
Grab food in your mouth! The "nutritious meal subsidy" for rural students was misappropriated by 2 billion: do you still have to suffer for the children? The nutrition subsidy fee cannot become "Tang monk meat"!

author:Jinzhong Political Science and Law

There is such a scene in "Ming Dynasty 1566", Zhao Zhenji, a member of the court, said, if you suffer the people again, I will bear the infamy! What is the heart of a human face and a beast, it is exactly like this, the public lacks food and clothing, but people like Zhao Zhenji are still ashamed to say that he is infamous, and he says shameless things in a high-sounding manner, and snatches food from other people's mouths, which is simply in vain, but the reality is more absurd than film and television dramas.

Grab food in your mouth! The "nutritious meal subsidy" for rural students was misappropriated by 2 billion: do you still have to suffer for the children? The nutrition subsidy fee cannot become "Tang monk meat"!

On July 2, the National Audit Office's "2023 Annual Audit Work Report" sparked heated discussions among many people, because in this report, 66 counties embezzled nutrition subsidy funds for rural children to repay debts, give benefits to themselves and seek personal gain.

This audit is a special fund for the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, focusing on 159 counties in 13 provinces, with 23.1 billion subsidy funds from 2021 to August 2023.

Grab food in your mouth! The "nutritious meal subsidy" for rural students was misappropriated by 2 billion: do you still have to suffer for the children? The nutrition subsidy fee cannot become "Tang monk meat"!

The first is to embezzle funds to help children improve nutrition, they feel that it doesn't matter, their own debts have not been repaid, and they directly use the child's meal subsidy to repay debts and pay wages, which is as high as 1.95 billion, ensuring the salaries of civil servants, teachers, and doctors, but the money is pulled out of the children's mouths.

There are also 1,533 schools in 41 counties by lowering the standard of feeding, fictitious procurement business disguised interception and squeezing 270 million yuan, and the education department of 5 counties through collusion with the winning supplier, through the supplier rebate dividends, donations to get more than 40 million yuan of children's meal subsidies, for their own welfare, is really vicious, with the money to subsidize children for their own personal interests, how can such an institution care about education.

Grab food in your mouth! The "nutritious meal subsidy" for rural students was misappropriated by 2 billion: do you still have to suffer for the children? The nutrition subsidy fee cannot become "Tang monk meat"!

The second part is the illegal operation of the feeding unit, 147 suppliers and school canteens, using cutting corners, shoddy way to provide meals for personal gain, the third is the procurement bidding and supervision is not standardized, 25 counties directly designate suppliers, and some enterprises falsify information, collude to rig bids, and win the bid by sending money, and some supervision departments are involved in bending the law for personal gain, and there are countless bad deeds.

Snatching from the children's mouths is just the tip of the iceberg, the state's employment subsidy funds and unemployment insurance funds, all kinds of fraud and subsidies are even more dazzling, the state sends a bag of grain, and there is only a grain of rice left below.

Grab food in your mouth! The "nutritious meal subsidy" for rural students was misappropriated by 2 billion: do you still have to suffer for the children? The nutrition subsidy fee cannot become "Tang monk meat"!

There are educational institutions that make profits from children's meal subsidies, what else do they dare not do, people who educate children with moral gentlemen every day, but there is no bottom line behind their backs, the reason why this kind of thing can happen is because the data is not transparent, if which county subsidizes how much, which school subsidizes how much, everyone can check, and it will definitely not leave them room to do evil, it is fuzzy data from the beginning, and it is naturally at their mercy, and they can only suffer the children again.

The Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students is related to whether the majority of rural students can eat well and eat healthily. Misappropriation and misappropriation of relevant funds and other behaviors are tantamount to "splitting the meat on the legs of the heron", which will not only hinder the healthy growth of rural students, but also hinder the balanced development of education. Whether it is directly misappropriated, occupied in disguise, or colluded to arbitrage, it all stems from the fact that the cage of the system has not yet been tightened in some places, so that some people who have "crooked thoughts" have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

To eradicate the relevant chaos, resolutely cut off the black hand that "snatches" from the mouths of children, and ensure that every cent of subsidy funds is used on students, a multi-pronged approach is needed. First of all, the relevant departments at all levels, especially in the places where problems are found in the audit, should seriously deal with the relevant personnel suspected of violating discipline and laws and regulations, draw inferences from one case, and take effective measures to plug the loopholes in the management of subsidy funds and the supervision of catering enterprises, so as to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.

Secondly, relevant departments at all levels and localities should also make full use of new means such as big data to strengthen the daily supervision of the use of relevant subsidies, keep a close eye on capital expenditures, and check daily accounts one by one. At the same time, it is necessary to promptly publicize the typical cases investigated and handled, and always keep the sword hanging high, so as to achieve the effect of setting an example, and prompting the relevant personnel not to dare to move or occupy.

It is necessary to further strengthen supervision, standardize and restrict the use of subsidy funds and the selection of catering enterprises, clarify the responsibilities of government departments, schools, enterprises, families and other aspects, and establish a negative list system, so that every penny is really spent on the "blade".

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