
After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

author:Color-picking design

What is one of the "life events" I've done in the past two years? From the high-rise where I have lived for nearly 10 years, moving back to the dilapidated "old community" is definitely one, and I even regret not moving earlier.

Even if the "old community" is disliked by many people, even if you have to climb the stairs to go home every day, it is still worth it, and the idea of retirement here is also born.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

In this issue, let's talk about the difference between the two residences, there are really some words that are not spit out and unpleasant, and they are too real.

1. Why do you want to move out of the upper echelons?

As a home that has lived in for more than 10 years, it is still very reluctant to make up my mind to move out, after all, it is my first home after independence. There are several main reasons for the opportunity to change houses.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

(1) The decoration is too old

Because I have not deliberately maintained the decoration of the home in my daily life, and the decoration in the past does not conform to the current aesthetics, and the children are more naughty.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

After a long time, the decoration is naturally too old, and even to the point that it is impossible to live well without renovation, which seriously affects the quality of life.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

So, do you want to redecorate, and where do you live during the renovation? This series of problems triggered the opportunity to change the house.

(2) Travel is super inconvenient

People who live in high-rise buildings should feel the same for the problem of traveling up and down the stairs. Especially for two-staircase, four-family, with a total height of more than 30 floors, waiting for the elevator is called a pain.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

For the new community, in previous years, due to the low occupancy rate, the elevator travel was not so inconvenient. But after a long time, the occupancy rate of the community is high, and the problem of elevator travel begins to slowly manifest itself, as if living in a pigeon cage.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

Take myself as an example, since my children go to school, I have to go out 10 minutes early every day and press the elevator, for fear that the elevator will have to wait for a long time, which is both irritating and torturous.

(3) It is inconvenient to take care of family members

Although my parents are in the same city as me, because they don't live in the same community, even though the transportation is very convenient now, there are not many opportunities to meet each other.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

In addition, as time went on, my parents got older, which made me feel more inconvenient about the distance, even if it only took 40 minutes for a single pass.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

Therefore, combined with various reasons, I finally moved out of this home where I had lived for more than 10 years and chose the same "old community" as my parents.

2. Why did you choose the "old community"?

Although I chose the "old community" at the beginning to make it easier to take care of my parents, after a series of understandings, I found that the advantages of the "old community" itself are very large, as follows.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

(1) The total price is low

Compared with high-rise residences, the old community is a step house, so the shared area will be very small, almost only about 7%.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

Even if the high-rise residential building is divided into multiple units, there are often more than 20% of the shared area, and if you buy a 120-square-meter house, it seems that you only have 90 square meters to live in.

In addition, the housing prices in the old community themselves are relatively close to the people, and the real estate market is not good now, even ordinary families will not have too much economic pressure.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

(2) It is very convenient to travel

Although there is no elevator in the old community, the travel efficiency is much higher than that of the elevator room, and the house I bought is on the third floor, so even if I climb the stairs every day, I will not feel uncomfortable.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

If I have to say that it has an impact, it is that it is a little tiring to carry heavy objects upstairs occasionally. However, at present, the impact is not great, and it should be regarded as exercise.

(3) The environment is more natural

It is said that the environment of the old community is very dilapidated, far inferior to the newly developed real estate. In fact, this is completely a kind of stereotyped thinking, you must know that the old community was generally built relatively early, and the surrounding greenery has long been shaded.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

Therefore, compared with more modern high-rise residences, the environment of the old community is more natural, pleasant and quiet, as if the pace of life has slowed down, and there is a human touch everywhere.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

(4) The facilities are more mature

The old community is usually located in the old city, and it used to be the most prosperous area, so the surrounding facilities such as commerce, medical care, education, and transportation are more complete and mature.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

To take the simplest example, when you live in a high-rise apartment, you either order takeout or go to a nearby mall when you want to eat. And living in the old community, you can go downstairs and eat the food of the stall, which is very convenient.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

(5) You can rub the rice and lose the baby

For myself, the greatest joy of living with my parents is that I don't have to cook every day, and I even have the habit of going to my parents' house every night to eat.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

In addition, children can be left at their parents' house at any time during the holidays, and life feels much easier. Of course, the most important thing is that when parents encounter difficulties in life, it is convenient to take care of them.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

3. How to choose the old community?

When it comes to the old community, many people default to the old and small, but in fact, the two are completely different. Besides, no one asks you to pick and choose from the old and the small. How to choose, to sum up, are the following 4 points.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

1) Choose a large apartment: The price of the old community itself is not high, and there is no need to buy a small apartment in order to save money. After all, the larger the area, the more space changes, and the better the living comfort.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

2) Good location: The community with a superior geographical location has a higher rate of value preservation and appreciation, and life will be more convenient.

3) Have a property: Don't think about saving property fees, the higher the level of property management, the more secure and comfortable you will live in.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

4) Don't choose the top floor and the first floor: Don't choose even if there is an attic on the top floor, in addition to climbing the building will be very tiring, there will be water leakage, poor insulation and other problems.

As for the first floor, there is no small courtyard to decisively choose, and it is recommended that you choose carefully if there is a small courtyard. It's damp, mosquitoes are abundant, and small animals may run into the house.

After I moved back to the "old community" from the high-rise, I didn't vomit some words and regretted not moving earlier

Write at the end:

That's all for this issue.

Whether it is a high-rise residential building or an old community, there are actually advantages and disadvantages. All we have to do is determine our needs and whether we can accept the shortcomings of the home, so as to find a place to live that suits us. What do you think about this?