
Entrepreneurship chooses these four projects, and whoever touches it is unlucky!

author:Wei Biao loves to create

Starting a business is a difficult road, and it is also an opportunity for ordinary people to turn around and make a lot of money. But it's not just a casual business that can be successful, especially when it comes to choosing a project.

Therefore, who touches and who dies in these four projects of entrepreneurship, you must seriously consider it carefully, learn to avoid pitfalls, and you can go further.

The first is the apparel industry.

Friends who open a store know that the cost of opening a clothing store is very large. To pay rent, to hire employees, to decorate, to purchase and store goods, these are all a lot of expenses. In addition, the competition in the industry is fierce, and some e-commerce companies or stores still play for seven days without reason to return. Playing with them, it is difficult for ordinary people to open a store.

Entrepreneurship chooses these four projects, and whoever touches it is unlucky!

The second is the bubble tea shop.

Nowadays, summer has arrived, and bubble tea shops are blooming everywhere, but there are few bubble tea shops that make money.

If you go to join a bubble tea shop, the franchise fee alone will cost tens of thousands, plus the decoration fee will be tens of thousands, and then you have to hire employees, and in the end you will find that you have spent almost 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands. I persevered for a while, and in the end I didn't earn anything.

In the whole process, you just work for yourself, work for yourself, and earn 18,000 yuan a month, do you think it's worth it for you to spend so much money to earn this money?

The third is the beauty salon.

Nowadays, beauty salons are still a little profitable, but they don't make much. Because today's beauty salons are different from before, the input costs are getting bigger and bigger, and the various costs are also very large.

In addition, now the beauty technology is constantly new, and many old beauty employees, as well as many members, will do this after they find out the industry. Therefore, in the end, the beauty industry is becoming more and more involuted, making the beauty industry difficult to do.

The fourth point is dry catering.

The biggest feature of the catering industry is that they wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. Eat and drink together, and greet each other with a smile.

Before, I opened a store downstairs in a community in Shenzhen. Seriously, my restaurant is considered a high-end community. But the good times didn't last long, and the restaurants in the vicinity of the downstairs closed down one after another, with a bankruptcy rate of at least 70%. If your restaurant can survive three months, it's already pretty good.

You see, a friend of mine opened a big beef hot pot restaurant in the central area of Shenzhen a few days ago, and after three months of work, he couldn't do it anymore. Therefore, all large-investment projects should not be done.

Entrepreneurship chooses these four projects, and whoever touches it is unlucky!

Speaking of which, some people ask, how do we choose a money-making track?

If you also want to make money, there are three things to keep in mind:

The first tuyere.

Today's live broadcast has made many people earn a lot of money, therefore, live broadcast is still the outlet, you can do live broadcast to bring goods, you can also do live knowledge sharing, such as, knowledge payment.

Actually, I am also an entrepreneurial self-media expert, and I share some entrepreneurial articles. In fact, there is no cost to engage in self-media, and if you run it well, you can still make money.

The second is that the project you choose must be in high demand.

For example, we are doing this short video delivery project, and this track is just needed. Nowadays everyone likes to shop online, either you buy on Taobao, or you spend on this Pinduoduo, or you place an order on, or you buy on Douyin. Therefore, online shopping is still very demanding.

Therefore, online shopping is just needed, and there is no ceiling for online shopping.

Entrepreneurship chooses these four projects, and whoever touches it is unlucky!

The third point is that we can work for a long time when we choose this project, and we can work for a year and eat for three years.

Like, emotion. You see, my platform has a lot of emotionally paid members who have emotional needs for me. They have emotional counseling, and I helped them solve their emotional problems, solve their doubts, and help them find their other half, and they are very grateful to me. So, it's easy for me to make money from it.

From this, we also know that emotions have diverse needs. Today's public, they have the need to make money, but also the need to become beautiful, as long as we can meet the needs of the majority of consumers, we can make a steady profit.