
The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

author:Concubine Ai smiled

This season's official addition, the gameplay of the surprise box, I think many players like me don't care.

Because in the official season update announcement, only the gameplay with the Surprise Box is introduced, and what can be opened in the Surprise Box is not introduced.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

I think many friends should be like me to open this kind of fragments, so we default to this so-called surprise box is nothing more than to serve another game activity, and all the pieces that come out are fragments.

This shard is already a great thing for us players, as we can collect these shards to get items from another event, and then go and draw free skins.

So in a way, it's best to fill up the task every day, get these boxes in hand, and then open more pieces.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

But who would have thought that players have already started to share the skins they have opened in the surprise box.

Of course, you should not think that this is a prank, because there are a lot of players who respond below and can indeed prescribe skins.

I didn't open a skin in the box, but I did open a hero.

When I saw that there were players who could directly open skins, I went to take a closer look, what exactly does this so-called surprise box do?

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

In the end, it was confirmed that in the so-called magic box, heroes and skins can indeed be opened.

But this probability is definitely not high, but although the probability is not high, his threshold is really low, because we can get this so-called surprise box every day.

And we get three surprise boxes every day.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

This is a bit like a way of playing that quantitative change can produce qualitative change.

After all, the probability of the lottery is low, but there is no price to pay for participating in the lottery, which is very reasonable.

At present, this so-called surprise box has a total of four levels, and I think it should be that the higher the level of the box, the higher the probability of opening skins, or the higher the level of the box, the more epic skins can be opened.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

So how can you get a higher-level surprise box? This depends on your personal luck, because you should have also discovered when you opened the magic box, you can click three times, and each time you click, you may complete the upgrade of this surprise magic box.

So even if you get the lowest-level box, you have a chance to upgrade to the highest-level box after you click three times.

Of course, a low-level magic box doesn't mean that you can't open a skin directly, it should just have a low probability.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

But then again, even if we don't open a skin in the surprise box, what we open is the so-called shards, so don't be disappointed.

Because these fragments can participate in subsequent activities. These shards are refreshed every Season, which means we can collect them throughout the Season.

The surprise box can also open epic skins, although the probability is not high, but the threshold is really low

After collecting, we can participate in the follow-up, skin extraction activity, this activity should be familiar to everyone, right? I'm sure you can get a free epic skin in this event.

And according to the official pictures, these epic skins include epic skins that have not been refreshed in the skin fragment store.

Including the so-called Millennium Fox, Golden Ratio, Cat and Dog Diary, Zixia Fairy and other popular epic skins.