
Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

author:Dumb kid who loves sports

Recently, Tomokazu Zhangmoto and Zhang Benmei and his brothers and sisters can be said to have appeared a lot in the relevant news of the WTT World Table Tennis Federation, mainly because of the just concluded table tennis events, the frequency of the brothers and sisters is very high, and the national table tennis players have been conducting closed training for the Olympic Games recently, and have not participated in several WTT Table Tennis Federation sub-station events, all of which have shown a good competitive state, and Tomokazu Zhang Ben won the gold medal in the men's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles in the Tunisia Challenge. His sister Miwa Zhang also defeated her teammates in the women's singles championship match to lock up the singles title and defend her title in this event, which is a testament to their good form and the confidence and determination to go all out in the Olympic Games.

Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

However, it is very interesting that during the interview between the siblings, they were asked the same question, that is, who their favorite player is. The two of them coincidentally put the main players of national table tennis in the most important position. And gave a special candidate the same affirmation. In particular, Zhang Benmeihe said that his favorite players are Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, and said that he would try to keep up with them. At the same time, she also affirmed her main opponent and said that her brother is also her favorite player. I believe that her expression is to show that she respects and likes the most difficult opponent, and also respects and likes her brother who has grown up in the world table tennis arena like herself.

Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

I believe that through this expression of Zhang Benmeihe, fans will find that the players she recognizes only mention the names of the two main national table tennis players, but only the women's singles champion Chen Meng of the Tokyo Olympics is missing. This also shows from one side that in Zhang Benmeihe's eyes, the advanced style of play, as well as Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha, who play more easily when facing themselves, give her more motivation to catch up and surpass than Chen Meng, who is already at the end of her career, and she also recognizes the strength of these two national table tennis players. Of course, when Zhang Benmeihe praised the main force of the national table tennis women's team, she deliberately did not say Chen Meng's name, and we can also understand that she is among the three cores of the national table tennis women's team, and thinks that it is easiest to break through Chen Meng first. Chen Meng's loss to Hina Hayada in a key match also made Japanese women's table tennis players, including Miwa Zhangmoto, more confident of winning when they played against her. It's just that this is just Zhang Benmei and one person's idea, for Chen Meng, the more the opponent does not recognize her enough, the more she needs to keep a low profile while continuing to maintain self-confidence, and not give the opponent a chance to despise herself on the field.

Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

As for Tomokazu Zhang, it is obvious that he is also the same as his sister, and he is a hero based on his achievements. It's just that when he mentioned his favorite players, he put Ma Long, Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, the three core main players of national table tennis, in the list of his favorite players. It's just that while taking the three cores of national table tennis as his main favorite opponents and catching up with the goal, he, like his sister, has added a special object among his favorite players - that is, his sister Zhang Benmeihe in the women's event. It can be seen that the relationship between the brother and sister is still very good. They are encouraging each other and promoting each other, and they have always attached special importance to the main players of national table tennis, not so much that they like these main players of national table tennis, but rather that they put these players as the main competitors at that time, and the goal of catching up.

Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

The statement of the brother and sister combination of the Japanese table tennis team, on the one hand, does show that the players of the national table tennis are very competitive in front of these two main players of Japanese men's and women's table tennis, and it also makes the other party always have a kind of awe for them. On the other hand, the opponent is also using this way to kill our players, increasing the psychological expectations of the national table tennis players when playing against them. We also hope that the main players of national table tennis can pay full attention to these two opponents while the other party gives them full attention, so as to strive to continue to win glory for the country in the Paris Olympics. And let these two players realize that their respect for the national table tennis players is what our players have in exchange for their strength, and they are also worthy of this respect of the brother and sister, and will use their results to prove everyone's strength. Of course, Chen Meng, who is not in their approval list, has to make difficult preparations in front of his opponent and speak with his strength on the field.

Knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy! The Zhang brothers and sisters are full of awe of the five main forces of national table tennis, among which Chen Meng is the only one missing

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