
"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

author:Entertainment Corner
"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

Recently, another new drama "Du Hua Nian" was broadcast, this new drama is a big production in the IP industry, and it is starred by two actors with high traffic, before the series started, many netizens were looking forward to it.

But what people didn't expect was that after the broadcast of "Du Hua Nian", many netizens were disappointed, feeling that the role was not too close to the face and not very attractive to them, and the main problem was Zhao Jinmai's appearance.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

This drama takes the route of revenge and rebirth, the male and female protagonists have experienced many years of ups and downs, the female protagonist was poisoned, mistakenly thinking that the male protagonist harmed herself, she was extremely resentful, and said that if she died, the male protagonist could not live alone, so she designed to kill the male protagonist, and both of them ushered in rebirth.

It can be said that the whole story structure is very attractive, a bit of a kill first and then love, however, although the story is very attractive, some people say that Zhao Jinmai is not suitable for this role, her face shape is originally childish, and it is particularly suitable to play the image of a high school student, but it is a little unbearable to play this kind of black-hearted image.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

Especially in the first episode, the eldest princess she played is already a big man in power, and she is no longer young in terms of age setting. But she has a round and lovely face, with dark makeup, even if she pretends to be serious, and her eyes are dark and deep, but after many people see it, they still feel that there is a strong contrast between her appearance and personality.

Secondly, this style is not very suitable for her, the ancient style style is a test of people's face shape, once the facial features are not delicate enough, the face shape is not perfect enough, it is always easy to be exposed in ancient costumes, especially the middle part of the hair style and the more gorgeous decoration. And Zhao Jinmai's face shape is originally round, this face shape can be easily modified with sideburns and long hair in modern dramas, but it is exposed under the costume drama modeling.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

Take a closer look at Zhao Jinmai's previous roles, you will find that she is most suitable for the image of a student, she grew up as a child star, and has played many roles as junior high school students and high school students, her representative works include "The Little Thing of First Love" and "The Wandering Earth", the roles in it are all middle school students, she wears a school uniform, has a girlish hairstyle full of vitality, and has no sense of disobedience at all.

Later, Zhao Jinmai also continued to hone her acting skills, and cooperated with Noon Sunshine in "The Beginning", and her character was set as a college student. She also rarely wore long hair and put on jeans, this role is also pure and girlish, she bowed her head and smiled in the play, and amazed the youth of many people, and the collagen on her face made her very suitable for the role of various girls, and it would not make people play at all.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

However, an image like the eldest princess is not an ordinary girl in ancient costume, let alone a smart and cute maid, but should have the demeanor of a big heroine, Zhao Jinmai does not have the feeling of an eldest princess, but is more like a puppet dressed in battle, which has also aroused questions from many netizens.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

In the play, she has a scene, full of tears, weak and powerless, her eyes are staring at the front with resentment, as if she wants to pierce her imaginary enemy male protagonist, her eyes are sharp, and her acting skills give this character a soul, but seeing her face, it makes people feel very dramatic, it should have been a highlight scene, but it turned out to be a failure.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

And the actor Zhang Linghe of "Du Hua Nian" still has a relatively high fit with the role, and he plays a subtle and deep image of a powerful minister in TV series such as "Ning An Like a Dream", plus his facial features are more mature, so there is not much sense of disobedience this time.

It's just that because he is more mature in terms of image, he and Zhao Jinmai don't have any sense of CP when they stand together, and many netizens reflect that they are more like brothers and sisters, and Zhao Jinmai's too childish face can't support the role at all, which also makes it difficult for her and Zhang Linghe to collide with the spark of CP sense.

"Du Hua Nian": With a childish face but wants to play the "eldest princess", whose aesthetic problems are wrong?

I have to say that when casting a TV series, it should still try to fit the image of the characters, otherwise if you are not careful, it will dilute the drama of the drama and further weaken the perception of a drama, and I hope that Zhao Jinmai will play a more suitable image for himself in the future.