
The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion



The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

Recently, the "hair dyeing experience" of a fresh college entrance examination student has attracted widespread attention.

The candidate chose to dye his hair after the exam and shared a video of the process with his family.

However, unexpectedly, this move caused his father to withdraw from the family group and respond indifferently to "I'm not your father".

The incident quickly fermented and sparked heated discussions among netizens. Netizens said: "You look so ugly."

This incident not only allows people to see the contradictions and conflicts of a family, but also reflects the common problems in current family education - parents try to use their own three views to guide or even control their children's lives.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

The collision of parents' three views and children's personalities

In this case, the father's reaction was clearly too violent.

However, if we dig deeper, we will find that there is actually a difference in perception between the two generations.

For many parents, who grew up in a relatively conservative, traditional era, may have a more negative view of behaviors such as hair coloring.

And this perception has a great impact on their evaluation and expectations of their children.

However, with the rapid development of society, the new generation of young people is paying more attention to personality expression and self-realization.

Hair coloring is becoming increasingly popular among young people as a way to show their individuality. This difference in perceptions between generations makes it difficult for parents and children to reach a consensus on many issues.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

How to build a harmonious parent-child relationship?

1. Respect each other and communicate on an equal footing

To establish a harmonious parent-child relationship, parents and children must first respect each other and communicate on an equal footing.

Parents should abandon the posture of superiority and try to put themselves in their children's shoes and understand their needs and feelings.

At the same time, children should respect their parents' views and experiences and listen to their suggestions with an open mind. Only in this way can true trust and understanding be established between the two sides.

2. Give your child plenty of freedom and space

Every child is a unique individual with their own interests and dreams.

As parents, we should give our children enough freedom and space to explore the world and learn about themselves.

Of course, this doesn't mean that parents can completely let it go.

Instead, parents need to give their children the necessary guidance and help at critical moments to ensure they are on the right path.

3. Lead by example and set an example

Parents are their children's best teachers. In everyday life, every word and action of parents can have a profound impact on their children.

Therefore, parents should lead by example and set an example with their words and deeds.

For example, parents can continuously improve their literacy and taste through reading, studying, etc., so as to create a positive family atmosphere for their children.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

The right way to open for wise parents

1. See your child's growth and efforts

A truly wise parent knows how to see the growth and efforts of their children. They will not only focus on the child's grades and rankings, but will focus on the child's inner world and emotional needs.

They encourage your child to try new things, challenge their limits, and give unwavering support and encouragement when they encounter difficulties.

2. Respect your child's individuality and choices

Every child is a unique individual, with their own personality and choices. Wise parents know how to respect their children's individuality and choices and do not force their children to do what they want.

They will listen to their children's ideas and opinions and work with them to discuss the best way to solve problems.

This kind of education helps to develop children's independent thinking skills and innovative spirit.

3. Spread love and support through action

Love and support are the most precious gifts parents can give their children. Wise parents will use practical actions to convey love and support for their children, such as accompanying their children through every important moment, participating in their children's hobbies, and providing necessary material and spiritual support for their children.

These actions not only allow children to feel the love and warmth of their parents, but also boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

Looking back on the whole incident, we can't help but feel emotional. The experience of this college entrance examination student is not an isolated case, but a microcosm of the common problems in family education in today's society.

We call on all parents to learn from this incident, reflect on their own shortcomings in educating their children, and strive to become a more intelligent and enlightened parent.

At the same time, we also hope that the majority of netizens and all walks of life can give more attention and help to these children in distress, so that they will no longer be lonely and helpless on the road to growth.

Looking forward to the future, we hope to see more families establish a harmonious and equal parent-child relationship, so that love and respect can become the main theme of family education.

We believe that children who grow up in such an environment will be able to have a more sound personality and a better future.

As the ancients said, "Home and everything prospers", let's work together to create a loving and caring family environment for children!

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

Golden quotes for wise parents

On the road to education, wise parents are often able to give deep insights and valuable advice. Here are some golden quotes from wise parents that are worth savoring:

  • "Education is not just about filling a bucket of water, it's about lighting a fire." —Yeats
  • "The essence of educating children is to educate themselves, and self-education is the most powerful way for parents to influence their children." - Leo Tolstoy
  • "A good family environment is the cornerstone of a child's healthy growth." —Rousseau
  • "Educate people with love, cultivate people with virtue, and let children grow up in happiness." - Confucius

These golden quotes not only express the true meaning of education, but also point out the direction of our efforts. I hope that every parent can draw wisdom from it and become a guide on the road of children's growth.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

The Practice of Wise Parents

In addition to theoretical discussions, we can also learn from some specific cases of practical methods of wise parents. Here are two typical examples:

  • Case in Respect of Children's Interests: One parent found that his child was very interested in drawing, so he actively encouraged his child to participate in drawing classes and competitions. Although the child did not get a place in the competition, the parents still gave the child a high degree of recognition and encouragement. This respect for children's interests not only stimulates children's creativity, but also boosts children's self-confidence.
  • Case in point: Another parent did an excellent job of educating their children to be honest and trustworthy. She not only puts forward the requirements of honesty and trustworthiness for her children, but also always adheres to the principle of integrity in her daily life. For example, I promised my child that I would do what I promised, and I would not lie at will. This kind of example has deeply affected the children, and they have gradually developed the quality of honesty and trustworthiness.

These cases tell us that the educational practices of wise parents are not out of reach, as long as we observe and learn with our hearts, we can find their shadows in our own family education.

The "hair dyeing incident" sparked heated discussions: the father withdrew from the family group because of the child's hair dyeing, which sparked discussion

Through the in-depth analysis of the "hair dyeing incident" and the discussion of the education methods of smart parents, we have obtained the following enlightenment:

First of all, a harmonious parent-child relationship is based on mutual respect and equal communication;

Secondly, giving children enough freedom and space is the key to cultivating their independence and creativity;

Thirdly, parents' example and teaching have a profound impact on their children's development;

Finally, wise parents know how to nourish their children's growth with love and respect.

I hope that these revelations can provide useful reference for the majority of parents, so that we can contribute wisdom and strength to the healthy growth of children.

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