
A wonderful July

author:Meet Hanako
A wonderful July

The university for the elderly is on vacation, but I don't have the joy of longing for the vacation when I was a student.

The students of our reading class at the University for the Elderly organized a reading group during the holidays, preparing to use the holidays to practice multi-person recitation.

So, I was able to meet my classmates during the holidays, and they were all people who loved to read aloud.

Last Saturday, we gathered in the park for the first time. We were divided into two groups. The reading group I belong to is very actionable.

When I arrived at the meeting place, everyone had already arrived, except for those who had asked for leave.

Sister Xing is the leader of our group. She was a capable person when she was working in the unit, and under her leadership, the reading practice of the day was carried out in an orderly manner.

Our group chose a piece with a main theme. On that day, each was assigned a paragraph to read. Adjustments have been made to some paragraphs. I tried to read it a few times and combed through the work.

If you want to present a good effect as a whole, you also need to figure it out privately by yourself, cooperate with practice, and polish it carefully.

I know that although I like to be alone, I also want to participate in some group activities that suit me, and it is very enjoyable to practice reading aloud with my teachers and college classmates, a group of like-minded people.

In the vast sea of people, I am really grateful to meet people with the same hobbies. Failing to pass the seminar made me silent. It was my favorite classmates who encouraged me to continue to love reading aloud.

A wonderful July

Since then, I have been practicing mouth exercises when I wash. When I listen to books, I also practice breathing. When I send messages, I start practicing with voice bars. Practice reading short texts on Douyin every day.

Reading aloud is everywhere in my life. Walking with my mother, I read words and practiced pronunciation. When I cook, I read short texts posted on the wall.

I like to read aloud to make my life fun, I look for short co-production materials and read them aloud with my mother. My mother is happy, I am happy, and it also promotes feelings. Let our hearts be filled with joy.

With reading aloud in life, my heart is busy, and I don't have any superfluous experiences to worry about the trivial things in life.

When I truly accept the trivial daily life, the trivial things are no longer a burden of life, but become a kind of spice of life.

I heard that the elderly college classmates went on a trip to other places during the holidays. I would also love to go out for a few days.

A wonderful July

Go to Tibet to see the Potala Palace, go to Xinjiang to see Altay, go to the ancient towns in the south, and feel the bluestone paths on rainy days.

But this kind of thinking is also thinking about it, fleeting. Because I still like to stay in familiar places and around familiar people.

In the afternoon, still in my dreams, I was awakened by the sound of crackling glass.

It turned out that it was raining outside the window, and the crackling sound was hail. It was a dense hailstorm, and this was the first time I saw hail this year, so I excitedly called my mother to come and see it.

My mother said, don't hail, or the crops will suffer.

A wonderful July

We climbed the window and saw the rain coming down from the sky. Mixed with hail, he fell on his stomach on the ground. Ice particles the size of fingernails crackled and fell. From time to time, one or two hailstones hit the glass.

Fortunately, the hailstorm was small this time, and it only took a few minutes to fall.

It didn't take long for the ground to get wet and there was water in the potholes.

I was fascinated by the view, and a group of children from the opposite school got out of school. Parents who picked up their children poured from the evaded cars and under the trees to the school gate.

I was greeted by a child in a pink raincoat, stamping her feet on her stomach, stepping on the stagnant water in the low-lying area, splashing the water. Pedestrians who couldn't dodge were splashed with rain.

When I turned around and saw that it was a child, I had no temper. Suddenly, I remembered a video I had just watched.

A wonderful July

When it rained in a certain city, a father led his children to squat on the side of the road in the stagnant water, signaling the cars to splash and spray the father and son.

Passing cars have cooperated with their father to splash the stagnant water on the father and son, but the father and son laughed happily, the kind of joy from the heart, like when we were children, rolled up our trouser legs, waded the river with our friends, played until we rose, and the water splashed everywhere.

The little friends then attacked it in groups. There was a commotion for a while. The big guy's clothes are all wet.

At that time, we didn't have toys, let alone mobile phones, and we only bought a TV at home when we were in junior high school.

Stepping on puddles in the rain and wading through the river in plastic sandals became our fun.

A wonderful July

This heavy rain made the children in the courtyard of the community laugh, some were drenched in the rain, and I also braved the rain to let the cool raindrops hit my body in the community. The joy of being close to nature from the heart makes me feel very happy.

The rain stopped and stopped, and there was standing water on the trail path, so I didn't step on it like a child. That's an innocent game for kids.

The rustling sound of the rain is so beautiful, and you can enjoy the scenery in the rain quietly. It didn't take long for the sky to shine, and the southwest actually saw the sun.

Every day is a day of life. Cherish every day in the moment.