
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

author:Shanghai Baoshan

In order to further enrich the holiday life of students, recently, the summer safety school of Zhangmiao Street, Baoshan District was opened in the activity room of Sitang Three Villages.

The Community Safety Office, together with the Sitang Three Village Neighborhood Committee, the Sitang Xincun Police Station, and professional social workers, presented a wonderful "First Lesson of Summer Vacation" to more than 60 students and more than 10 residents.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

During the activity, the children listened carefully to the knowledge of preventing telecommunication network fraud, preventing evil cults, and drug control. They enthusiastically raised their hands to speak, enthusiastically interacted with the teachers and staff, and actively cultivated a sense of self-prevention. The activity also enhanced the thinking and understanding ability of minors on safety awareness through interactive links such as knowledge quizzes and "I am a little safety officer", and helped them better transform the knowledge gained on the spot into practical tips and apply them in life, so as to effectively become their "first person to protect safety".

The anti-fraud during the holiday does not stop, and the protection of peace does not relax

"Will our students be defrauded by the telecommunications network? How did you get scammed? What types of telecom network fraud do students know? The "soul torture" of the police comrades triggered active discussions and enthusiastic speeches among the children. The police and the children watched the anti-fraud propaganda cartoon of "Journey to the West Version of Three Dozen White Bone Spirits", and let the children understand the three common fraud methods among students by substituting the experience of the animation protagonist Xiao Ming:

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

(1) Impersonating classmates to defraud: borrowing money in various names through WeChat and QQ to change avatars.

(2) Rebate fraud: In the name of high rebates and winning red envelopes, students are asked to transfer money first and then rebate, so as to achieve the purpose of fraud.

(3) Online game fraud: Using free game skins as bait to guide children to scan QR codes and cause game accounts to be blocked, tricking them into using their parents' and family members' mobile phones to click on the link or QR code sent by the scammer, and enter the password before they can unblock it, so as to achieve the purpose of large-scale wire fraud.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

During the interaction, the staff warned the children through "after-school consolidation" to continue to participate in publicity and learning, and improve their ability to identify and prevent fraudsters' fraud tricks. When playing games, learn to resist all kinds of "pies falling from the sky", and ask parents for help in time if in doubt; In case of scams, you should "ignore them, don't click, and don't transfer money". If you are unfortunately deceived, you should stop the operation immediately, save the evidence of the crime with your parents and report the case to the police station in time. At the same time, encourage all children to strive to be "anti-fraud" propagandists, publicize anti-fraud knowledge to their families and classmates, and beware of the occurrence of telecommunication fraud cases through "small hands joining big hands".

Resist new drugs and escort drug-free youth

Through PPT and short videos, anti-drug social workers let students understand that the threat of drugs seems to be out of reach, but in fact it is not far away from the campus. In order to make huge profits, drug dealers lure young people into drug trafficking, and recruit drug addicts among young people through methods of instigation, inducement, and deception.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

At the same time, the social worker showed the children the simulated drug mold, popularized the third-generation drug "new psychoactive substance", a new type of drug that is more concealed and attractive to students, introduced its main characteristics and the harm of confusion, taught the children how to identify and prevent such drugs in life, and called on the children to consciously stay away from drug-related personnel and places where there may be drug-related things, and resolutely achieve "do not believe, do not try, and do not make friends", which effectively improves the students' ability to prevent drugs.

Break through the fog of cults and guard the pure land of the soul

In class, the full-time anti-cult social worker gave the children a lecture on "What is a cult?" An animated video clip of the anti-cult campaign was played, and the students were given a detailed introduction to the methods of identifying cults, the common deceptions, their salient characteristics, and their harm to society and individuals. At the same time, he called on the students to resolutely refrain from listening, believing, or spreading the fallacies and heresies of cults, starting with themselves and contributing their own strength to building an evil-free social environment.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

The children said: "The cult is so mysterious, it sounds so scary!" Before you know it, you'll be brainwashed. This class gave the children a clear understanding of the nature of cults, and advocated that they should be positive and consciously join the ranks of opposing cults, breaking superstitions, and advocating science, so as to protect the pure land of their souls.

Happy summer vacation, safe "no holiday"

The staff of the Ping An Office gave a lecture on "how to identify terrorist attack suspects, what to do when encountering gangsters, and what measures should be taken after a terrorist attack" in the form of animation, which enhanced students' understanding of national security and improved students' ability to deal with emergencies in the form of animation. Through the lecture, the students understood that in the face of violent terrorist incidents, they should learn to "hide" and "escape", and they should be vigilant in identifying terrorists in their lives, and in addition to staying away from them, they should also contact schools and parents in time, and report to the public security organs in time.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

To participate in the construction of safety, I am a little safety officer

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

Ten reminders of community safety, all neighbors remember:

At the beginning of the fire, everyone should call 119 immediately.

The kitchen fire is not far from people, and if there is something to do with the fire, go out.

Throwing objects from high altitudes is very dangerous, and people are dense and not crowded.

The fire escape is not blocked, and you and I work together to protect safety.

There is no one to go to work, turn off the fire, turn off the electricity, and close the door.

The battery car does not enter the door, and the safety and civilization do not worry.

Although cigarette butts are small and have big hidden dangers, you and I are both practitioners.

Don't be gullible when you fly to the jackpot, there will be no pie in the sky.

Unknown links cannot be clicked, and strange calls cannot be trusted.

Be wary of game scams, free skins are a trap.

A safe community is built by everyone, and people can live and work in peace and enjoy peace.

Through the activity, the children actively participated in the preaching on stage and expressed that they wanted to be a little propagandist. With their immature voices and serious attitudes, they issued an initiative to the residents: everyone should participate in the construction of safety and improve safety awareness.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

"The First Lesson of Summer Vacation" allows students to take the first step of self-protection, develop a sense of safety precautions, and deeply understand that the construction of safety is related to everyone's happy life. A variety of activities allow them to increase their knowledge, talents, and reasoning, and enrich their summer vacation life.

In the next step, the Zhangmiao Street Safety Office will continue to increase the publicity of safe construction, expand the scope of publicity, and continue to contribute to the safe Zhangmiao.

Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"
Safely guarding the colorful holiday, the street of Baoshan opens the "first lesson of summer vacation"

It is related to the settlement of fresh graduates of employers in Baoshan District, and these three types of situations should be declared as soon as possible!

@宝山居民, Baoshan Road 80 is open!

One key to open the play mode, Baoshan Park Walking Baby Project full strategy fast collection~

Correspondent: Zhang Liwen

Editor: Pan Qiaoyu

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan

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