
Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

author:Xining City Court

"Report to the presiding judge, the courtroom is ready and ready for trial."

"The Chengzhong District People's Court of Xining City is now in session, and the judicial police are requested to bring the defendant to court."

Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

On the afternoon of June 28, the students of Hua Luogeng Experimental School Xining Branch walked into the first courtroom of the Chengzhong District People's Court and carried out a unique moot court activity, "immersive" experience the mock court, and intuitively feel the whole process of "court trial".

Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

With the sound of the gavel of the "presiding judge", a "court trial" with the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles as the script officially began. The students were dressed in legal robes, uniforms, and lawyers' robes, all of them were immersed in the scene, performing their duties, vividly interpreting the roles of the presiding judge, prosecutor, defender, bailiff, defendant, etc., from the opening of the court, the presentation of evidence, the debate to the announcement of the verdict, the whole process was rigorous and vivid, and the serious and orderly trial scene was highly restored.

Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

Through the combination of role-playing and on-site observation, the moot court allowed students to receive legal knowledge education at "zero distance", understand the trial process, and "immersively" experience the solemnity and sacredness of the courtroom and the professional charm of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and bailiffs, and the seeds of the rule of law were quietly planted. The students said that in the future, they will study hard, distinguish between right and wrong, stay away from illegal and criminal acts, and strive to be good teenagers who respect, learn, abide by and use the law.

Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

In order to successfully complete the "trial", the police officers of the Juvenile Family Trial Division of the City Court went to the school a few days in advance to communicate with the teacher in charge about the purpose and requirements of the activity, and carefully planned and arranged the "case" in line with the characteristics of middle school students.

Students become "presiding judges" The mock court of the city court is open!

In the next step, the Chengzhong District People's Court will give full play to the judicial extension function, focus on helping the construction of the rule of law in the jurisdiction, strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant departments, take the law into the campus as the starting point, and actively carry out the publicity and education of the rule of law in a richer carrier and more effective way, enhance the consciousness of young people to abide by the law, further strengthen the prevention of juvenile crime, and care for the healthy growth of young students with the power of law!