
As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

author:Pure water is like a heart

You might scold me after reading the title above, but that's just an assumption. I'm not an expert, not a professor, and not a dog for developers. I'm just a little common man.

Now, everyone thinks that the real estate industry is squeezing a bubble and that house prices are slowly coming down and never going to rise again. Housing prices have fallen, which is a good thing, and it is only good for the people, not bad. Proof that the cost of living has fallen. Because real estate is a big head in the lives of the people.

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

However, you really can't underestimate these experts and professors who cheer for developers and come up with ideas on the platform, these dogs hired by rich people, don't look at them without the ability to benefit the country and the people, but their methods of harming the people are really endless.

The renovation of old cities across the country, which began in 2000, gave birth to China's real estate industry.

In the past 20 years, the explosion of real estate has given birth to a large number of wealthy people. It has also led to the fire of many related industries. These tycoons include developers and speculators. There are also experts who sit on the stage for developers.

Under the guidance of our respectable and lovely experts and professors, the lives of ordinary people have improved a lot, but it has also led to more and more difficult lives. Because buying a house has to empty the pockets of several families.

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

In the past 20 years, in order to ensure the steady development of real estate, the state has issued purchase restrictions and loan restrictions. Tried everything. But it still hasn't curbed the real estate boom. In order to have a house of their own, many people have eaten their own food, advanced their happiness for the next few decades, and took out loans for 20 Chinese New Year's Eve or 40 years.

There is a way that the extremes of things must be opposed, and the poles of fire must die. In the past few years, the house has suddenly been in a frost period, and developers continue to build houses, but buyers are becoming more and more cautious. There have even been "malicious" non-buyers who are described by experts. Meaning, I have money, but I just don't buy a house.

On the one hand, the public is increasingly disgusted with certain policies, and on the other hand, experts have repeatedly encouraged housing prices to continue to rise.

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

Chen Huai, an expert, said that half of the housing stock may need to be demolished and rebuilt within 20 years. He said, "Have we built a house well in 49-79?" In Beijing, throughout the 70s, if there were still houses, they were all simple houses for war readiness. This house is 40 years old, 50 years or even more than 60 years old, normal buildings, civil houses, 50 years of life, these houses were temporary buildings at that time. From 1979 to 1999, there were 20 years, and the house still had a certain retention value. In another 15 to 20 years, you say whether you should demolish it or not.

It seems that experts have a bigger idea about the current real estate market in order to put money in their pockets. That is, as long as it is an old house, it will be demolished, and the people who originally lived in these old houses will definitely have to find a way to buy a house to live in.

Obviously, for the sake of their own class interests, everyone thinks differently. Most people think that the house is to live in, and the housing price is too high for us to afford, so we don't buy it.

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

But what experts think is, if housing prices continue to be sluggish and developers can't make money, how can we pay money to people on the platform?

However, no matter what, as long as these people with the right to speak treat the people as leeks and let real estate explode again, it is not impossible.

In particular, Mr. Chen Huai's suggestion to "demolish all the houses before 1999" will undoubtedly leave many people without houses to live in and homeless. If this suggestion is adopted by policymakers, at least half of the country's houses will be demolished.

It's like in 2000, when the old city was renovated, your house was demolished, and the government gave you a little compensation, so you had to find a way to buy a house again? If you don't buy a house, you can't lie down on the street. The city management will not allow you. If this is the case, real estate can be artificially prosperous for another 20 years.

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

Tear it down once, build it once, and GDP can be counted twice. Why not let local governments get bonuses for their achievements, developers make money, and banks earn interest on loans?

Only the people are spending money to buy houses again. The people are leeks.

By 2040, experts may suggest that the pre-2020 houses are old and should be demolished.

In this way, can the real estate market continue to fire forever? Because the people, you are a handful of leeks in the hands of those who have the right to speak.

You can underestimate the strength of these experts in China to serve the country and the people, but you must not underestimate the unparalleled intelligence they have shown in exploiting the people. Because they have treated the people like leeks.

As long as they see that people have deposits in the bank, they have a way to take out the people's deposits and put them in their pockets. Ordinary people are really stupid, where can they put their money when they earn it, they have to deposit it in the bank? The expert sees that you have saved so much money, can he not be blushing?

As long as the people are treated as leeks, housing prices will keep floating at a high level

Do you believe it or not? As long as the experts play a little trick and change the right of residence on your real estate certificate from 70 years to 20 years, the real estate price will be hot forever for 10 years, 20 years, 50 years and 100 years. Demolishing old houses and building new houses every day, do you think the price of the house will fall?