
China Personal and Home Care Robot Industry Market Research Report

author:Market industry research

From the perspective of the development status of the personal and home care robot market size, the market size of China's personal and home care robots will reach 100 million yuan (RMB) in 2023. For the global personal and home care robot market, Bergers Consulting predicts that the market size of personal and home care robots will grow from 100 million yuan to 100 million yuan from 2023 to 2029, with a CAGR of about %. The report aims to provide in-depth market evaluation and strategic recommendations for personal and home care robots by analyzing market drivers, obstacles, opportunities, threats, and developments in various market segments.

In terms of product types, the personal and home care robot industry can be subdivided into semi-intelligent robots and intelligent robots. From the perspective of terminal applications, personal and home care robots can be used in addition, children, the elderly and other fields. The personal and home care robots market research report covers an in-depth analysis of each type of market (product price, market size, share, and development trends) and each application market (size, share, and demand potential).

中国个人和家庭护理机器人行业内重点企业主要有Akara Robotics, Blue Frog Robotics, Comfort Keepers, Cyber​dyne Inc., GeckoSystems, Inliition Robotics, ipalrobot, Jibo, LG Electronics, Luvozo, Panasonic, PARO Robots, Reif Co, RIKEN, SoftBank Group, Zora Bots。 报告包含了对主要企业发展概况的介绍,包括公司简介、主要产品及服务、个人和家庭护理机器人销量、个人和家庭护理机器人价格、及市场收入等方面。

The personal and home care robot industry research report released by Berges Consulting expounds the market overview of the personal and home care robot industry from many aspects such as domestic personal and home care robot market trends, market segments, brand competition pattern, industrial structure, market demand, and consumer structure characteristics, and on this basis, analyzes and predicts the development prospects and trends of the personal and home care robot industry in the next few years. In terms of structure, the report conducts in-depth and comprehensive research on each market segment by product type, application field, and regional segmentation of personal and home care robots. The report can provide professional guidance and suggestions for users to understand the latest development trends of the industry and grasp the future development direction of the industry.

Key players in the Personal & Home Care Robotics Market:

Akara Robotics

Blue Frog Robotics

Comfort Keepers

Cyberdyne Inc.


Inliition Robotics



LG Electronics



PARO Robots

Mature Co


SoftBank Group

Zora Bots

China Personal and Home Care Robots Market: Type Segmentation

Semi-intelligent robots

Intelligent robot

China Personal and Home Care Robots Market: Application Segmentation

Other than that


old person

From a regional point of view, the personal and home care robot market research report focuses on the Chinese market, and the report successively conducts an in-depth investigation and analysis of the development status of key regions such as North China, Central China, South China, and East China, as well as the main types of market patterns and terminal application market patterns in each region.

Reporting Guidelines (15 chapters):

Chapter 1: Personal and Home Care Robot Market Overview, Development History, Market Segment Introduction, Personal and Home Care Robot Market Size and Growth Rate Analysis by Region in China;

Chapter 2: Analysis of the development environment of the industry, the current situation of domestic and foreign market competition, the problems and countermeasures existing in the market, and the analysis of influencing factors;

Chapter 3: Analysis of the Upstream and Downstream Industry Chain of Personal and Home Care Robot Industry;

Chapter 4: Personal and Home Care Robots Segmentation Type Analysis (Key Vendors, Product Type, Competitive Landscape, and Sales and Sales Volume Analysis by Type);

Chapter 5: Personal and Home Care Robots Market End-User Analysis (Downstream Client, Competitive Landscape, Market Potential, and Market Size Analysis);

Chapter 6: Analysis of Production, Value, Sales, and Sales Value of Personal and Home Care Robots in Major Regions of China;

Chapters 7 to 10: Analyze the main types and application patterns of the personal and home care robot industry in North China, Central China, South China, and East China.

Chapter 11 & 12: Forecast and analysis of market volume, value, and share of China's personal and home care robot industry by major types and end application fields;

Chapter 13: Analysis of the import and export trade of China's personal and home care robot market, and lists the main import and export countries of China's personal and home care robot products;

Chapter 14 introduces the current status of leading companies, covering company profiles, latest developments, market performance, products and services, etc.

