
A true confidant is a soul companion

author:Xia Qing

In life, there is always such a person, who will be there when you need it most, and encourage you when you are most down. He will be there for you silently when you are sad and share joy with you when you are happy.

This person is a confidant, able to understand his own heart, able to listen to his own words, and able to understand his dreams. It is a blessing to have a confidant, because a confidant is a soul companion. Having a confidant in life is like getting a fortune because he is money.

A true confidant is a soul companion
  1. Confidant, understand you

A confidant is your soul mate, who understands you, accompanies you when you are unhappy, comforts you when you are sad, and gives you direction when you are confused.

In life, it is a kind of luck to meet someone who understands yourself. Some people walk and scatter, some people walk and disappear, and the person who really understands you will always be by your side.

People who understand you will not make you sad and sad, and people who understand you will make you no longer lonely. A confidant can bring you warmth and encouragement, give you strength when you are sad, and courage when you are lost.

A confidant is not a day to become a confidant, nor is it a day to become a confidant. A true confidant is made out of time, and the longer the time, the deeper the confidant. Time is also a test, and only those who can stand the test are true friends.

A true confidant is a soul companion
  1. Confidant, understand your heart

The most rare thing in life is a confidant, there are many people who can understand you, but there are very few people who understand your heart. A confidant doesn't have to be a lover or a loved one, but the one who is there for you when you need it. A confidant is not necessarily the best friend, but it is the best friend. A confidant won't care what you say, he will only listen to what you say. He will listen to you, give you feedback, and then continue to talk to you. Confidants know how to listen to others, and they know how to listen to their own hearts. Because confidants know how to listen to what others think and think, they can truly understand and support.

It's hard to have someone who understands you, but how lucky it would be to have someone who knows your inner thoughts by your side. A confidant is like a light in your life, guiding you in the dark and bringing you warmth.

A true confidant is a soul companion
  1. Confidant, with you

A confidant is your best friend, and he's there when you need him. When you are lonely, he will be with you; When you are sad, he will be with you; When you're frustrated, he's there for you. He doesn't need much, he just needs to be there for you. He knows what he should do and what he shouldn't.

A confidant is like a spiritual harbor, when you are hurt outside, you can talk to a confidant, and there is a confidant deep down who can accompany you. When you're feeling sad, your confidant will listen to you and make you feel like you're not alone.

A true confidant is a soul companion
  1. Confidant is a lifetime

A confidant is a lifelong one, he will not change over time, he will always be the one who understands you, even if he is old, he is still the one who is the best for you.

A confidant is a lifelong confidant, he will not change because of time, but will always be there.

A confidant is the one who will be with you for the rest of your life, and he will always support you. He will always be there for you.

A confidant is a lifelong confidant, no matter how old or young, he will always be with you.

Life is short, and it is not easy to meet a true confidant. We must know how to cherish the people in front of us.

In the vast sea of people, it is even more rare to be able to meet a confidant. It's enough to have a confidant.