
You can see it, but you don't have a vision

author:A scorching fire essay

In the long journey of life, we are often able to see what is in front of us, but lack the foresight to pursue goals and make decisions. This phenomenon is not uncommon in life, it not only limits the development of the individual, but can also hinder the progress of society.

"Those who do not seek eternity are not enough to seek a time; Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. This quote profoundly reveals the importance of vision. However, in reality, many people often only focus on immediate interests and gains and losses, like a frog at the bottom of a well, they can only see the narrow sky at the mouth of the well.

You can see it, but you don't have a vision

Visibility is our ability to perceive the present moment; Lack of vision is the limitation of our thinking. For example, in learning, some students only memorize in order to cope with the exams in front of them, but do not consider the importance of knowledge accumulation and ability cultivation for future development. They can see the scores in front of them, but they can't see the long-term learning ability and overall quality improvement. Another example is that in career choice, some people choose a job that they do not love and have no development potential just because of the high salary in front of them, but ignore the development trend of the industry and their own career planning. They can see the material rewards of the present, but they cannot see the career bottlenecks and setbacks they may face in the future.

The reasons for the lack of vision are manifold. On the one hand, people are susceptible to the temptation of short-term gains. Short-term gratification and immediate returns tend to be more appealing, making us lose sight of long-term goals and values. On the other hand, cognitive limitations and insufficient information can also lead to our inability to accurately predict the future. We live in a complex and ever-changing world, where factors are intertwined, and it is not easy to accurately grasp the future trends.

You can see it, but you don't have a vision

However, having a vision is not out of reach. First, we need to develop a macro mindset. Don't just limit yourself to the details and parts in front of you, but learn to look at things from a broader perspective. Just like playing chess, the master not only considers the immediate step, but also plans the overall situation, predicting the trend of the next few or even a dozen moves. Secondly, continuous learning and accumulation of knowledge is key. Only by constantly enriching ourselves and broadening our horizons can we better understand how the world works and make more forward-looking decisions. Furthermore, we should be good at learning from history and the experience of others. History is always strikingly similar, and the experiences and lessons of previous generations can provide us with valuable inspiration.

"People have no foresight, but they must have near-term worries." Those who have a vision are often able to plan ahead of difficult times and take advantage of opportunities when they come. For example, Bill Gates foresaw the huge potential of the software industry when computers were just emerging, and decisively threw himself into it and founded Microsoft Corporation, thus changing the technology landscape of the whole world. In the era when the Internet was not yet popular, Jack Ma firmly believed in the future of e-commerce, founded Alibaba, and achieved a business legend.

You can see it, but you don't have a vision

In today's society, the rapid development of technology and the increasingly fierce competition have highlighted the importance of foresight. If the enterprise does not have a vision, it will be eliminated in the wave of the market; If the country does not have a vision, it will lose its voice in international competition.

As individuals, we should deeply reflect on our actions and decisions, and strive to break free from the shackles of short-sightedness. When faced with a choice, ask yourself: Is this decision in line with my long-term goals? Is it good for my future? Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of life.

In short, seeing is instinct, and foresight is wisdom. Let's strive to cultivate our own vision, meet the challenges of the future with more calm and confidence, and write our own wonderful chapter. Because only with foresight can we find the right direction in this rapidly changing world and realize the values and dreams of life.