
The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

author:Elephant Mountain release

On July 1, the 2023 Zhejiang Culture and Tourism General Evaluation List Award Ceremony was held in Hangzhou a few days ago, and Xiangshan won 3 awards, let's take a look↓

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

Maoyang Township, Xiangshan County, was successfully selected

Top 10 Townships (Streets) in Zhejiang Rural Operation

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

Maoyang Township, located in the south-central part of Xiangshan Peninsula, aims to build a "world-oriented, domestic first-class" harbor characteristic rural leisure tourism destination, and continues to promote the development of rural tourism.

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

Songlan Mountain Tourist Resort was selected

Zhejiang's top ten transformation and quality improvement scenic spots

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

The scenic spot combines nature with leisure and entertainment, and is equipped with complete cultural and tourism facilities, highlighting the basic concept of the resort serving tourists.

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

Xiangshan Xiaotang Township Datang Port Tourist Station

Selected as one of the top ten tourist stations in Zhejiang

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

Datang Port Tourist Station is located in Qingshantou Village, Xiaotang Township, in the middle of Xiangshan. Combined with the reconstruction and operation of "micro transformation and fine upgrading", the post station has built a visitor center, Xiangshan citrus exhibition hall, Xiaotang Township Nostalgia Museum, leisure square, tourist toilet, parking lot and other supporting service facilities, and is the first batch of "provincial first-class tourist station" listed.

In addition to satisfying the basic functions, the post station also innovatively built a live broadcast room of the local brand of "Qingnong Maker" to help agricultural products expand sales channels, and become a "display window" for the "Red Beauty" citrus brand and a "Gongfu Workshop" for live broadcasting.

The provincial list was released, and Xiangshan won 3 items!

It is reported that the event was officially launched on March 19 this year, with more than 400 units competing for 10 awards, and the final list was produced after public voting and expert review, combined with industry data.

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