
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report

author:Calligraphy and Painting Art 123
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report

Ma Shuqin

Member of the China Democratic League

Member of Beijing Fengtai District Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Ma Shuqin (Ma Shuqin)

Nationality: Chinese


Ancestral hometown: Tai'an, Shandong

Born: December 1950

Graduated: Department of Chinese, Heilongjiang Provincial College of Literature

He is now a member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphers Association; Member of China Couplet Association; Member of Chinese Poetry Association; Member of China-Heilongjiang Calligraphers Association; The founder of the Chinese Ice and Snow Painting School is a disciple one by one; Painter of the New Chinese Painting Academy.

I was born in a small town in northern Xinjiang in the 50s, and my mother was a beautiful lady and a family of poets and scholars. Teach her mother's edification and education, and make ink at an early age. The third brother is three years older than me, and I heard my mother say that the third brother has been drawing since he can hold chopsticks, and the family has raised a puppy for him, and there are chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, and cats at home. These vivid poultry are all characters in the pen of my brother. When the third brother was painting, I kept watching, asking, and applauding......

During the Cultural Revolution, the third brother was transferred to work in a paper mill in a county town, because he painted well, and he was well-known in the local area, and after the Cultural Revolution began, he was asked to paint six huge murals for this line city, which surrounded the center of the county from the railway station of the county. I clearly remember that there are: "Chairman Mao waved my hand to move forward", "The sea sails by the helmsman", "Mao Zedong goes to Anyuan", "Long live Mao Zedong Thought" and other six masterpieces, which were a beautiful scenery in this county at that time......

Influenced by my third brother, I also like to paint, painting my own favorite things: there are porcelain pots from Jingdezhen at home, with plum blossoms and sparrows on them, as well as rice bowls, curtains, bed sheets, quilt covers, as well as ice flowers on the doors and windows in the north, all kinds of fruit trees and flowers in my yard, and the red mountains on the hillside in spring (Jindalai), these are all my favorite painting elements.

Honors and achievements

From 1971 to 1974, he worked as a teacher in the forest farm and insisted on running more than 200 issues of blackboard newspapers;

From 1975 to 1982, he worked in the municipal government and wrote more than 100 issues of blackboard newspapers for the government building;

From 1983 to 1989, he wrote more than 150 issues of blackboard newspapers for the district committee;

From 1983 to 1992, he created a calligraphy and painting street activity, which was praised by the provincial propaganda department;

In the spring of 1992, he founded the "Shurentang" calligraphy and painting art school;

On December 11, 1992, in Jinan City, Shandong Province, he received the Singapore calligraphy delegation to China, President Chen Shenggui and his party of 9 people, and 13 people from 6 provinces and cities in China participated in calligraphy exchange activities;

In 1993, the calligraphy "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" was published in Singapore's "Xin Ming Daily";

In 1993, "Meditation on the Meaning of the Mountains, the Love of the Art Garden" was published in the "Calligraphy and Painting Art Garden";

In 1994, "Collection of Works of International Calligraphy and Seal Carving Masters in the Twentieth Century" and won the Honorary Award for International Exchange;

In 1995, he was included in the compilation of the works of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and seal carvers, and won the title of "Contemporary Famous Artist".

In 1996, the first women's calligraphy exhibition in Heilongjiang Province;

In 1997, he was awarded the honorary title of "District-level Top Talent";

In 1998, Hegang Daily's "There are books, there are pianos, and there is an oasis" was published in the column of "Weekend Interview";

In 1998, he was awarded the honorary title of "100 Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy and Art";

In 1999, he was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Calligrapher of the Republic";

2000 Letter of Appointment: Member of the Organizing Committee of the National Calligraphy and Painting Organization Exhibition;

In 2001, he carried forward the good deeds, demonstrated the love and donation of calligraphy works, and contributed to the motherland's art cause and public welfare;

In 2002, he was awarded the honorary title of China's 100 Meritorious Artists;

In 2003, he was awarded the honorary title of leader in the Chinese calligraphy and painting art circle;

In 2004, he was awarded the honorary title of Hundred Flowers Award for Calligraphy and Painting for 60 Years;

In 2009, "China Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper" published a calligraphy work written by himself with a 6-foot folio seal;

In 2010, the "Youth Calligraphy Newspaper" (Book Printing Expo) reported on the process of learning calligraphy and published three masterpieces of calligraphy;

In 2009, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Contribution to Red Art";

In 2009, the cross-strait cultural exchange activities contributed to the glorious title of peace envoy;

In 2009, he was awarded the Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Achievement Award.

