
This clinic can help children who are suffering from "learning difficulties"~~

author:Style supervision face-to-face

"Procrastination in doing homework, absent-mindedness in doing things", "I feel uncomfortable when I talk about going to school", "I can only write five words a minute, and the strokes are messy, and I can't tell the difference between BDQP" ......and " Outside the learning difficulties clinic of the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (Jinan Children's Hospital), every day is full of children and parents who come to the clinic, they hold a thick stack of diagnostic materials, pacing back and forth in the corridor, and when the door is opened, people are brushing to the clinic to probe, and the parents who come late hope to get the opportunity to get a plus sign in this short period of time, and repeat the difficulty of "coming from other places". Clinics, which were supposed to end at 5:30 p.m., were often extended to after 6 p.m.

In recent years, the Learning Difficulties Clinic, a clinic named after a patient's complaint, has attracted frequent attention due to the "No. 1 hard to find" policy, with some people seeing the Learning Difficulties Clinic as a panacea for improving academic performance, while others are still stuck in stigma and resist the fact that they need to take medication.

"Learning difficulties" is only a small tip of the iceberg above the sea, under the sea level, learning difficulties clinic is not only related to the disease, but also inextricably linked with family relations and school education.

This clinic can help children who are suffering from "learning difficulties"~~

Zhang Dongdong, an attending physician at the Children's Care Department of Jinan Children's Hospital, explained that "learning difficulties" generally refer to low learning ability and poor academic performance, and medically specifically refers to special learning disabilities (SLD), which usually refers to children with normal intelligence who show significant difficulties in acquiring and using listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical skills. "Learning difficulties" are the result of presentation, and there are multiple causes behind them. Wang Miao (pseudonym), who is in elementary school, is always unable to complete her homework on time, "I want to scan more than twice as far as I can see, and when I see paper around me, I want to draw on it." ”

In addition to the "not enough to see" academic performance, her father Wang Gang (pseudonym) noticed the changes in the child's emotions, Wang Miao, who lives in a restructured family, has become sensitive and wants to show favor to his father, but he has not been able to learn the appropriate way to get along. What alerted Wang Gang was that Wang Miao learned to swear at school, felt that it was a "cool" expression, and even clashed with the teacher.

After diagnosis, Wang Miao was diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a common chronic neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood and can continue into adulthood.

According to the "Pediatric Expert Consensus on Early Identification, Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", the prevalence of ADHD in children in mainland China is 6.26%, and the number of patients is about 23 million. However, according to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Second Edition) in China, the consultation rate of ADHD patients in mainland China is only 10%. In the eyes of the medical community, although ADHD is a developmental disease, patients can also be affected by multiple problems such as mental and psychological disorders, tension in parent-child relationships, and school education deviations.

Some parents regard their child's symptoms as "naughty and playful", vigorously deny the fact that the child may be sick, and still reprimand them mainly in the form of "beating and scolding". Even if the child is diagnosed afterwards, parents are still resistant to taking medication. Professor Liu Jintong, a distinguished expert expert, told reporters that it is normal to have two or three students with "ADHD" in a class, but if the teacher finds that these children like to do "small movements", they will be arranged in the corner of the class, which may lead to the aggravation of the student's condition and being marginalized by the class.

In addition to the common ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia are also causes of "learning difficulties". In the documentary "I'm Not a Stupid Child", the constantly beating and changing words in the world of children with dyslexia are reproduced, sometimes the words are "dancing", sometimes the words are crowded in a pile, "those words are flashing and flashing, sometimes white and sometimes black".

Li Hong, a professor at the Department of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, pointed out that if children work hard and still can't do well, they may put on "armor" of value protection, suggesting that "it's better not to do it from the beginning". When this is detected at an early diagnosis, parents can carry out targeted training when the child is one-and-a-half or two-year-old. Liu Jintong also stressed the importance of "early intervention". Some children with "high IQ and low grades" who come to the clinic may achieve a "counterattack" in their grades by finding out the causes of their learning difficulties in time. After some parents find out about their children's problems, they do not want to come to the hospital for treatment, but seek help from various institutions in the market, which will delay the golden period of treatment. There is no shortage of parents who come to the learning difficulties clinic who are burdened by anxiety. After a detailed examination, the child's indicators are normal, and the parents still hope that the doctor can prescribe some drugs to "improve the intellectual level", trying to equate "poor academic performance" with "learning difficulties".

Zhang Dongdong said that after formal intervention, children with "learning difficulties" will return to their own normal level of learning. In the outpatient clinic, some children with "learning difficulties" have not achieved the ideal learning state due to inappropriate education methods or inappropriate learning environments. If it is a child diagnosed with "learning difficulties", it is necessary to achieve "one person, one policy", just like cultivating a big tree, giving "branches, leaves, leaves" enough space to grow.

This clinic can help children who are suffering from "learning difficulties"~~

The Learning Difficulties Clinic of the Children's Hospital of Shandong University (Jinan Children's Hospital) is affiliated to the Children's Health Center, which is composed of a professional medical team composed of child health doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists and rehabilitation therapists to provide comprehensive intervention services such as diagnosis, assessment, psychotherapy, medication and physical therapy for children with learning difficulties due to various reasons, so that children can give full play to their best potential and achieve all-round development. It is recommended to make an appointment in advance before coming to the clinic: pay attention to the official account "Jinan Children's Hospital", enter the "Appointment Registration" interface in "Make an appointment", find "Children's Health Care Clinic", click to open and you can see "Developmental/Behavioral/Learning Difficulties Clinic".

Source: Jinan Children's Hospital

This clinic can help children who are suffering from "learning difficulties"~~

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