
Is there still rain? The latest news is......

author:Nanzhang release

Rain! Rain! Rain!


Yesterday it rained in our county

The meteorological department issues a special meteorological bulletin

It is expected that the precipitation in our county will increase in the coming week

Everyone should take precautions


Weather forecast

From July 3rd to 4th, there was a more obvious rainfall process, with a cumulative rainfall of 20~40 mm, locally more than 50 mm, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather, and multiple showers of precipitation in the rest of the days.

The specific weather forecast is as follows:

July 2: light rain turned cloudy, northerly wind 3~4 turned southerly wind 2~3, temperature 21~33 °C;

July 3: cloudy to light to moderate rain, southerly wind 3~4, gust 5~6, temperature 23~31°C;

July 4: Moderate to heavy rain, southerly wind 3~4, gust 5~6, temperature 23~30°C;

July 5: Cloudy with showers, southerly wind level 3~4, temperature 27~33°C;

July 6: Cloudy with showers, southerly wind level 3~4, temperature 26~34°C;

July 7: Cloudy, southerly wind level 4~5, temperature 28~33°C;

July 8: Cloudy, southerly wind level 3~4, temperature 28~35°C.


Precautionary recommendations

When the intensity of the precipitation process is high, the risk of disasters is high, first, to prevent the geological disasters of mountain floods and urban and rural waterlogging that may be caused by heavy rainfall; Second, pay close attention to the water situation and strengthen the safety of small and medium-sized reservoirs to tide over floods; the third is to prevent the adverse effects of strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds; Fourth, in the early stage of drought, special attention should be paid to the risk of drought and flood turning sharply.

Precipitation increases

It is easy to cause secondary disasters such as urban waterlogging and flash floods

What should I do if I receive a rainstorm warning?


Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......
Is there still rain? The latest news is......

Source: Nanzhang County Meteorological Bureau, Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China