
Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

author:Longnan release
Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

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A few days ago, the police in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province announced a series of theft cases that had just been solved.

At about 9 o'clock in the morning on June 5, the Liguo Police Station of the Xuzhou Tongshan Public Security Bureau received a report that a number of farmers in the jurisdiction had been stolen. After preliminary investigation, a total of 5 families were stolen that morning, and the suspects stole cash, jewelry, digital products and other items, with a case value of about 30,000 yuan.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

About 1 hour later, the police successfully arrested the suspect.

It is worth mentioning that the suspect was well prepared for the theft. When committing crimes, the suspect often wears the work clothes of the electricity department purchased online, and once the victim returns, he falsely claims that he is an electrical maintenance worker, waiting for the opportunity to flee quickly. And he also carried a silicone mask purchased from the Internet, ready to "change face" disguise at any time to escape the police pursuit.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

After preliminary investigation, the suspect has been involved in nearly 20 cases, and at present, the suspect has been criminally detained.

"Fantasy" things like "human skin masks" feel like they only appear in TV dramas, movies, and novels, however, from the above cases, we find that there are real people in reality

Using "technology" to do "ruthless work" and wearing a "human skin mask" to commit crimes, a similar case occurred in Shanghai a few months ago

On March 6 this year, the Shanghai Meilong Police Station received a report from a multi-family resident in a community that their homes had been burglarized. After investigation, a man put on a silicone face mask, disguised as an old man, sneaked into the homes of 4 residents, and stole a total of more than 100,000 yuan of property.

According to Tong's confession, in order to steal property, he specially bought an elderly silicone film and television mask from the Internet for "face changing" disguise.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

According to public information, silicone face masks are made of special silicone or similar materials, and are usually used in films, TV series or stage play makeup. A few days ago, the police in many places issued a reminder that using silicone face masks to disguise as new faces to commit crimes is becoming a new method for some criminals to commit crimes.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

So, where did these silicone face masks come from? What are the legal risks involved in the production and sale of silicone face masks? And how should it be regulated and regulated? Recently, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

It is available in a number of online stores

The price difference is large

The reporter searched on multiple e-commerce platforms with "human skin mask" as the keyword and found that the word had been blocked by the system, showing "no related goods found". However, if you change the keywords such as "silicone mask", you can see many merchants, and the products sold include "mask adult full-face silicone headgear", "easy-to-face real person face-changing human skin mask", "elderly silicone mask face full face", etc., with prices ranging from a few yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

These silicone face mask products are not only varied, but also come in a variety of designs.

● Some businesses have launched celebrity face simulation masks, claiming that they can highly restore the facial features of celebrities with realistic effects;

● Some merchants offer existing model head covers, which cost up to 3,000 yuan;

● There are also merchants who claim to provide "private customization" services for masks and head coverings, the core selling point is "ultra-realistic" and "simulation customization", the price is determined according to the complexity and fineness of the mask, about 3,000 yuan to 25,000 yuan, and it takes about 1 month from the order to the completion of the production.

When asked what information needs to be provided for the customized service, one merchant responded: "If you can find a 3D scan, you can send us the size of the CT scan." If not, provide a photo, head, facial features, and a 360-degree face photo. ”

This means that customers only need to provide photos, or 3D scanning technology to obtain face images and 360-degree face photos, and businesses can create a face mask based on this information.

Longnan citizens, please be vigilant when you see this kind of face!

The reporter consulted 6 businesses that sell such masks: Do you need to provide personal information? The other party unanimously replied "no", and neither asked the reporter about the purpose and use of the mask.

There are multiple risks involved

"On the one hand, the use of face masks by buyers may evade surveillance and identification, making it more difficult to identify criminal suspects and offenders. This can be summed up as 'I don't want people to know who I am'. On the other hand, face masks can also be used to circumvent facial recognition technology and impersonate someone else to commit theft or other illegal acts. This can be summed up as 'I want people to think who I am'. Liu Jiong, an associate professor of criminal law at Xiamen University Law School, said that in these two cases, there are certain legal risks in both civil and administrative fields.

Meng Qiang, a professor at the Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology, said that the sale of facial masks by merchants on e-commerce platforms may involve a variety of legal risks, or give rise to civil liability, administrative liability and even criminal liability.

"The legitimacy of the business of customizing face masks depends on a number of factors." Meng Qiang said that in some cases, custom face masks can also be used for legal purposes such as movie special effects, if the custom face mask involves infringement of personal privacy, portrait rights, reputation rights, etc., or the lack of legal and compliant sales processes, or involves illegal and criminal acts, etc., it is illegal.

He pointed out that if the face masks sold are used for illegal purposes, such as engaging in criminal activities such as fraud, theft of identity information, invasion of personal privacy, etc., they may be complicit in participating in or helping to commit criminal acts, and thus need to bear corresponding criminal liability.

Source: Rule of Law Daily

Editor: Zhou Haoyan first review and first proofreading: Cai Wei

Second trial and second proofreading: Tang Xialing

Three trials and three proofreadings: Ye Weixian, Ling Hong

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