
天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

author:Xiaoyi commented on technology

Text | Xiaoyi commented on technology

A few days ago, we have made a more comprehensive interpretation of Qualcomm's new flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, as Qualcomm's first 3nm flagship chip, its performance improvement is quite amazing.

So let's take a look at the performance of the main competitor of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, the MediaTek Dimensity 9400, and we will give you a detailed analysis and interpretation in this article in combination with the architecture layer. #长文创作激励计划#


CPU Part:

首发ARM Cortex X925超大核,CPU单多/核性能提升幅度巨大

ARM released a new generation of Cortex X925 super-large cores in May this year, as well as small iterations of Cortex A725 and A520, of which the biggest change is this super-large core, and the Dimensity 9400 is the first mobile processor of this architecture.

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

Let's first take a look at what Arm, known as the largest upgraded super-large core in history, has upgraded.

As shown in the figure below, this is a comparison of the parameters of Cortex X925 compared with the previous ARM X series ultra-large cores, compared with Cortex X4, Cortex X925's improvement is indeed very amazing:

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

I've given you a summary of the Cortex X925 improvements:

1. The maximum frequency of the large core has been upgraded from the previous 3.4Ghz to 3.6Ghz.

2. The peak L2 cache capacity is upgraded from 2 MB to 3 MB in the previous generation

3. Doubled the prediction of advanced branches

4. The back-end out-of-order window is very large, which has been directly doubled compared with Cortex X4, reaching 1536, and the scale has been greatly improved.

.... There are some other details of the improvement, which I will not repeat here, but overall, the improvement is really amazing.

This generation of Cortex X925 has a huge upgrade in scale, according to ARM's official data, its single-core peak performance has increased by 36%, please note, this is a 36% single-core performance improvement, comrades, in this era when the chip process is about to reach the top, have you ever seen a more drastic performance improvement than this? Not at all, even apples are squeezing toothpaste.

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

However, don't get too busy getting excited, this place Arm is actually playing with words.

According to the "small print notes", this 36% improvement corresponds to "Geekbench SCCompared to 2023 Premium Android", which translates to "compared to high-end Android smartphones in 2023".

The object of this comparison is actually very vague.

The high-end Android phone in 2023 should refer to the model equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is equipped with the Cortex X3 super core instead of the X4, after all, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 model will only appear on a large scale in 2024.

This kind of generational comparison of spring and autumn is not uncommon, Apple calls the insider, and Apple is a real senior player in the industry. (The 50% increase in M4 CPU is compared to M2 processor instead of M3)

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

So how much is the Cortex X925 better than the Cortex X4 on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3? According to data released by ARM, in the case of 3nm process and full L2 cache, its IPC increase is 16% (also 3.8Ghz).

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

In addition, the single large-core frequency of this generation of Dimensity 9400 is expected to be set at around 3.4-3.5Ghz, which is also about 0.1Ghz-0.2Ghz higher than that of Dimensity 9300.

So overall, the Dimensity 9400's CPU single-core performance has increased by about 20-25%, so what level is this, the author has made a set of comparison charts for you:

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

Apple A17 Pro: 2900 points or so

Dimensity 9400: around 2760 points

Snapdragon 8 Gen 3: around 2350 points

Dimensity 9300: around 2270 points

According to the current speculation, the Dimensity 9400's CPU single-core score will approach the level of 2800 points (Geekbench 6.0), which basically reaches the level of Apple's A17Pro, which is very fierce.

At present, there is actually a running score about Dimensity 9400 on the Internet, Antutu running score is 3.44 million +, and the running score under Geekbench 6 is 2776 points to 11739 points, which is very close to the author's prediction data, so the authenticity is very high.

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

If nothing else, the single-core CPU performance of this year's new Android flagship chip will be the closest to Apple's A-series flagship chips in history.

At the CPU multi-core level, according to the information I have obtained so far, the Dimensity 9400 will be equipped with 1*Cortex X925+3*Cortex X4+4*Cortex-A720 true full core configuration.

Among them, the most eye-catching is in addition to the Cortex X925 super-large core, that is, the three Cortex X4 "medium core", the super-large core is directly used as the medium core, which can be described as unprecedented, too violent.

At present, the running score exposed, the CPU multi-core performance of Dimensity 9400 is around 11000 points, and the author has also made a performance ranking for you, as follows:

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

Apple A17Pro: around 7350 points

Dimensity 9400: 11000 points

Snapdragon 8 Gen 3: around 7450 points

Dimensity 9300: 11863 points

The Dimensity 9400's CPU multi-core score will far exceed that of all current mobile phone flagship chips, and there is basically no comparison.

Compared with the positioning of the PC-level Apple M3 chip,Its gap is only less than 10%,This multi-core performance is really terrifying,It's just that the author is very curious,How to control the power consumption of such a huge scale in the case of full firepower。

Author's note: The CPU single-core performance of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 and Dimensity 9400 exceeds 10,000 points.


GPU Section:

首发ARMImmortalis-G925 提升幅度同样惊人

天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

The Dimensity 9400 will debut ARM's latest Immortalis-G925 GPU architecture, according to ARM's official data, its GPU peak rendering performance has increased by 37% compared with the previous generation, and at the same time, it has also reduced energy consumption by 30% under the same performance, which is also very amazing.

ARM even gave a specific demo at the launch event, which gave Genshin Impact a 49% performance boost, which is also an exaggerated increase.

In addition, it should be noted that the Immortalis-G925 also consumes 30% less energy at the same performance, which means that it will have a noticeable reduction in power consumption when running some low-load games.

In other aspects, the Immortalis-G925 has also improved amazingly in terms of ray tracing and AI.

Because MediaTek is directly applying ARM's public architecture, this increase is expected to be the upgrade of the Dimensity 9400's GPU.



天玑9400前瞻 | 首发ARM Cortex X925,性能超苹果M2芯片

To sum up,Dimensity9400The comprehensive performance is still quite remarkable,Especially the improvement of the CPU part is huge,The improvement of CPU single-core performance is expected to bring a qualitative improvement on the experience side,If you haven't bought a mobile phone now,You might as well wait,This yearSeptember-OctoberThe big chaos of the 3nm flagship core is expected to be very exciting。

END Hope it helps

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