
The Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Mei persuaded the peasants to write 4 poems, and the peasants were stunned! Poetry can also be very down-to-earth

author:The fire cloud of original poetry

Seven absolutes. Song of Persuading Farmers · Yuan mei

There are good seedling fields outside the White Gate City, and the rainy season is sunny in June.

The literate farmer persuaded the farmer to go, and the bamboo branch song was used as water to weigh the money.

Yuan Mei's "Song of Persuading Farmers" depicts a pastoral scenery in early summer and the early rainy season in June with vivid brushstrokes, and alludes to the meaning of persuading farmers.

The first sentence "good seedling fields outside the White Gate City" points out the location and scenery. The white gate, or a city gate, refers to the place outside the city. The good seedling field directly depicts a vibrant rice field scene outside the city, laying a fresh and natural tone for the whole poem.

The second sentence, "the rainy season is sunny in June", further refines the time and weather. The rainy season is a unique climatic phenomenon in the Jiangnan region, and it rains continuously in early summer. The first sunny day means that after days of rain, the sky is clear and the sun is shining. The June day emphasizes that this is the time of early summer, and everything grows vigorously.

The third sentence, "The literate farmer persuades the farmer to go", introduces characters and behaviors. A literate farmer is a literate farmer who not only knows how to farm, but also knows words and truths. They walked in the fields and exhorted other farmers to be diligent in their cultivation and not to miss the agricultural time.

The last sentence "Bamboo branch song is used as water to balance money" is another form of persuasion to farmers in a humorous and witty way. Bamboo branch song is a popular folk form of ballad, and the content mostly involves trivial matters of life and emotional expression. Here, the poet compares the bamboo branch song with the water balance money, implying that the farmers replace money with songs, and spread the concept of persuading farmers in a relaxed and happy way, making the whole work process full of fun and motivation.

The Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Mei persuaded the peasants to write 4 poems, and the peasants were stunned! Poetry can also be very down-to-earth

Seven absolutes. Song of Persuading Farmers II Qing · Yuan mei

Persuade farmers not to let go of the hoe handle, and persuade farmers not to sneer at the accumulation of grains.

The east rice is ripe and the grass is early, and the west beans are lazy and insecticidal.

The first sentence "persuade farmers not to put the hoe handle empty" directly points out the core of persuading farmers, that is, do not let the hoe be idle and useless, implying that farmers should always be busy with farming, not lazy and slack.

The second sentence, "Advise the peasants not to sneer at the accumulation of grain", is to exhort the peasants not to laugh at those who are diligent in accumulating grain. Jigu Weng refers to farmers who are diligent in stockpiling grain for emergencies. The poem emphasizes the importance of stockpiling food and also alludes to the values of industriousness and frugality.

The third sentence, "The rice of the east family is ripe and the grass is ripe early", further illustrates the importance of hard work through specific farmland scenes. In the owner's paddy field, the rice was ripe, but they did not stop working, but started weeding early in preparation for the next round of farming. This shows the industriousness and foresight of the owner.

The last sentence "Xijia beans are lazy and fight insects" is in contrast to the previous sentence and describes another scene of Xijia farmland. Due to laziness, they did not hit the worms in time, which caused the beans to grow sparsely. This further underscores the importance of diligence and timely management of farming.

The second part of Yuan Mei's "Song of Persuading Farmers" vividly expresses the importance of diligent farming and timely agricultural management through comparison and specific farmland work scenes, and also conveys the values of accumulating grain and keeping a family diligently and thriftily.

The Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Mei persuaded the peasants to write 4 poems, and the peasants were stunned! Poetry can also be very down-to-earth

Seven absolutes. Song of Persuading Farmers III Qing · Yuan mei

Men and women do not walk in disorder, and there are several barren villages in the south and north of the village.

This year, new silk prices are added, and male trees and melons are planted by female mulberries.

The third part of Yuan Mei's "Song of Persuading Farmers" continues to take the theme of persuading farmers, emphasizing that both men and women should work diligently and not waste fields, and also mentions the economic value of crops, which further stimulates farmers' enthusiasm for farming.

In the first sentence, "men and women should not walk in disorder", the "walking" here can be understood as walking or acting, and can also be extended to their respective duties or tasks. Yuan Mei exhorted both male and female peasants to be busy with their own farm work and not to be idle and walk indiscriminately, implying that agricultural production should be carried out in a diligent and orderly manner.

The second sentence, "a few barren villages in the south and north of the village", points out that due to some reason (it may be laziness, war, disaster, etc.), several fields in the north and south directions of the village are already barren. The poem uses concrete scenes to warn farmers that if they do not work diligently, the fields will be barren and their livelihoods will be affected.

The third sentence, "new silk prices have been added this year", mentions that the price of silk has risen this year. The increase in the price of new silk means that the economic value of crops related to silk production, such as mulberry trees, has also increased. This is good news for farmers as they can increase their income by growing cash crops such as mulberry trees.

The last sentence, "Male trees and melons bloom and women grow mulberries", specifically describes how male and female farmers should act. Men can grow melon crops, while women can grow mulberry trees. Not only is it emphasized that both men and women should work hard, but there is also a rational division of labor according to gender and the characteristics of crops. Melon blossom, which may refer to the flower of melons or the name of melon crops, symbolizes a good harvest and hope.

The Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Mei persuaded the peasants to write 4 poems, and the peasants were stunned! Poetry can also be very down-to-earth

Seven absolutes. Song of Persuading Farmers The Fourth Qing · Yuan mei

The cuckoo is noisy, and a pond is full of singing frogs.

Come to the donkey to ride idle, and put the red flag to pick up the bean curd.

In the first sentence, "The cuckoo cries and the birds sing", the cuckoo's cry is intertwined with the noise of other birds, creating a vibrant pastoral scene. The cuckoo, also known as the cuckoo, was seen by the ancients as a signal urging farmers to sow seeds.

In the second sentence, "a pond is blowing frogs", by the pond, the sound of frogs chirping one after another, like the music of nature, adds more interest to this idyllic scene. These two sentences show the harmony of rural life and the beauty of nature by depicting the song of birds and frogs.

The third sentence, "Nothing to do with the donkeys", instead describes the officials who contrast with the idyllic scene. They rode horses and had a large retinue, but they seemed idle. The "donkey" here refers to the horseback riding procession of the retinue or officials on horseback.

In the last sentence "put the red flag and pick up the bean curd", the officials had nothing to do, so they put up the red flag and played the game of picking up the bean curd. This act is in stark contrast to the industrious peasants who preceded him, and it also implies the poet's criticism of the officials for their idleness and lack of proper work. At the same time, it also exhorts people from another angle, whether it is officials or civilians, to work diligently and not waste time.

Yuan Mei's "Song of Persuading Farmers" indirectly conveys the meaning of persuading farmers by depicting the contrast between the pastoral scene and the leisure of officials, and also expresses the praise of hard work and criticism of those who have nothing to do.


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