
When you are tired, just recite these three sentences, and no matter what, it will change! (Recommended collection)

author:Suzhou financial media

If you have a good attitude, you won't be bothered by these trivial things.

Many troubles in life come from the obsession in our hearts, what we obsess, what we will inevitably be trapped in.

When you are tired, just recite these three sentences, and no matter what, it will change! (Recommended collection)

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"I" is the root of everything

If the heart is stable and at ease, no matter what kind of situation you are in, you can be leisurely; If you are troubled in your heart, even if you stay in the treasure of feng shui, you will feel miserable.

"I" is the root of everything, one thought of heaven and one thought of hell. Your life is all your own creation.

There is such a story in "Caigen Tan".

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao studied art together in Kunlun Mountain, and before going down the mountain, the master gave each of them a strange book.

Jiang Ziya saw the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers in the book, peaceful and beautiful, while Shen Gongbao saw the burning, killing and looting in the book, and the blood flowed like a river.

The Master then sighed, "People with good hearts feel that everything they see is beautiful; The wicked and cunning man sees everything as darkness. The heart is evil and all is evil, and the heart is right and everything is right. ”

People's joys, sorrows, and sorrows are determined by their own hearts, which are the root of everything, the root of troubles, and the root of happiness. If you don't want to be troubled by impermanence, you have to train your state of mind.

When encountering something, don't blindly look outward, try to look inward to find the reason. Do you always change jobs because every job is bad, or is it because you work with resentment? Always fall out of love, is it because the people you meet are not good, or because you are less tolerant and understanding in your heart?

Many times, the root of the problem is in one's own heart. The person who bothers you may be here to help you. The person who makes you miserable may be here to cross you.

When you are tired, just recite these three sentences, and no matter what, it will change! (Recommended collection)

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When you change, everything changes

A person's circumstances change with their own heart, and the surrounding environment is only a reflection of their heart. If you want to have a smooth life, you must learn to look inwardly.

The heart changes with the situation, and the suffering is unspeakable; The situation changes with your heart, and you can be at ease.

The famous philosopher Zhou Guoping once told such a fable.

Once upon a time, a woman committed suicide by throwing herself into the river and was rescued by a boatman who was rowing in the river.

The boatman asked, "You are young, what can't you think of?" ”

The woman cried: "I was married for two years, and my husband abandoned me, and my child fell ill and died. What is the meaning of my life in this world? ”

The boatman asked, "Two years ago, you had no husband or children, and you lived freely and carefree. You were just sent back two years by the ship of fate, and now you're free and carefree again! ”

When the woman heard this, her heart was filled with joy, and she went ashore with joy.

A large part of the bitterness and joy of life is caused by the state of mind. A person who always wants happy things will become happy; If you always think about sad and sad things, you will become melancholy.

There is no dust in the heart, and the heart is at ease, and troubles are born from the heart. Only by changing yourself can we change everything.

Everything looks inward, you change, everything changes. Just be yourself and everything will be fine.

If you bloom, butterflies will come.

When you are tired, just recite these three sentences, and no matter what, it will change! (Recommended collection)

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If the heart is wide, people will be safe, and if the heart is big, it will be blessed

As the old saying goes: the body is not as safe as the heart, and the house is not as wide as the heart.

Material wealth, not real wealth. The abundance of the heart is the most precious. Life is short, and there is no need to worry too much about many things.

The heart is one inch wide, and the road is one foot wide.

When the heart is widened, there will be fewer troubles, life will naturally be smooth, and life will be harmonious and comfortable.

As a person, the greater the heart, the greater the achievement. The heart is selfless, the world is wide, and the heart has a lot of everything.

If you relax in everything, you will live freely in life; Relax your mind in everything, and life will be broad.

If you agree, click "watching", may your heart be as wide as the sea, let go of the past, and pretend to be the future. Don't mess with your heart, don't get stuck in love. Don't be afraid of the future, don't think of the past. So, it's best, encourage each other. Please also forward and share it with more friends around you to promote traditional Chinese culture!

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