
"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan


Ou Xiaoan is not only the ace agent of the military command, but also the secret comrade of Lou Mingyuan for the development of the organization.

Lou Mingyuan was arrested and died, and Ou Xiaoan disappeared for many years.

After returning, the only person who can prove Ou Xiaoan's identity is Li Shaotang.

Because before Lou Mingyuan was arrested, he had told Ou Xiaoan to assist the person codenamed [Sundial] to send the information of the "Cherry Blossom Falling Project" back to Chongqing.

The sundial is Li Shaotang, without Ou Xiaoan's arrangement, he would not have escaped from Shanghai, let alone become the section chief of the military command's special skills section.

Therefore, when Ou Xiaoan returned and all the leaders of the military command were questioning him, Li Shaotang stood up and said what happened back then, so that he could help Ou Xiaoan clear his suspicions.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

Ou Xiaoan never dreamed that at the critical moment, Li Shaotang actually pretended to be him and successfully connected with Wang Yunjie of the organization.

Wang Yunjie is inexperienced and regards Li Shaotang as his own, which means that Ou Xiaoan wants to return to the organization, and the chance is slim.

Because Lou Mingyuan, the only one who can be his identity, is no longer there, and Lou Mingyuan also reported to the organization that only one comrade was developed, and now that Li Shaotang has been on the top, there is nothing to do with Ou Xiaoan.

And this is also the result that Li Shaotang wants.

Before Ou Xiaoan sent Li Shaotang away, he had already put the information of the "Falling Cherry Blossom Project" in his suitcase.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

In other words, without this information, Ohashi's experiments at the 810 Research Institute could not have been carried out.

But the fact is that although Li Shaotang handed over the information to the military commander, Daqiao has still been doing experiments in research in the past four years.

This shows that Li Shaotang is likely to have fallen into the hands of the bridge on the train that escaped.

At his behest, the materials were copied into two copies, one for Ohashi for experiments, and the other for the military commander.

As long as the things are handed over, it shows that Li Shaotang has no second heart for the military commander.

With meritorious service to the military commander, Li Shaotang was able to quickly upgrade from a biochemical officer to the section chief of the special skills department.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

And the placement of Li Shaotang in the upper echelons of the military command is also a move set up by the bridge.

Therefore, Li Shaotang is not an undercover agent of our organization at all.

Li Shaotang can say the code, but it doesn't mean that he is his own person.

4 years ago, Li Shaotang's apparent identity was only a biochemical researcher, and he would sweat profusely when he was too nervous.

To participate in this kind of work, in addition to having a firm faith, you must also have a brave heart that is not afraid of death.

Based on Li Shaotang's performance back then, Lou Mingyuan would not let such a person become his own.

Li Shaotang couldn't even control his nervousness, how could Lou Mingyuan rest assured that he would lurk beside the bridge to get information.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

Why does Li Shaotang have the code of Ou Xiao'an's joint?

Before Li Shaotang evacuated, he had already said that Daqiao began to suspect him, and vigorously searched for every biochemical worker.

After Li Shaotang got on the train, he couldn't withstand the search of the Japanese soldiers and took the initiative to expose it.

Therefore, it is very likely that he was caught by Daqiao at this time, and seeing that he was about to return to Chongqing, Daqiao asked Li Shaotang to help him do things.

At that time, Daqiao was also vigorously interrogating Lou Mingyuan, and had already asked Lou Mingyuan to tell all the truth through special drugs.

The code is most likely known from this time.

Therefore, Li Shaotang has a joint code, which makes Wang Yunjie mistakenly think that he is his own person.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

But Li Shaotang's real identity, as Ou Xiaoan said, is a spy for Japan.

Therefore, Li Shaotang wanted to cut off Ou Xiaoan's back road, so that he had to stay in the military command forever.

But the people in the military command regard Ou Xiaoan as a traitor and want him to pay the price.

Let Ou Xiaoan disappear is also the idea of the bridge.

Ou Xiaoan knows too much about the institute, and Ohashi wants to shut him up forever before he spits out the truth.

If Li Shaotang can get rid of Ou Xiaoan, it can be regarded as helping the bridge get rid of the hidden dangers in his heart and make a great contribution.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" It turns out that this is the truth of Li Shaotang pretending to be Ou Xiaoan

For Li Shaotang, there is another benefit to hammering Ou Xiaoan to death.

We also need a figure like Li Shaotang, if he can successfully enter our organization, he can send more information to Daqiao, and become Daqiao's right-hand man again.

Feng Jingxian regards Li Shaotang as a wishful man, but Li Shaotang is a person with no faith, no bottom line, and no conscience.

He not only betrayed Lou Mingyuan, but now he is framing Ou Xiaoan.

Li Shaotang's fate can be imagined.