Chapter 15: Research Conclusions, Development Strategies, Directions and Approaches.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd


Chapter 1 Overview of China's Personal and Home Care Robot Industry from 2019 to 2030

1.1 Overview of the development of China's personal and home care robotics industry

1.1.1 Definition of Personal and Home Care Robots

1.1.2 Overview of the development of the personal and home care robotics industry

1.2 The development history of China's personal and home care robot industry

1.3 Market size of China's personal and home care robot industry from 2019 to 2030

1.4 Introduction to the subdivision types of the production end of personal and home care robots

1.5 Analysis of different application fields of personal and home care robots on the consumer side

1.6 China Personal and Home Care Robot Market Size Analysis by Region

1.6.1 North China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Size and Growth Rate 2019-2024

1.6.2 Central China Personal and Home Care Robot Market Size and Growth Rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.3 South China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Size and Growth Rate 2019-2024

1.6.4 East China Personal and Home Care Robot Market Size and Growth Rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.5 Personal and Home Care Robots Market Size and Growth Rate in Other Regions 2019-2024

Chapter 2 The development environment of China's personal and home care robot industry

2.1 Analysis of the industry development environment

2.1.1 Analysis of industry technology changes

2.1.2 Analysis of industrial organization innovation

2.1.3 Analysis of changes in social habits

2.1.4 Analysis of industry policy changes

2.1.5 Impact of economic globalization

2.2 Analysis of domestic and foreign industry competition

2.2.1 Comparative analysis of the current situation and competition of the domestic and foreign personal and home care robot markets in 2024

2.2.2 China Personal and Home Care Robot Market Status and Competitive Analysis in 2024

2.2.3 China Personal and Home Care Robot Market Concentration Analysis in 2024

2.3 Problems and countermeasures in the development of China's personal and home care robot industry

2.3.1 Industry development constraints

2.3.2 Considerations for industry development

2.3.3 Suggestions for industry development measures

2.3.4 SME development strategy

2.4 Impact and Analysis of COVID-19 on the Personal and Home Care Robotics Industry

2.5 Impact and analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the personal and home care robotics industry

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Industrial Chain of Personal and Home Care Robot Industry

3.1 Personal and home care robot industry chain

3.2 Analysis of the upstream industry of the personal and home care robot industry

3.2.1 Development status of upstream industries

3.2.2 Upstream industry development forecast

3.2.3 Analysis of the impact of upstream industries on the personal and home care robot industry

3.3 Analysis of downstream industries in the personal and home care robot industry

3.3.1 Development status of downstream industries

3.3.2 Forecast of downstream industry development

3.3.3 Analysis of the impact of downstream industries on the personal and home care robot industry

Chapter 4 Personal and Home Care Robot Product Segment Market (2019-2024)

4.1 Market size analysis by segment type

4.2 Types of commercial products of major suppliers

4.3 Competitive landscape analysis of major segments

4.4 Personal and Home Care Robots Market Sales and Sales Volume Analysis by Segment Type

4.4.1 Sales, volume and growth rate of semi-intelligent robots

4.4.2 Intelligent robot sales, sales volume and growth rate

Chapter 5 Segmentation of Personal and Home Care Robot Terminal Application Fields

5.1 Downstream client analysis in the terminal application field

5.2 Competitive landscape analysis of major end-use applications

5.3 Analysis of the market potential of major end-use applications

5.4 Sales and volume analysis of personal and home care robots by end-use application market

Chapter 6 Production and Sales Analysis of Personal and Home Care Robots Market in Major Regions of China

6.1 Production and output value of personal and home care robots in major regions of China

6.2 Personal & Home Care Robot Sales and Value Analysis by Major Regions in China

Chapter 7 Personal and Home Care Robot Market Analysis in North China

7.1 Pattern analysis of the main types of personal and home care robots in North China

7.2 Analysis of terminal application pattern of personal and home care robots in North China

Chapter 8 Personal and Home Care Robots Market Analysis in Central China

8.1 Pattern analysis of the main types of personal and home care robots in central China

8.2 Analysis of terminal application pattern of personal and home care robots in central China

Chapter 9 Personal and Home Care Robots Market Analysis in South China

9.1 Pattern analysis of the main types of personal and home care robots in South China

9.2 Analysis of terminal application pattern of personal and home care robots in South China

Chapter 10 Analysis of the Personal and Home Care Robots Market in East China

10.1 Pattern analysis of the main types of personal and home care robots in East China

10.2 Analysis of the terminal application pattern of personal and home care robots in East China

11. China Personal and Home Care Robots Industry Market Forecast and Analysis by Major Types (2024-2030)

11.1 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market by Major Type Sales Volume, Value, Share and Price

11.1.1 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast by Major Types (2024-2030)

11.1.2 China Personal & Home Care Robots Market Sales and Market Share Forecast by Major Type (2024-2030)

11.1.3 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Price Trend Forecast by Major Types (2024-2030)

11.2 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Sales Volume and Value Forecast by Type (2024-2030)

