
The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

author:Rather watch sports

With $66 million in 3 years, can't the Nuggets get it? After it was determined that Pope would leave the Nuggets to join the Magic, many fans wondered about the contract that the Magic gave Pope, and they didn't know if they didn't see it, they were really shocked when they saw it, $66 million, obviously Pope didn't have a lion mouth, and the Nuggets could sign Pope at this price, but the Nuggets still chose to give up, and the Nuggets have dismantled the core rotation lineup for two consecutive years.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

Pope, the player who once played an important role in the Nuggets, has left the team to move to the Magic. His departure undoubtedly caused a big gap in the Nuggets' lineup. Pope is the Nuggets' outside defensive gate, as well as an important three-point shooting point, after the Nuggets have given up on Reggie, and the loss of these two has directly led to the Nuggets' three-point level decline. And this is not an isolated change in the Nuggets' roster, Bruce Brown and Jeff Green also left the team last season due to contract issues. The loss of these important rotation players in a row is undoubtedly a weakening of the Nuggets' strength.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

It's confusing that the Nuggets have been tearing down their existing roster while failing to effectively bolster them. The direction in which the team is running is confusing, and they don't seem to be actively looking for players on the free market who can fill the void and improve the team. The Nuggets lost to the Timberwolves in the playoffs last season, although they hit a tie-break, but if they lose, they lost, and the key factor in losing is the lack of rotation ability.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

What's even more incredible is that the Nuggets are still renewing Jordan Jr.'s contract. Jordan Jr.'s performance and ability have declined significantly in recent years, and his substantial help to the team is very limited. Such a contract renewal decision makes people wonder if the Nuggets management is paying too much attention to human feelings and sophistication, while ignoring the real needs and long-term development of the team. I have to sigh at the popularity of Little Jordan, who has been to many teams for so many years, but he has the manpower to protect him, and he deserves to be the first courtesan in the NBA.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

Next, all the pressure will be on Jokic, as the heart and soul of the Nuggets, watching his teammates leave one by one, and the team has failed to bring in strong new signings, his situation is becoming more and more difficult. The former championship roster is gradually falling apart, and Jokic seems to be on the verge of becoming a bare-bones commander. Murray, Gordon, and Porter Jr. are likely to be sent away one by one by incompetent management, and even head coach Malone, the level of this Nuggets management is becoming more and more incomprehensible.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

You know, in the highly competitive NBA, it is extremely difficult for a single-core team to succeed. Jokic certainly has extraordinary strength and basketball intelligence, but basketball is a team sport, and without the support of his teammates, he will not be able to stand alone on the court. In the past, the Nuggets won the championship, and it was not achieved by Jokic alone, but now the Nuggets management seems to think that one Jokic can make the team win the championship.

The team will be dismantled to the end, the Nuggets core will continue to stay, and Jokic is about to become the commander of the light pole

This approach by the Nuggets management not only made fans feel disappointed and anxious, but also put a lot of pressure on Jokic. If this continues, the future prospects for the Nuggets will become very bleak.

Perhaps, Nuggets management should re-examine their decision-making and pay more attention to the team's competitive strength and long-term planning, rather than just being bound by human feelings. Only through reasonable roster adjustments and reinforcements can the Nuggets regain their competitiveness, and Jokic will no longer be isolated and continue to lead the team to higher goals.

If the Nuggets don't do it right, the team's championship window will be completely closed. Today's Nuggets are also a lesson for many teams, the Green Army has not followed the Nuggets, and soon after entering the offseason, they renewed the core members of the team, no matter what the future holds, at least they can win now, and this move, the Green Army can only say that it should defend the title next season.