
The "100-day action" to standardize traffic order has achieved remarkable results

author:Good friends on the 986 road

Since the launch of the "100-day action" to standardize traffic order, in order to ensure the smooth and orderly road traffic in the city and the safe and smooth traffic of citizens, the Shenyang public security traffic police have adhered to the working principle of "strict management and strict investigation, heavy management", comprehensively strengthened road traffic management, and strictly investigated and punished drunk driving, overcrowding and overloading, license-related and license-related, illegal modification and other serious traffic violations and uncivilized traffic behaviors such as motor vehicles not yielding to pedestrians, illegal parking, electric bicycles on the road without licenses, not wearing helmets, pedestrians and non-motor vehicles running red lights, and taking motor lanes, achieved good remediation results.

The "100-day action" to standardize traffic order has achieved remarkable results

——Actively explore, innovate and change, and implement a new type of grid service

Promote the sinking of police forces, optimize the police structure, implement a new type of "grid" service, build a management system of "brigade management squadron, squadron management of police districts, and police district management grid", launch the "1+N+X" service model, delineate 104 police districts and 233 grid areas, and create a grid management system to ensure that there are police on duty and police control at key times and key parts. Around the city's trunk roads and expressways, 60 main line patrol sections and 20 expressway patrol points are set up respectively to create a three-dimensional patrol service mode and fully empower road traffic management, parking order management, traffic accident prevention and other work.

The "100-day action" to standardize traffic order has achieved remarkable results

-- Strengthen rectification, strictly investigate violations, and standardize road traffic order

Adhere to strict management and strict governance, maximize the appearance of soldiers' roads, focus on the four major battlefields of urban roads, national and provincial highways, highways, and rural roads, and focus on drunk driving, drag racing and street bombing, fake license plates, "one helmet and one belt", illegal modification, "three supers and one fatigue", motor vehicles not yielding to pedestrians, and running red lights, etc., to comprehensively create a strict management atmosphere and eliminate the safety risks and hidden dangers caused by serious traffic violations.

The "100-day action" to standardize traffic order has achieved remarkable results

-- Strengthen governance, take multiple measures at the same time, and standardize the order of road parking

The "five-step work method" of static parking management is improved, and the "one community, one countermeasure" is implemented, and the parking chaos is centrally controlled. We will make every effort to build 165 parking demonstration roads and 106 parking demonstration sites. Since the launch of the operation, 1,143 "zombie cars" have been cleaned up on the road, 69 public parking lots and 11,000 parking spaces have been added, and the city's parking order and road traffic environment have been significantly improved and upgraded.

-- Widely publicize, educate and guide, and carry forward the concept of civility and law-abiding

Relying on the official Weibo, WeChat and news media platforms of the Shenyang Public Security Traffic Police, it has comprehensively carried out traffic safety publicity work such as advocacy tips and exposure warnings, launched more than 100 serialized publicity columns such as "Police Flower Says Traffic" and "Road School", and launched more than 40 special publicity columns such as "Looking for the Most Beautiful Driver", and organized more than 370 themed social publicity activities in communities, units, campuses, rural areas and other places. Jointly with multiple departments, the use of outdoor LED screens, traffic guidance screens to roll the broadcast of civilized traffic, standardized traffic and other theme posters, slogans, and the use of rural loudspeaker positions to regularly broadcast prompts.

The "100-day action" to standardize traffic order has achieved remarkable results

Shenyang public security traffic police tips: the majority of drivers should consciously resist drunk driving, overcrowding and overloading, involving licenses and other serious traffic violations, after 100 days of action, Shenyang public security traffic police will continue to carry out serious traffic violations full coverage, full time and space, no dead ends of strict management, in the city to create a "every moment, every district and every road" in the strict management of the social atmosphere, to ensure road traffic safety, to maintain the safety of people's lives and property. (Reporter: Xiaolin)

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