
How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

author:Wang Ba car review

In this age of cars running everywhere, we hear "Fill up!" almost every day. "Come for 200 yuan of oil", but have you ever wondered the secret behind it when we talk about "liters"? Today, let's unveil the mystery between "1 liter of gasoline" and "kilogram", and you may find that this daily neglected little knowledge actually hides a lot of fun.

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

When you leisurely drive into the gas station, the sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, the gas filler skillfully picks up the gas gun, and says, "How much?" "Throwing it to you, you habitually say "fill up No. 95", but secretly muttered in your heart: "How to convert this 'liter' and the 'catty two' we usually say?" "Don't worry, let's explore this little puzzle hidden in everyday life together.

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

First, let's start with the basic unit. liter, which is a unit of volume, 1 liter is exactly equal to 1000 milliliters (ml), and the common unit of mass is the familiar kilogram (kg). To convert volume to mass, one needs to resort to a small formula in physics: mass = density × volume. Different substances naturally have very different densities due to their different compositions. For example, the density of water is about 1 gram per milliliter, so the mass of 1 liter of water is exactly 1 kilogram (i.e. 1000 grams), but this does not mean that all liquids follow this rule.

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

Next, let's focus on today's protagonist – gasoline. In China, the common gasoline grades on the market are 92, 95 and 98, which not only differ in quality, but also in density. The density of 92 gasoline is about 0.72 grams per milliliter, 95 is slightly higher at about 0.725 grams per milliliter, and the high-end 98 gasoline can reach a density of 0.737 grams per milliliter. Using the above formula, we can easily calculate that 1 liter of 92 petrol weighs about 0.72 kg, 95 petrol is about 0.725 kg, and 98 petrol weighs 0.737 kg.

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

Do you think these numbers are a bit abstract? Don't worry, let's take a practical analogy. Assuming that the current price of No. 92 gasoline is 6 yuan per liter, then the price converted into kilograms according to its density is actually about 8.33 yuan per kilogram, which seems to be slightly "cost-effective" compared with the price per liter. Of course, this conversion is more of an interesting perspective shift that doesn't affect the way we refuel on a daily basis.

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

With this in mind, the next time you are waiting for refueling at a gas station, you may be able to share this little knowledge with your friends, so that they can also realize the seemingly ordinary conversion between "liters" and "kilograms". After all, in this era of fast consumption, a little more knowledge is more fun, isn't it?

How many kilograms is "1 liter of gasoline"? There are still many people who don't know, and the refueler gives the answer

Finally, remember that whether you're talking about "liters" or "kilograms", it's important to enjoy the ease and pleasure of each journey. The car is not only a means of transportation, but also a display of life attitude. Next time you face the warning of the fuel gauge, you might as well take this new knowledge and say to the gas filler with a smile: "Please fill me with 20 liters of 95 gasoline, thank you!" "At that moment, you are not only fueling your car, but also your curiosity about life.