
Mature people are living a low-decibel life

author:Talking about Chinese culture
Mature people are living a low-decibel life

Some people say:

It's a time of impatience and hustle and bustle, and it's like living in a noisy house, where everyone screams with their throats amplified.

In order for them to hear what we said, we had to speak louder than them.

As a result, no one knows what others are talking about.

Only in the hustle and bustle of life, can we find a purity, self-discipline, and inward exploration, so that we can spend this life leisurely.

It wasn't until later that I found out that those who are really mature are living a low-decibel life.

Mature people are living a low-decibel life
Mature people are living a low-decibel life

Speak low decibels

Liang Shiqiu said: ". ”

In the volume of speech, there are books a person has read and the roads he has walked, reflecting a person's cultivation.

The volume of your speech is what you look like inside.

The more mature and confident people are, the more they know how to be kind and soft-spoken.

Because they know that shouting loudly will only push each other farther away, and whispering can bring each other closer.

There is a good line: you don't need to be so loud, controlling your voice is the most powerful aura.

The treble is harsh, and the low voice is pleasant.

Whispering softly can quietly warm the whole world in the spring breeze and rain.

Mature people are living a low-decibel life

Mood is low decibels

There is a Q&A online: At what moment did you start feeling mature?

There is a highly praised answer: start by learning to control your emotions.

Controlling emotions is not only the wisdom of life, but also the experience of life.

I once read such a passage in a book: At any time, a person should not be a slave to his own emotions, and should not make all actions subject to his emotions, but should control emotions in turn.

Life is like this, if you can't be the master of emotions, you can only be a slave of emotions.

If a person can't control his emotions, he will often only hurt himself in the end.

Truly mature people are masters at managing their emotions.

They are happy but silent, bitter but silent, angry but not angry, sad but not sad, even if the heart is turbulent, the surface can be calm and light.

In this life, people must learn to live in harmony with their emotions.

Know how to control your emotions and lose your temper less, so that you will be more harmonious in life.

Only by not being trapped in the heart and not messing up with emotions can you live a long life safely.

Mature people are living a low-decibel life
Mature people are living a low-decibel life

Desire low decibels

Desire is a double-edged sword.

Moderate desire can urge people to forge ahead; Too much desire, too much greed, but it is a disaster.

There is a well-written couplet: no request is a peace of mind, and not being full is really a prescription for illness.

Life is not bitter, but what is bitter is that the expectations are too high and the gains are too little; People's hearts are not tired, but what is tired is that their desires are difficult to fill and they will never be satisfied.

A person feels happy in life, not because he has more, but because he wants less.

The so-called "too much", knowing moderation is the best health.

Sometimes, having good health is the greatest wealth; Sometimes, eating every meal, sleeping well, and living every day well is the greatest blessing.

As Zhou Guoping said: "As long as a person is willing to restrain his desires and be satisfied with living a relatively simple life, the territory of life will be broader." ”

Learning to streamline one's desires, remove the chaff, and be content and happy can live happily and freely, which is the direction to maturity.

Mature people are living a low-decibel life

Yang Jiang once said: ". ”

The secret of a person's growth lies in self-restraint and restraint.

Life is not tired, what is tired is to say more and do less; Life is not annoying, what annoys is emotional out-of-control; Life is not bitter, what is bitter is too much desire.

For the rest of your life, please turn down your decibels: speak softly, speak low decibels; temper restraint, low decibels; Contentment and happiness, desire low decibels.

May you and I live a low-decibel life, live a tasteful, calm and chic life.

Mature people are living a low-decibel life

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