
Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

author:Big dad family intervention
Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

In this era of information explosion, smart phones, as a product of science and technology, have undoubtedly greatly enriched our lives, but at the same time, they have also quietly and silently eroded the spiritual world of a new generation of young people. As a homeschooling instructor, I am deeply worried. I would like to explore how to save the younger generation who are being swallowed up by smartphones.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

1. The Shadow of Entertainment to Death: Smartphones Become "Spiritual Opium"

Neil Bozeman warns us in Entertainment to Death that media such as television have turned entertainment itself into a form of representation, and the result is that we become a species that entertains to death. Today, smartphones and their short videos, live webcasts, and online games are playing a similar role, and they are actually eroding in the name of entertainment.

Short videos, with their short, concise and instant gratification, quickly occupied the lives of young people. They use algorithmic recommendations to continuously push content that meets the interests of users, forming an "information cocoon" that makes young people addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves. This kind of endless entertainment consumption not only consumes their time, but also erodes their thinking ability and concentration.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

2. The appeal of short videos: why is it irresistible?

The reason why short videos are attractive is not only because of its diverse content and rapid updates, but more importantly, because it makes use of human psychological mechanisms. It provides instant gratification and gives a person pleasure or stimulation in a short period of time. At the same time, it also takes advantage of human social needs to give people a sense of belonging and identity through functions such as liking, commenting, and sharing.

However, there are huge pitfalls behind this attraction. It leaves young people unknowingly trapped in a "time black hole", consuming a lot of time that could have been spent learning, growing, and creating. More seriously, it may also cause a series of psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

3. Scientific use of mobile phones: how to be rational and self-disciplined?

Faced with the temptation of smartphones, we need to learn to use them scientifically. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the role and positioning of the mobile phone in life, which is a tool rather than a toy. Secondly, it is necessary to plan the use time reasonably to avoid indulging in it for a long time. There are apps you can use to monitor and manage your phone usage time and remind yourself to take breaks.

At the same time, parents and schools should also take responsibility for guidance and education. Parents should lead by example by reducing the amount of time they spend using their mobile phones in front of their children and having more face-to-face communication and interaction with their children. Schools should strengthen the education and management of students and guide them to establish correct values and outlook on life.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

4. Cultivate children's concentration: a line of defense against mobile phone invasion

Concentration is the key to learning and growth. In the era of the proliferation of smartphones, it is especially important to cultivate children's concentration. There are some simple ways that parents can improve their children's concentration, such as setting clear goals and tasks, providing a quiet learning environment, and encouraging children to think deeply.

In addition, you can also use some professional training methods to improve your child's concentration. For example, meditation, attention training games, etc. These methods can help children focus better and resist the intrusion of mobile phones.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

5. The awakening of society: jointly guarding the future of the younger generation

In conclusion, I would like to appeal to the attention of society as a whole to this issue.

Enterprises should take social responsibility, not only to pursue economic interests, but also to pay attention to the social impact of products. Schools and families should strengthen cooperation to guide and educate children to use mobile phones correctly, and cultivate their self-discipline and concentration.

Don't let smartphones ruin this generation of young people! They are the future of the country and the cornerstone of the nation. Let's take action together to protect their growth and create a better tomorrow for them!

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

Attached: Common attention training games and how they are carried out

1. Cup Finder Game

How to play: Find three identical cups, one of which has a small toy hidden underneath, and then snap the cup. Let the child stare intently at the cup holding the toy, and the parent slowly replaces the position of the three cups so that the child finds the cup holding the toy. As your child's ability improves, you can speed up the cup change or increase the number of steps you can take to change cups. This game trains children's visual memory.

2. Find a different game

How to play: Find two pictures that are very similar and ask your child to find out the differences between the two pictures. This game helps to improve your child's observation and concentration.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

3. Bean picking game

How to play: Fill a plate with soybeans and mix other legumes such as mung beans, red beans, corn kernels, etc. Have your child pick out other legumes from the plate. This game not only trains children's concentration, but also their hand-eye coordination.

4. Listening training

How to play: Parents read a short passage and ask the child to listen carefully and record the number of times a specific word (e.g., "one") appears in the following text. This game helps to improve your child's auditory attention and concentration.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

5. Dominoes

How to play: Train your child's patience and concentration by placing dominoes and knocking them down. This game requires the child to stick to a single movement for a long time, and it is an excellent practice for the duration of concentration and concentration.

Choose the right game according to your child's age and ability level and gradually increase the difficulty. Avoid choosing games that are too difficult at the beginning so as not to discourage your child's motivation.

Arrange a fixed time every day for attention training games to maintain a certain amount of training. At the same time, pay attention to controlling the game time to avoid excessive fatigue of the child.

Give your child appropriate encouragement and rewards after completing the game to boost their sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the child's emotional changes and give comfort and support in time.

Smartphone Era Alert! Teens devoured? The rescue operation is urgent!

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