
Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

author:Sports and fitness number

Dinner must be eaten during weight loss, so how to eat dinner to help lose weight? Dinner determines your weight, metabolism, and health, know how to eat dinner, and lose weight twice as efficiently!

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

If you want to continue to lose weight, you should keep these 6 dinner weight loss principles in mind:

1. Dinner should be eaten before 19 o'clock in the evening, and it is not too late to eat early

It is not recommended to eat 3 hours before bedtime, leaving the body enough time to digest and absorb. Don't eat dinner too late, scientific studies have shown that eating dinner before 7 p.m. is more conducive to digestion and absorption in the stomach. In order to go to bed early at night, you can't eat dinner too late, and having a feeling of hunger before going to bed helps to increase the speed of weight loss, and the weight loss is faster the next day.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

2. Dinner should be eaten, but pay attention to control the feeling of satiety and eat less

Dinner must be eaten, but you can't eat it, and it's unscientific not to eat dinner, eating it will only make you fat. Eat dinner but control the feeling of fullness, and eat a light diet (vegetables), such as 100g of broccoli, 100g of lettuce, 100g of protein meat pairing, and a small piece of sweet potato is enough.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

3. Don't eat fruit after dinner

Many people have the habit of eating fruits after meals, which is very bad and not conducive to weight loss. Fruits themselves contain high fructose, and eating too much makes more calories accumulate in the body. In addition, if you have just finished eating, your satiety has just been controlled at 6-7 points, and eating fruits will only increase the burden on your stomach and make it easy to eat. It is not conducive to intestinal peristalsis and affects the body's digestion and absorption.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

4. Eat vegetables first, then meat and staple foods for dinner

The diversification of dinner has changed the calorie intake of the body, the order of the diet starts with vegetables, and then eats meat and staple foods after eating vegetables with a sense of fullness, which can not only make the body feel full, but also control the feeling of satiety, reduce the calorie intake of meat and staple foods, and create a calorie gap.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

5. Learn to chew slowly when eating to promote intestinal peristalsis

During eating, it is necessary to control the speed of eating, such as chewing slowly to help the intestines move better and improve the body's ability to digest and absorb. Therefore, when eating, you should always remember to chew slowly and eat slowly, so that the body can better absorb the nutrients of food.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind

6. Take a walk after meals to promote digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines

Take a walk after dinner, as the saying goes: take a walk after dinner, live to ninety-nine, take a walk after dinner to help promote the body's metabolic ability, speed up the body's operation, reduce fat accumulation, improve belly problems, and get rid of your big belly! Taking a walk after a meal improves digestion and absorption, and can also promote better sleep quality at night.

Dinner determines the next day's weight, 6 principles for dinner fat loss, to keep in mind
