
Bipolar Disorder: Parents Need to Improve Concentration! If your daughter has a personality disorder

author:Memory reorganization Liu Chengluo

Ah Yan is a first-year high school girl, with a jumpy mind, slow speech, low voice, suspicious attitude and defensiveness, no expression on her face, avoidance of her gaze, long hair covering her face, and a thin body.

Bipolar Disorder: Parents Need to Improve Concentration! If your daughter has a personality disorder

The grandparents' family was a reconstituted family, and the grandmother brought her father to the family. Dad was married three times, and once he gave birth to a daughter, and his grandmother secretly gave away his granddaughter, so Dad divorced. In the second marriage, the father had a son, but the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often quarreled and divorced again. In the third marriage, the father and Ah Yan's mother were united. When her mother first gave birth to Ah Yan, she was also worried about being sent away by her grandmother. When Ayan was a child, her parents went out to work and only came home twice a week. When she was in junior high school, her parents took Ah Yan to her side, her mother was strict with her, and her father was often away from home, so Ah Yan felt very alienated from her parents and it was difficult to communicate. The younger brother is 5 years younger than Ah Yan, and as soon as the younger brother was born, his mother quit his job and took care of his younger brother wholeheartedly.

When she went to a full-time kindergarten, Ah Yan had no friends and often didn't have enough to eat, and later transferred to another kindergarten, where she was alone, often secretly cried at night, and was afraid to see many people, so she didn't play with her classmates until the third grade of junior high school. When I graduated, I came to a regular high school because of my poor grades.

Later, Ah Yan talked about a boyfriend on the Internet, Ah Yan was unexpectedly pregnant, and after the pregnancy, her boyfriend disappeared, and she was deeply shocked and depressed. She kept a diary of things. When her classmates peeked at her diary and talked about her behind her back, Ah Yan felt tormented. Ah Yan cares a lot about interpersonal communication, has no sense of security, has low interdependence, and is often misunderstood by her classmates, feels very aggrieved and sad, can't stand loneliness, and has the idea of taking a leave of absence. She wants to keep her distance from others, but she can't bear loneliness and loneliness. She was unexpectedly pregnant for three weeks, fearful, helpless, stressed, and had a sense of collapse, and no one could understand her, so she avoided her classmates.

Ayan's insecure attachment stems from childhood, neglect by her parents in early childhood, fear of being sent away by her grandmother, and the imbalance of parental love between her siblings, leaving her in constant loneliness and fear, anxiety about existence, and thus unable to develop basic trust and secure attachment.

In the process of growing up, she did not receive the warm care of her parents, and Ah Yan's ability was not recognized to achieve mirroring, resulting in Ah Yan's self-perception and confusion, no sense of worth, difficulty in having a good sense of self, lack of stable inner core parts, easy to feel insulted and hurt, and no way to support her personality strength. The marital status of the men in the family also makes Ah Yan suspicious of men and fearful of marriage. Lack of a good social support system, after encountering difficulties and setbacks, they are reluctant to ask their parents for help, and have no friends to confide in.

Although Ah Yan took the initiative to enter the consultation room, she stopped talking, and her doubts and defensive mentality were obvious. Throughout the counseling process, I have always been inclusive, neutral, equal and caring, no matter what issues I have discussed. In this way, a good relationship of consultation was established, which laid a good foundation for the smooth implementation of the intervention.

Confiding is a channel for emotional catharsis. Previously, pregnancy had always been Ah Yan's secret. When the boyfriend disappears, the channel for confiding is blocked. Therefore, when a good counseling relationship is established, the negative emotions suppressed in her heart are instantly vented in a safe psychological environment. She confided and cried, and I accompanied her silently, and I had a general understanding of her basic situation and a preliminary assessment of her psychological problems.

Through scene intervention, I touched on different aspects of her psyche and increased her sense of security. Guide Ayan to accept reality and face reality. Participate in normal study life and live strong and courageous.

As soon as she entered the new environment, Ah Yan adopted a way to please her classmates and wanted to win the acceptance of her classmates, but it backfired, and what she got was deceived by her classmates. And Ah Yan is often misunderstood, feeling that girls are too scheming, can't play with them, and thinks that boys are liars. Ah Yan slowly distanced herself from her classmates and didn't want to go to school anymore.

Bipolar Disorder: Parents Need to Improve Concentration! If your daughter has a personality disorder

In the early years of life, the warm care and secure attachment of the parents were missing, and the parents did not support the development of Ah Yan's personality. The family environment leaves Ah Yeon with no way to build self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-identity. The threat from her grandmother when she was a child made her always worry about being sent away, and her brother, who was five years younger than Ah Yan, had the right to enjoy love, Ah Yan felt that she was not worthy of existence, and had a strong sense of worthlessness, and the anxiety of existence always haunted Ah Yan. In her relationships, she often resists threats to her self-esteem with a great deal of anxiety and fear.

Adolescence has a lack of knowledge about childbirth, and due to cultural influences, there is a sense of shame about childbirth, and the publication of the image makes Ah Yan feel a greater sense of humiliation. To this end, I made Ah Yan feel that she had a right to exist through scene reconstruction intervention, and gave Ah Yan more space to make her feel very good. It is necessary to protect the part of Ayan's own identity, and use the part of her own health to help the part that is in question.

Help her realize that she needs to learn to protect herself step by step, she may not feel her rights and her sense of worth since she was a child, when she grows up, she feels that her parents and grandparents like boys, and she is worried that her grandmother will send her away, and she does not feel that she has the right to speak for herself and defend her own interests.

The mother provides material conditions for the real life of the child, but lacks useful warm companionship. Moms like to appear as controllers and educators in life, but they are ostracized because they are not distracted and have no emotional investment. Dad is busy with work, so Ah Yan lacks inner guidance and companionship. The family members do not communicate smoothly because of their communication skills and single communication content. Through family guidance, Ah Yan's parents realized that only by creating a balanced family atmosphere and building a stable inner core of their child can they strengthen and support their child's personality.

I found Ayan's pathological memory in a subconscious state, when I first entered the school, Ayan gulliduly trusted her classmate Ajie, and Ayan didn't comply, so she was slapped by those people fiercely, and Ayan let her bully. Her classmates posted the image on the Internet, and after the video was seen by relatives, she told Ayan's mother, who was beaten by her mother again, and her heart was full of shame. From then on, she felt that everyone in the school knew about it and was talking about it behind her back, and Ah Yan felt that no one wanted to play with her anymore. I restructured Ayan's pathological memories, and her anxious emotions calmed down a lot.

I helped her experience the feeling of acceptance, and slowly Ah Yan developed enough self-esteem and empathy, and even if it was sometimes difficult to gain understanding from those around her, she was able to realize that others might have other reasons, not how ridiculous her feelings were. to enhance Ayan's sense of reality as well as her inner stability. It can enhance Ayan's thinking, encourage her to consciously show good behavior, improve her self-confidence and self-esteem, and guide her to structure goals and plan her life.

Bipolar Disorder: Parents Need to Improve Concentration! If your daughter has a personality disorder

After more than two months of memory restructuring intervention, Ah Yan felt that her mood had improved significantly, and she was assigned to a place with three classmates for an internship, and she felt that she got along well with them. She feels confident about the future. Ah Yan's mother reported that Ah Yan has been able to work and live normally.