
Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

author:Ping An Gansu
Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

Since the beginning of this year, the Linze County Public Security Bureau of Zhangye City has conscientiously implemented the state's laws and policies on the protection of cultivated land, based on the main responsibility and main business of the public security organs in cracking down on crime, strictly implemented various measures to protect cultivated land and forest land, severely cracked down on the high-pressure situation of illegal occupation of agricultural land, resolutely guarded the "red line" of cultivated land, and effectively safeguarded national food security.

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

Strike hard and punish crimes

The Forest Police Brigade of the Linze County Public Security Bureau has taken effective measures to crack down on criminal activities such as illegally occupying agricultural land for construction, taking soil, piling up solid waste, and carrying out non-agricultural construction, so as to form a strong deterrent. Pay close attention to important areas such as agricultural farmland, permanent basic farmland, and forest belts, carry out in-depth investigation of clues, widely mobilize the masses to report, actively collect and sort out clues on crimes involving the occupation of agricultural land, and investigate and handle criminal cases suspected of crimes in the field of cultivated land protection in accordance with the law, so as to truly achieve "the responsibility to defend the land, the responsibility to defend the land, and the responsibility to protect the land".

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

Not long ago, the natural resources department of Linze County handed over the case to the public security organs, and some people dug up sand and soil in the north beach of Banqiao Town, which was under its jurisdiction, destroying the grassland. After on-site investigation, investigation and evidence collection, the case has been investigated and solved, and the two suspects have been released on bail pending trial in accordance with the law on suspicion of illegally occupying agricultural land.

Since the beginning of this year, the Linze County Public Security Bureau has cracked a total of 7 criminal cases of illegal occupation of agricultural land, including 8 criminal suspects, 4 cases and 5 people, and 10 cases of farmland investigation involving the case in conjunction with other functional departments, and participated in more than 20 cases of investigation, lockdown, and verification of illegal acts.

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

The bullseye is forced, and the chain is struck

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

In view of the fact that there are few sources of clues in environmental and resource cases and there are not enough clues to file cases, the work idea of "grasping as soon as possible, focusing on the situation, and comprehensively grasping it" is proposed, clarifying the goals and tasks, formulating a promotion plan, establishing rules and regulations, and registering and canceling accounts to ensure the steady progress of the case. Employing activists in key villages and towns to build public security in key villages and towns, stimulate the people's strength, pool their wisdom and efforts, and continuously expand the sources of clues for criminal cases of destroying farmland. Actively maintain close connection with natural resources, environmental protection, the management committee of the Liusha River Scenic Area, forestry and grassland, agriculture and rural areas, and other departments, carry out key investigation links such as on-site inspections and visits in the early stage of the case, ensure that evidence is effectively collected and fixed in the first time, and invite the legal department to review and check it, so as to lay a solid foundation for the later case handling. Establish joint working mechanisms for the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice such as work coordination, case notification, and case transfer with natural resources, environmental protection, and market supervision, forming a joint work force to promote prevention and pay equal attention to prevention and prevention; In response to the incurable and miscellaneous diseases that arise in the investigation and handling of cases, actively communicate with the procuratorial and judicial departments, pay close attention to the problems found in actions such as "investigation and rectification in the field of ecological environment", broaden the scope of crackdowns, and improve the quality and efficiency of crackdowns.

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

Highlight the key points and grasp the mediation steadily

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

At the same time of cracking down on illegal occupation of agricultural land, we should conscientiously explore the unstable factors of social security in the jurisdiction, identify the focus of contradictions, and formulate a thorough plan for forest-related ownership disputes that may cause mass incidents and the hidden dangers of ownership disputes that may affect social stability, and carry out visits and investigations on a regular or irregular basis, so as to investigate and grasp in advance, know the facts of the case, deal with emergencies during the incident, and communicate with information. Classify and register all kinds of contradictions and disputes that have been investigated, classify and file them, and incorporate new forest-related contradictions and disputes into the ledger management in a timely manner, so that everything is settled and everything is responded; Strengthen communication and contact with township comprehensive management centers and law enforcement brigades, and further improve the professional skills of the people's auxiliary police in mediation and resolving forest-related disputes and hidden dangers in letters and visits.

In the first half of this year, the Linze County Public Security Bureau carried out a total of 13 visits and investigations, touched 17 clues related to agriculture and forestry, and the success rate of conflict mediation reached 93.7%.

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

Widely publicize and collect clues

Firmly guard the "red line" of cultivated land to ensure food security

The Linze County Public Security Bureau has taken the publicity of policies and regulations and the warning education of typical cases as the main line, and organized the people's police and auxiliary police to go deep into the fields, farmers' homes, enterprises and institutions to vigorously carry out legal publicity, and actively mobilize all sectors of society to actively participate in the protection of cultivated land and forest land. Give full play to the functional role of "one village, one police", and work with townships, towns, and villages to carry out joint inspections on the protection of cultivated land and forest land on a regular basis, verify the use of land planting, promptly discover, report, and stop illegal occupation of cultivated land, destruction of cultivated land, forest land, grassland, orchard land and other agricultural land, and promptly stop those that do not meet the requirements for cultivated land use, and ensure early detection and early stopping. The Forest Police Brigade of the Linze County Public Security Bureau, together with the auxiliary police of various police stations, went to the front line, set up protective boundary monuments, fixed protective nets, and installed billboards in suitable places to guide villagers to enhance their awareness of protection, and through point-to-point and face-to-face publicity, they increased the publicity of policies related to deforestation and grassland reclamation, explained the policies clearly and clearly, and enhanced the people's awareness of law-abiding and ecological civilization.

In the first half of this year, a total of 23 special publicity activities were held, more than 7,800 copies of publicity materials were distributed, and 13,000 people were educated, creating a strong atmosphere of crackdown and rectification.

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