In 2009, he was awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Calligrapher of the Republic of China in the Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Creation Achievements;

Won an award

In 1983, the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition held by the Shandong Province "Dongchang Calligraphers and Painters" Association;

In 1984, the National Hard Pen Calligraphy Exhibition "Lanting Collection Preface" held by the "North and South China Calligraphy and Painting Society" was exhibited;

In 1985, the second calligraphy and painting exhibition of the "Dongchang Calligraphers and Painters" Association was exhibited;

In 1986, he participated in the National Lei Feng Hard Pen Calligraphy Exhibition;

In 1987, the International Hard Pen Calligraphy and Seal Carving Competition "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" was exhibited;

In 1988, the calligraphy of "Chinese Folk Art Encyclopedia" was exhibited;

In 1989, Su Dongpo's "An Ancient Poem" was exhibited in the Fine Exhibition of the North and South Calligraphy and Painting Society

In 1990, the National Calligraphy Competition hard-pen calligraphy "Cao Cao Short Song Xing" was exhibited

In 1991, Heilongjiang "Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party" calligraphy exhibition was exhibited;

In 1992, the first Singapore International Hard Pen Calligraphy Competition "Lanting Collection Preface" was exhibited;

In 1992, the first "Sino-Japanese Youth Calligraphy Shenlong Cup" competition was exhibited; In 1993, he participated in the 93rd National Contemporary Poets Contemporary Literary Creation Annual Conference in the capital, and the "Ai Qing Cup" Literary and Artistic Creation Revision Meeting, and won the award for his poems;

In 1993, the 95th anniversary of the birth of Premier Zhou Enlai was exhibited in the calligraphy and painting exhibition; In 1994, the 2nd Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Exhibition went to Singapore to participate in the exhibition; In 1995, the "Hongdong Big Locust Tree Calligraphy and Painting Works" competition was exhibited;

In 1996, the first women's calligraphy competition in Heilongjiang Province was exhibited;

In 1997, he commemorated the calligraphy and painting competition of Mao Zedong's poems and seven laws "The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing";

In 1998, he was exhibited in the second "Hongdong Big Locust Tree" calligraphy and painting exhibition;

In 1999, the 4th China Shanxi National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition, and the 3rd Hongdong Big Locust Tree National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition Chinese painting "Peony in Bloom" was exhibited;

In 2014, the calligraphy and painting exhibition of the Calligraphers and Painters Association of the Democratic League was exhibited;

In 2015, the calligraphy category of the Central Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Democratic League was exhibited;

In 2019, he participated in the New Chinese Painting - Online Painting Exhibition of the Art Academy;

In 2022, the Haidian District Committee of the Democratic League presented a collection of works of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: calligraphy and painting works were exhibited.

Calligraphy and painting awards

In the mid-80s, he began to participate in domestic and foreign poetry, calligraphy and painting printing exhibitions, and won awards: Shandong Province "Dongchang Calligraphers and Painters Association" National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Competition. Calligraphy works: won the winning award;

The first Sino-Japanese Youth Shenlong Cup of "Youth Calligraphy News" won: the second prize of the calligraphy category of the "North and South Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition";

Winner of the "Sanqi Cup International Calligraphy and Seal Carving Competition";

"China's "White Phoenix Black Chicken Cup" won the gold medal;

The 5th "Golden Tripod Cup" won the silver medal in the calligraphy category;

The first Chinese Literature and Art Golden Goblet Award Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the best award in the calligraphy category;

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the gold medal;

The first Hongdong "Big Locust Tree Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" flower and bird painting won the Excellence Award;

The 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, "Exhibition of Famous Calligraphy and Painting Artists" Calligraphy Category: First Prize;

Singing the Motherland - Singing Praises to Mother's "Celebration of the 60th Birthday of New China" Calligraphy Category: Won the Gold Award;

The Republic praises the gold medal in the calligraphy category of "National Calligraphy, Painting and Poetry Birthday Ode"; Sunshine Cup "National Calligraphy, Painting, Photography, Poetry and Writing" Competition: Calligraphy: Special Prize "Harmony Cup" Calligraphy and Painting, Photography Exhibition Competition, calligraphy won the gold medal;

The 1st Teacher and Student Works Exhibition of "Calligraphy and Painting Channel": Flower and Bird Painting Excellence Award; The 4th China Shaanxi National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition, Ink Painting Excellence Award; National Exhibition of Loess Love Poems and Calligraphy and Painting, Chinese Painting: Third Prize; Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Nuwa Cultural Forum in Beijing, China: Chinese Painting: Winner;

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition won the gold medal in the calligraphy category;

"60 Years of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" calligraphy category, won the gold medal;

The first calligraphy art exhibition of "Olympiad", hard pen calligraphy won the first prize;

"The 18th Art Sea Cup" National Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Competition, Calligraphy Category: Won the Gold Award;

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" Exhibition, calligraphy: won the second prize;

The 3rd Hongdong Big Locust Tree "National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition, Calligraphy: Excellence Award;

