
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

author:Love to climb all your life
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

The dust is clean for a while, and the breeze is born in both armpits

bamboo rain pine organ rhyme,

The sound of tea smoke and Wuyue books.

This is the Qing Dynasty celebrity Fu Shan inscribed tea couplet. Fu Shan was both a painter and a poet.

There are paintings in the tea couplet poem mentioned by Fu Shan, and between the lines, a scene of mountains and rivers cooking tea comes into view:

Xiaoxiao bamboo rain, gusts of pine wind, such a graceful scenery in the reading and admiring the moon, is indeed the elegance of boundless scenery.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

Tea couplet is a kind of literary art and calligraphy form carrier of tea culture, which not only has the beauty of simplicity and elegance, but also has indescribable interest.

Throughout the ages, tea couplets with tea events as the content can often be seen in tea pavilions, tea rooms, tea houses, and tea houses.

A pair of tea courtyard Chen, the humanistic aura suddenly emerged. Many tea associations contain rich poetic taste, because of the tea association, the association of tea, tea appreciation, is the unique life environment of Chinese.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

The emergence of tea associations, according to the current records and a large number of them, is in the Qing Dynasty, especially Zheng Banqiao.

Zheng Banqiao can be good at poetry and painting, and understand the taste of tea, good at tasting tea, many of the tea couplets he made are between the lines of coarse tea and light rice, but they show his simple and tranquil life realm and fresh and refined spiritual pursuit.

Draw river water to cook new tea, and buy all the green mountains as a picture screen.

Sweep bamboo leaves to cook tea leaves, chop pine roots and cook vegetable roots.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

Different from Zheng Banqiao's style, Huihong's tea couplet reflects the exquisite tea set sencha, and the tea fun in the slow frying.

Jin Dinglang turned over the crab's eyes,

Jade Ou warm partridge spots.

"Crab eyes" describe small bubbles that pop up when water first boils. At first, it is a crab eye, and it gradually grows into a fish eye.

Dongpo's poem "Sencha in the Trial Courtyard": "The crab eye has passed the fish eye, and it wants to make a pine wind roar." "Partridge spots" probably refer to the spots depicted on ceramic vessels that resemble partridge feathers.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

The most interesting of the tea couplets is the clever palindromic tea couplet. Among the palindrome couplets, there is a tea couplet that is quite interesting.

Its tea Lianyun: "Interesting words can be suitable, and tea can be pure." ”

Reading it upside down is: "The heart is clear and you can taste tea, and the meaning is suitable to be interesting."

The meaning of tea association: tea can refresh the brain, can make people's hearts as clear as a mirror, and do not stain dust. This couplet also contains the meaning of cleansing oneself and treating others honestly, showing a strong taste of clean, honest, quiet and harmonious tea culture.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

"Tea can clear the heart" can be abbreviated as "can clear the heart", these four words seem simple, but they are profound;

It is often engraved on the lid of the pot by the purple clay pot artist, no matter how the lid of the cup in the palm of the hand rotates, these four words can be formed into a sentence:

The heart can also be clear, and the heart can also be pure

It can be pure-hearted, and it can also be pure-hearted

Each sentence seems to be similar, but it has a different artistic conception. It's not so much the wonder of Chinese writing as the wonder of a cup of tea.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

There are also some elegant and quiet tea couplets, which are quite Zen. As:

The four are empty, sit for a moment and do not distinguish between you and me;

The two ends are the Tao, eat a lamp and don't ask anything.

Celebrities have always been able to evaluate water, and since ancient times, monks love to fight tea.

Wild birds cry phoenixes, whispering to persuade the monarch to rest;

The mountain flowers are charming, nodding and smiling don't need to be busy.

Some of these tea couplets write about the monks' non-contention, indifference, and pure heart, and some are like Buddhist sayings, Taoist mysteries, and Confucian mantras.

The elegance of tea is in line with the "quiet and inaction" of Buddhism and Taoism, and the spirit of "pure heart and few desires" of Confucianism, that is, the taste of Zen tea. Practicing in tea tasting, drinking tea in practice.

These tea couplets are extremely beautiful
These tea couplets are extremely beautiful

Since ancient times, whether it is a literati or a common man; Whether it is a person in the red dust or a person in the empty door, you can get the joy of life from tasting tea.

A good tea couplet, in addition to making tea tasting more fun and poetic, will also make people gain something and sublimate the spirit, so that the body and mind are peaceful and wise;

In the first bitterness and then the sweetness of tea, you can finally break through the "bitter truth" of life.

The dust is clean for a while, and the breeze is born in both armpits.