11.2.1 Semi-intelligent robots

11.2.2 Intelligent Robots

Chapter 12 Forecast and Analysis of Terminal Application Fields in China's Personal and Home Care Robot Industry (2024-2030)

12.1 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Volume, Sales, Share and Price by End Application

12.1.1 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast by End Application (2024-2030)

12.1.2 China Personal & Home Care Robots Market Sales and Market Share Forecast by End Application (2024-2030)

12.1.3 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Price Trend Forecast by End Application (2024-2030)

12.2 China Personal & Home Care Robots Market Sales Volume and Value Forecast by Type (2024-2030)

12.2.1 Additional

12.2.2 Children

12.2.3 The Old Man

Chapter 13 Analysis of China's Import, Export and Trade War of Personal and Home Care Robot Products

13.1 China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Production, Imports, Sales Volume, and Exports 2019-2024

13.2 China's personal and home care robot products are mainly exported to countries

13.3 China's main importers of personal and home care robot products

13.4 Impact of Sino-US trade frictions on the import and export of personal and home care robot products

Chapter 14 Major Enterprises

14.1 Akara Robotics

14.1.1 Akara Robotics Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.1.2 Market Performance

14.1.3 Main Product Introduction

14.2 Blue Frog Robotics

14.2.1 Blue Frog Robotics公司简介和最新发展

14.2.2 Market Performance

14.2.3 Main Product Introduction

14.3 Comfort Keepers

14.3.1 Comfort Keepers Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.3.2 Market Performance

14.3.3 Main Product Introduction

14.4 Cyberdyne Inc.

14.4.1 Cyberdyne Inc.公司简介和最新发展

14.4.2 Market Performance

14.4.3 Main Product Introduction

14.5 GeckoSystems

14.5.1 Company profile and recent developments of GeckoSystems

14.5.2 Market Performance

14.5.3 Main Product Introduction

14.6 Inliition Robotics

14.6.1 Inliition Robotics Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.6.2 Market Performance

14.6.3 Main Product Introduction

14.7 ipalrobot

14.7.1 IPALROBOT Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.7.2 Market Performance

14.7.3 Main Product Introduction

14.8 Jibo

14.8.1 Jibo Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.8.2 Market Performance

14.8.3 Main Product Introduction

14.9 LG Electronics

14.9.1. LG Electronics Co., Ltd.

14.9.2 Market Performance

14.9.3 Main Product Introduction

14.10 Luvozo

14.10.1 Luvozo Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.10.2 Market Performance

14.10.3 Main Product Introduction

14.11 Panasonic

14.11.1 Panasonic Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.11.2 Market Performance

14.11.3 Main Product Introduction

14.12 PARO Robots

14.12.1 PARO Robots Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.12.2 Market Performance

14.12.3 Main Product Introduction

14.13 Reif Co

14.13.1 Reif Co Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.13.2 Market Performance

14.13.3 Main Product Introduction

14.14 RIKEN

14.14.1 RIKEN Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.14.2 Market Performance

14.14.3 Main Product Introduction

14.15 SoftBank Group

14.15.1 Company profile and latest developments of SoftBank Group

14.15.2 Market Performance

14.15.3 Main Product Introduction

14.16 Zora Bots

14.16.1 Zora Bots Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.16.2 Market Performance

14.16.3 Main Product Introduction

Chapter 15 Research Conclusions and Investment Recommendations

15.1 Personal and Home Care Robotics Industry Research Conclusions

15.2 Investment Advice for the Personal and Home Care Robotics Industry

15.2.1 Industry Development Strategy Recommendations

15.2.2 Suggestions on the direction of industry investment

15.2.3 Suggestions on industry investment methods

The main analysis scope of the personal and home care robot industry research report is:

Market Trends: China Personal and Home Care Robots Market Size Statistics and Estimates (Unit: RMB 100 million);

Segmentation research: Segment the personal and home care robot market by type and application, analyze and forecast the market size and market share of each segment;

Regional analysis: The Chinese market is subdivided into North China, Central China, South China, and East China markets, and the production and sales of personal and home care robots and the market structure in these regions are analyzed in turn.

Competitive analysis: industry competition intensity analysis based on Porter's five forces model, including the development overview of 10-15 front-end enterprises, sales volume, sales revenue, price, and gross profit analysis of personal and home care robots;

Forecast: Covers the forecast of the development trend and outlook of the whole market and each segment.

Key takeaways from the report:

Historical development: What are the trends of the personal and home care robot market and market segments in the past few years?

Company Analysis: Who are the top performers in the industry and what are their growth strategies?

Outlook: What is the outlook for the development of the personal and home care robot market in the next few years, and what factors will affect it?

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