
I'm tired and just want someone to talk to

author:Xia Qing

Do you feel that you are tired every day, going to work, taking care of the baby, doing housework, and all kinds of plans?

Then at night, I had to drag my tired body to continue working.

Sometimes I want to complain to my friends, but no one wants to speak first.

So you can only silently digest these negative energies alone.

But when you get through it day after day, you still feel as if you're not doing anything.

Maybe it's because you can't express your emotions and don't know how to express your grievances.

Maybe you don't want to talk to others at all, so all the grievances can only be held in your heart.

There was once a girl in the circle of friends who said: "I've stayed up two all-nighters in a row, but I still feel like I've done nothing, and I'm so tired that I can't do it." ”

I can really empathize with this state. Because I've felt this way too, sometimes I feel like I'm spinning top every day, spinning and I can't stop at all.

I'm tired and just want someone to talk to

After waking up every day, I wash up, put on makeup, change clothes, and go to work. Until the evening when I get home, I have to take care of the children and do housework.

Sometimes when I get home after a tiring day, I just want to collapse on the couch and don't want to do anything.

Sometimes I feel that I am really having a bad time alone, but I don't know how to change this state.

Because I was so tired, I didn't have the strength to think about these worries anymore. Because even if you think about it, it doesn't make any sense, so you can only silently endure the torture of this fatigue.

For many people, expressing their grievances is like talking nonsense.

I don't want others to see my sadness, I just want to hide all my emotions in my heart.

I'm tired and just want someone to talk to

We always feel that we know everything, so we always say all kinds of big things to the people around us.

But I found that I understood all the truths, but I still couldn't live this life.

We always act strong in front of others, but in fact, our hearts have already broken down countless times.

It is only in the middle of the night that you can truly release yourself.

There are some things that are really uncomfortable not to say, although some people will say that you have to learn to say them with a smile, but it is not an easy thing to do.

Sometimes I feel tired, but I can't tell anyone.

Because I'm afraid of being ridiculed, I'm afraid of being hated by others, I'm afraid I'm afraid of being a joke in the eyes of others.

I'm tired and just want someone to talk to

I recently watched a TV series, and the plot in it made people feel really wronged after watching it.

This is a drama that reflects the life of a stay-at-home mother, and the heroine is ruthlessly kicked out of the house by her husband because of her husband's betrayal.

In this house, she has nothing, not even a decent dress.

She can only wear her old clothes and rent a house outside.

Day after day, she felt like she couldn't hold on.

But when she saw the child's cute smiling face and heard the child's crying, all the grievances disappeared.

She suddenly felt that she still had so much to do and so many dreams to achieve.

So she decided to pick herself up and look for a job.

I'm tired and just want someone to talk to

Although she has been tortured by life, she still wants to continue.

Because only in this way can we give children better living and educational conditions.

Have you noticed that in fact you are scared and you need comfort. Maybe it's because you've been taught from a young age to be independent and strong. So even if I feel very uncomfortable, I don't dare to tell others.

But when you see someone being bullied and someone doesn't understand; When you are in trouble and there is no one to help; When you're lonely.

You might think, why can't he be as strong as I am? Why can he be bullied?

But when you find that there is no one around you to rely on. In fact, it is the time when you need comfort the most.

So we should learn to express our emotions and stop suffering in silence.