
A shares: a long sigh! Stockholders: I don't want to spend anymore! Tomorrow's A-shares may only go this way!

author:Yunfan view of the city

Friends, today's 3000 points failed to rush, in fact, it is not surprising at all, there is no amount of rush is equal to playing hooligans, even if it is rushed, the probability of shrinking the amount of temptation will be relatively large.

From the wave of diving after two o'clock in the afternoon, it can also be found that there is no support for shrinkage, and there is no confidence for the rise.

Although there is some pull up at the end of the game, but the sneak attack on the tail plate gives people a feeling of less confidence, and finally the 3000 points of the pass failed, and they can only sigh.

A shares: a long sigh! Stockholders: I don't want to spend anymore! Tomorrow's A-shares may only go this way!

Although the market closed out of the trend of 3 consecutive yang, it is obvious that today's yang line is much smaller, and the two cities today are still shrinking compared with yesterday, how to understand?

Yesterday, the Hang Seng Index was closed, there was no northbound funds, and it is understandable that the market will shrink out of the volume, but today's impact of 3,000 points continues to shrink, which can only show that everyone has no confidence in the rise, and it also means that it is very difficult to hit 4 consecutive yang tomorrow;

From the perspective of the relationship between volume and price, in the past three trading days, the index has rebounded, and the closing point is rising, but the volume is shrinking and there is a trend of volume and price divergence, does it mean that tomorrow's market is going to pull back? Combined with the performance of the market, let's analyze it specifically:

1. The market is struggling to close up, what is rising behind Sanlianyang?

A shares: a long sigh! Stockholders: I don't want to spend anymore! Tomorrow's A-shares may only go this way!

The market capitalization is ranked from highest to lowest

In the past few days, the national team's funds can be said to be painstaking, in order to let the market index get out of the rebound, try their best to pull some high-dividend assets, especially the top 20 industry leaders by market capitalization.

What is the purpose? Let the broad market index stop falling, and the index cannot deviate too far by 3,000 points, so as not to cause the index to get out of control again, but this behavior of pulling the index in an infinite amount of time cannot bring about a money-making effect.

What is most lacking in the market right now? What is missing is the money-making effect, if you just look at the market index, after three days of rising, I think everyone can make a profit in the rebound, but in fact, individual stocks are still losing a large area.

If you sort the market value of the A-share market from high to low, what is the market rising? The answer emerges:

Among the top 10 stocks in terms of market capitalization, China Mobile, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, PetroChina, China Construction Bank, Moutai, etc., all of them are mainly rising, and bank stocks account for half;

Among the top 20 market capitalizations, only three stocks fell today, and it was by relying on these market capitalization leaders that the index was pulled up today, and it once rushed 3,000 points in the intraday.

In the end, the small and medium-sized trauma lost more blood, the gem continued to fall, the disk lost money effect obviously, the capital trading state continued to be sluggish throughout the afternoon, and more and more funds were finally wait-and-see;

2. The Indian stock market continues to hit new highs, and A-share investors have expressed that they do not want to continue to consume, where is the problem?

A shares: a long sigh! Stockholders: I don't want to spend anymore! Tomorrow's A-shares may only go this way!

The picture comes from the Financial Associated Press

Today, the two major indices of the Indian stock market continue to hit record highs, and sometimes they are "worried" when they think about it, after all, they live in the "fear" of falling every day;

For investors in the A-share market, they spend every day in "worry", after all, what should they do if they worry about "rising risks" every day?

Since the announcement of the three departments on the work arrangements related to the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers at the end of the week, there have been large fluctuations in the sentiment of stockholders.

Everyone is surprised by the concept of financial consumers, in fact, this term was mentioned as early as 2015, why is there such a big reaction now?

A shares: a long sigh! Stockholders: I don't want to spend anymore! Tomorrow's A-shares may only go this way!

The picture comes from the Internet

Naturally, it is also directly related to the recent market loss effect, if the market is a market with a good money-making effect, then everyone is willing to continue to consume in this market, otherwise, it will only bring more negative feedback.

And the real reason why shareholders don't want to continue to consume is very simple, there is only one:

The short-selling regime is not prohibited;

Securities lending, refinancing and delivery of stock index futures and options in the A-share market can be said to be the three main short-selling forces in the market.

Because in some cases, if quantification is used well, it can also help the market rise sharply, and quantification itself can help rise and fall, and the key is in the regulatory and restraint system.

The short-selling method of refinancing is the key to the real impact of the market rise.

At the end of last week, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has made it clear that it will listen to the opinions and suggestions of all walks of life in the next period of time, and it is said that quantitative and securities lending and refinancing have been heard, and whether there will be a restricted system will be introduced, which is very critical for the market in the second half of the year.

During this period of listening to the suggestions, I think everyone should continue to work together to call on the village to ban short-selling methods such as refinancing as soon as possible, and the voices of shareholders have been expressed, so there may be a possibility of change, just like the restrictions on IPOs at the beginning of the year, at the beginning of the year, everyone called for the cessation of issuing new shares and restrictions on IPOs, and now it is for refinancing.

3. The amount of energy is getting lower and lower, will the market still be able to hit 4 consecutive yangs tomorrow?

Today and tomorrow are actually the two most stressful days of the week, and this pressure mainly comes from several aspects:

First, the index has been supported by high dividends in the past few days, and if there is a pullback of high dividends tomorrow, the pressure on the index will be greater;

Second, the market fell back after rushing 3,000 points today, and the volume and price diverged, and it is likely to pull back again tomorrow;

Third, 300 billion reverse repurchase expires today, the central bank has a net withdrawal of more than 200 billion yuan, and there will be 250 billion reverse repurchase due tomorrow.

Although the central bank has sold the bond market in the past few days, intending to curb speculation in the bond market and help the return of funds to the A-share market, it is still necessary to observe that funds may be withdrawn from the bond market, but there is no guarantee whether they can buy A-shares.

In general, tomorrow's market index may usher in a negative adjustment, the magnitude will not be too large, the probability of hitting four consecutive yang after three consecutive yang is not large, adjust it to hit 3000 points again this week and build momentum.

The key tomorrow is to see if the gem can stop falling, after all, if the market index and high dividends are adjusted, it depends on whether the small and medium-sized enterprises can rotate and rebound, which may be related to the rise and fall of the individual stocks held in their hands for most shareholders and friends.

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