
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is in progress, Gaotai: Build a government-bank-enterprise docking platform to solve the problem of difficult financing for enterprises

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

In order to further help solve the problems of expensive and difficult financing for small and medium-sized enterprises in Gaotai County, and actively promote financial institutions to support and serve the economic development of the county, recently, a government-bank-enterprise docking symposium was organized in the conference room of Gaotai Rural Commercial Bank to better serve the high-quality development of enterprises in our county.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is in progress, Gaotai: Build a government-bank-enterprise docking platform to solve the problem of difficult financing for enterprises

Small and micro enterprises are the "capillaries" of the economic system, playing an important role in absorbing employment, increasing economic vitality and meeting residents' consumption needs. The government, financial institutions and market players have made simultaneous efforts and collaborative innovation, which has provided a lot of useful explorations for solving the financing problems of small and micro enterprises. At the meeting, the representatives of various enterprises interacted with the heads of the participating units and consulted on loan intentions, which achieved the expected results.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is in progress, Gaotai: Build a government-bank-enterprise docking platform to solve the problem of difficult financing for enterprises

The meeting required, first, to dare to take on good deeds and strengthen the cooperation between government and banks. It is hoped that all financial institutions will obey and serve the overall economic and social development of the county, and take the service for enterprises as the starting point and foothold, and establish a win-win concept, strengthen cooperation between government, banks and enterprises, build two-way co-construction, support each other, coexistence and common prosperity, and achieve "win-win". The second is to strengthen financial innovation and optimize the credit process. All financial institutions should take product innovation as an important starting point to alleviate the financing problems of enterprises, and provide various forms of financing products around the distribution of the industrial chain to better meet the diversified financial needs of enterprises. Better serve the development of enterprises. It is necessary to actively optimize the credit process, simplify the approval procedures, stand on the overall situation, and serve the development of enterprises in the long run, not only to "add icing on the cake", but also to "send charcoal in the snow". The third is to enhance the accuracy of the connection between government and banks. At the same time, enterprises should strive to improve their own efficiency, take integrity as an important aspect of enterprise competitiveness, improve their credit rating with standardized use of funds, establish a good corporate image, and win the trust and support of banks, so as to strive for greater investment and long-term cooperation.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is in progress, Gaotai: Build a government-bank-enterprise docking platform to solve the problem of difficult financing for enterprises

In the next step, the county financing guarantee company will continue to follow up the follow-up docking work of this activity, further consolidate the results of the activity, work together to explore a new development model of win-win cooperation among the government, banks, enterprises and enterprises, and strengthen the connection with enterprises. At the same time, various forms of government-bank-enterprise docking activities will be carried out to fully support the financing needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in Zhonggaotai County, fully release the development potential of enterprises, continuously improve the competitiveness of county industries, and boost the high-quality development of the county economy. (Lee Pyong-hee)