
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

author:Beautiful Ne River
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

Nehe City Rong Media Center

【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

About the collection of immovable cultural relics

Announcement of the lead

【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

Heilongjiang Province's fourth national cultural relics census work has been officially launched, in order to fully grasp the city's immovable cultural relics resources, so that "should be protected", is now for the society to collect immovable cultural relics clue information, hope that people from all walks of life will actively provide relevant clues.

【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

1. Scope of solicitation

Newly discovered immovable cultural relics above ground, underground and underwater in Nehe City.

2. Solicitation content

Cultural relics are tangible cultural heritage created by human beings or related to human activities and have historical, artistic and scientific value. Immovable cultural relics mainly include the following categories:

1. Ancient cultural sites: mainly refer to the places of residence and production activities of ancient human beings, as well as the traces left after the transformation and utilization of the natural environment.

2. Ancient tombs: mainly refer to the regional places where ancient humans are buried.

3. Ancient buildings: mainly refer to the existing buildings of the main body built in ancient times, such as old houses, temples, shadow archways, bridges, etc.

4. Cave temples and stone carvings: mainly refer to the caves dug in the cliffs by Buddhists or other religious believers, and the words, characters, animals or patterns carved on the stones, such as inscriptions, stone carvings, and petroglyphs.

5. Important historical sites and representative buildings in modern and modern times: mainly refer to important historical sites and representative buildings in modern and modern times related to major historical events, revolutionary movements or famous figures, as well as important commemorative significance, educational significance or historical value, such as conference sites, martyrs' tombs, monuments, old residences of revolutionary figures, old supply and marketing cooperatives, old flood gates and diversion gates, aqueducts, bridges, etc.

6. Others: mainly refers to cultural landscapes, ancient apes, ancient humans and paleontological fossil sites related to ancient human activities, and other material entities with certain historical, artistic and scientific value.

3. Requirements for soliciting clues

In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information, please provide as detailed a description of the situation as possible, including name, age, detailed address, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the "Clue Table of Newly Discovered Cultural Relics in the Fourth National Cultural Relics Census" (attached below).

4. Collection time

From the date of this announcement to May 31, 2025.

5. Solicitation method

1. Call us: 13766526828; 2. On-site submission: Submit written clues directly to the Nehe Cultural Relics Protection Center (Nehe Museum) (on the first floor of No. 483, Nehe Central Street); 3. Send an email to the designated mailbox: fill in the "Clue Form of Newly Discovered Cultural Relics in the Fourth National Cultural Relics Census" and send it to [email protected].

The fourth national cultural relics census newly discovered cultural relics clues table .xlsx

Copyright belongs to the author Tribute to the original

Editors: Qu Weiming, Gao Yuan, Wang Xinxin

Supervisor: Sun Fengqi

Planning review: Li Huijuan

【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics
【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

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【Collection of Cultural Relics】Announcement on the collection of clues on immovable cultural relics

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