Yao has become more and more experienced in packing breakfast at the hotel. Guan Fen also added an extra sausage.

The buffet-style breakfast in a five-star hotel is generally all-you-can-eat, but take-out is not allowed.

Mr. Li and Miss Qian were naturally embarrassed to propose packaging.

But Yao Yao dared to say. And the hotel will not refuse the small request of a child.

"It's convenient." That's what Yao Yao said.

At breakfast, Junjun said, "Dad, I still want to eat the green vegetable noodles you cooked for me last time." ”

Mr. Li said, "I'll go home." I'll cook it for you again. ”

After breakfast, Miss Qian also came.

Soon after the injection, the doctor began to make rounds, followed by a large group of people.

The doctor said to Junjun very kindly, "You are recovering well! After two more days, I was almost discharged. It's also easier to go back and recuperate. ”

Mr. Li and Miss Qian also had smiles on their faces.

The doctor said to Mr. Li again, "I can let her get out of bed more today." Soft and rotten food can be eaten. But be light. Avoid greasy. ”

Mr. Li said, "Okay, thank you! ”

After the doctor finished checking the room and left, Yao Yao asked Miss Qian, "Are we going to Wuhan again?" ”

Miss Qian said, "You, my sister is like this, how can you go?" ”

Yao Yao stopped talking.

Junjun said, "It's okay, you can take my brother alone." ”

Mr. Li asked Yao Yao softly, "Do you want to go?" ”

Yao Yao nodded and said, "But Junjun is sick, so forget it." ”

Mr. Li said to Miss Qian, "You don't need to stay here. You take Yaoyao with you. It's only two or three days. When Junjun is discharged from the hospital, I will take her and Xiaoguan back. ”

Yaoyao asked his father, "Can you leave the company for so long?" ”

Mr. Li said freely, "Yes." ”

Miss Qian didn't say anything, so the topic was put down first.

Miss Qian also brought the computer over today.

There was a moment of silence in the ward. The parents worked separately, Yao Yao went to the hospital bed for a while and whispered to Junjun what he said, stood in front of the window for a while to look at the scenery outside, and did not forget to look back at the potion in the hanging bottle at any time.

Guan Fen sorted out the items he brought and stayed by Junjun's bedside.

Junjun was a little bored lying on the hospital bed, so Guan Fen took his mobile phone and turned on the voice very low for Junjun to see.

When a call came in, Mr. Li and Ms. Qian went outside to answer it.

In the morning, Mr. and Mrs. Qian and Mr. and Mrs. Li called again to ask about Junjun's situation.

Finally, when it was time for lunch, Miss Qian suddenly looked at Mr. Li and said, "You can take Yao Yao to Wuhan." Then go back to Shenzhen with him directly. I'll stay with you. ”

At this time, Miss Qian's tone was calm, and it was also discussed.

Mr. Li looked at the pair of children and said calmly, "It's okay." There are other arrangements for next summer. ”

Soon, Miss Sun called and said that she had booked a ticket for the evening.

Yao Yao and Mr. Li went back to the hotel for lunch, took their luggage, and brought lunch for the others.

As soon as he entered the ward, Yao Yao said, "Mom, Dad quit one room, and the other two paid for three days." ”

Miss Qian just didn't hear it.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the sparks of wealthy life (1092)

Hello everyone! I am a vegetarian in simple clothes, and all my articles are original and first published by personal headlines, just to record life. What you see on other platforms is plagiarism. We will be held accountable to the end!

For more exciting, please pay attention to today's headlines!

The picture and text have nothing to do with it, and the picture comes from the Internet.

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