To commemorate Mao Zedong's poems and seven laws "The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition, calligraphy won the gold medal; "Years of Love" Poetry and Painting Competition, Chinese Painting: won the silver medal; Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, "Exhibition of Famous Artists of Calligraphy and Painting" Calligraphy Category: First Prize; Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Creation Achievements, Calligraphy Category: First Prize;

Chinese Artist Ceremony, hard pen calligraphy won the gold medal;

"100 Masterpieces of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" Exhibition, Calligraphy Category: Won the Gold Award; Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the calligraphy of the Second Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the gold medal;

Jinggangshan National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition Star "Spark of the Stars, Can Fire the Plain" calligraphy work: won the bronze award;

The work of "Orchid Pavilion Preface" was strictly evaluated by the Review Committee of the China International Literary and Art Works Expo, and was recognized as a first-class work of calligraphy.

In 1987, "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" was collected by the International Calligraphy and Painting Exchange - Creation and Painting Association;

In 1988, the first "Plum Blossom Cup" calligraphy and painting competition, the hard pen calligraphy "Orchid Pavilion Preface" was permanently collected; In 1989, the calligraphy "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" was collected and permanently displayed by the "China Imperial Belt Art Garden" (Academy);

In 1991, the "First Plum Blossom Cup" calligraphy competition, hard pen calligraphy was collected;

In 1992, the works of the second "Plum Blossom Cup" National Calligraphy Competition were collected, and in 2015, the paintings "Morning Dawn", "Awakening 2" and "Dream Building" were collected by the New Chinese Painting Academy;

In 2015, three calligraphy masterpieces of Kenli Museum in Qingzhou, Shandong Province were permanently collected;

In 2016, "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" was collected by the New China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy;

In 2016, "Lanting Collection Preface" was collected by Xiong'an-71 Art Museum;

From 2014 to 2015, he participated in the Central Committee of the Democratic League, and his calligraphy works were collected by the Beijing Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Democratic League.

Over the years, Ma Shuqin's calligraphy and painting works have been collected by domestic collection institutes (museums) and domestic and foreign calligraphy and painting friends, troops, institutions, schools, large and medium-sized enterprises and individual private enterprises, and entrepreneurs.

In 2017, he inscribed eight characters such as "Dingli Mountains and Rivers" for Harbin Science and Technology Enterprise Group. In 2018, he wrote a number of calligraphy and paintings such as "Home and School Build a Harmonious Home" for Chaoyang District Jingyuan Branch. In 2019, he wrote a number of calligraphy works and calligraphy paintings such as "Don't Forget the Original Heart, Remember the Mission" and the painting "The Three Armies Fight the Cold" for a certain ministry in Beijing, and in 2020, he inscribed the characters "Dragon" for the Tangyuan County Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Heilongjiang Province, "The Sea Embraces All Rivers", "Virtue Carries Things", "Huifeng and Chang" and so on. In 2022, he inscribed "Hongye Take-off" for "Joyvio Group". He has written more than 100 calligraphy and painting works for community cultural activities.

Ma Shuqin

Grow in storage.

In 1997, he graduated from Heilongjiang Provincial College of Literature in Chinese.

In 1998, the first training course for non-party cadres was completed at Hegang Institute of Socialism.

In 1999, he graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Literature (Beijing) majoring in literary creation.

In 2005, he completed a short-term course at the Training Center of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

In 2009, the Chinese Calligraphers Association "Calligraphy Training Center" practiced cursive and graduated.

From 2013 to 2014, he graduated from the Advanced Calligraphy Research Class of the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University.

May 2015 Ice and Snow Painting Beginner Class (Songzhuang, Beijing)

In September 2015, he graduated from the New Chinese Painting Institute (Songzhuang, Beijing).

In 2017, he became a disciple of the founder of the Ice and Snow Painting School (Yanqing, Beijing). Completion of studies.

From 2018 to 2019, he continued his studies at the New Chinese Painting Academy (Sanlitun, Beijing).

2024 Chinese Ceramics "Dunhuang Murals" Learning ......

"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report
"Famous calligrapher and painter Ma Shuqin, on the list of top 100 artists in 2024" special report

Book Style:

In Li Keran's words: "The precious one has the courage, and the one who wants the soul", both have the courage and the soul!

---- famous calligrapher Li Duo

The work "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is chic and vertical, exquisitely winged, graceful and leisurely, and integrated!

----- Singapore Tan Seng Gui

"The pen moves smoothly and vigorously, and the layout is reasonable, which is really a masterpiece."

---- Shandong Zhang Huchen

"The calligraphy attainments are very deep, and she is indeed a heroine among women, a talented woman, and I hope to continue to pursue it tirelessly and persistently, and the state of supernatural will eventually arrive."

---- Hunan Zhang Jiupeng

"She has the beauty of a young lady, and she doesn't lose the backbone of her husband."

---- Jiangsu, Wang Yeyun

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