
Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

author:Tie Xi Chi Zhiqian

If you want to say that the thing that bothers me the most recently, is to buy a gift for my nephew who has just finished the college entrance examination. Traditional, mobile phones, computers and tablets are more expensive, and there is nothing new; Small objects are light and affectionate, but some can't handle them. It suddenly occurred to me that we are also digital audio bloggers, and sending a headset is very in line with my temperament and image. So the question is, what price is good? 500 yuan should be a more reasonable amount, in case he is not interested in headphones, he will not spend a lot of money on his own, and the other party still does not appreciate it, it would be better to pull him to play by the way. The most important thing is that this headset should be well made, and it looks very bourgeois and emotional, so as to bring out the rich and handsome image of the nephew with strong financial resources; The sound can have certain characteristics, don't be too weird, warm and warm, just relax and enjoy.

And this is also my real feeling after three days of in-depth experience of SIVGA magpie.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

In my perception, SIVGA has always been a brand with a long-term layout and its own rhythm. I have experienced several products in the past, it seems that I have never been affected by the trend of involution, there is no passive follow-up, a sense of quality in the ear of thin and cold thorns, but gradually, under the premise of ensuring the mainstream quality level at the same price, constantly polishing the sense of hearing and charm, so many old burners around me are very proud of their products.

Recently, SIVGA launched a new product positioned at 500 yuan - Magpie. To put it simply, there are continuations and surprises. Hear me out what's going on.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

OK, old rule, let's open a box simply.

Measuring the magpie's packaging by the standard of 500 yuan, it belongs to the degree of decent, not brilliant and not making mistakes: the whole black carton, the front is a magpie pattern; The interior layout is simple and reasonable, with three sizes of earphone sleeves, leather pouches, and silver-plated high-purity oxygen-free copper cord as standard.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

In terms of workmanship, I am willing to use all the beautiful words I can think of to praise magpies: North American white maple panel, high-precision zinc alloy cavity, with white and flawless headphone cable, even if you don't listen to it, take it in your hand and look at it slowly, it is also a proper handicraft level.

In terms of configuration, the new 10mm beryllium-plated diaphragm dynamic unit has the characteristics of light and thin + extremely rigid. Frankly speaking, I don't have a good impression of the beryllium-plated diaphragm, because the timbre is usually more beautiful and sharp, and the voice is on the thin side, which is not suitable for long-term listening, and I am curious to see what SIVGA can tune this unit to.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

Sound-wise. On the large frame, Magpie is a surging full, warm and loose, soft and smooth, intriguing charm to the pop stopper. The first feeling is that the magpie's lower plate has a very solid sense of energy, steady and solid, and powerful. SIVGA's signature warm filter is still there, and the overall sound is pleasant and pleasant, without being invasive. After listening to a few songs, the whole person will slowly relax, especially suitable for healing when the body and mind are tired.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

What impressed me about magpie was mainly in the following two aspects.

One is the ability to break stereotypes in tuning. If I hadn't known in advance that Magpie was equipped with a beryllium-plated diaphragm unit, I wouldn't have linked the two at all, reflecting SIVGA's excellent tuning consistency and continuity. The three-frequency distribution of the magpie is in the middle and lower plate, the low frequency volume is moderately and slightly more, thick and calm, and magnificent, but there is no feeling of headbang or irritability at all. This is due to the precise dynamics of the scale, combined with the full-bodied knots and loose and diffuse overtones, even if I don't like the low-end style, I will still be deeply attracted to it.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

The thickness of the mid-frequency vocals is slightly thicker, and it does not pursue the ultimate clear female poison, but on the premise of ensuring the clarity of the distance, the tooth sound is completely polished clean, and the appropriate blurred sense of line further plays a role in letting go of the effect of putting down the guard, and there is no need to worry about being frightened by the sudden burr flaws. Maybe the sound color is not so sweet, but I like this kind of natural and real voice that is not dry, and it often has the power to reach people's hearts.

The high-frequency details are quite rich, and they are also very transparent and clean, but the brightness and extension are not outstanding, and they appear more in the position of auxiliary and foil. The good thing is that it is quite in line with the overall tuning, and you can listen more attentively to the timbre and layering of the middle and low frequencies; For friends who want a subtle and even a little exciting sense of gorgeousness, it may not be very suitable.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

Writing this, I suddenly discovered the power of magpie: it seems that the tuning is still a family style, but if you listen carefully, the characteristics of the beryllium diaphragm are still there, such as the transient speed response is fast and explosive; For example, compared with its own thousand-yuan plugged nightingale, Magpie's tuning is obviously the more HiFi neutral one, and there is no one-sided outstanding taste. It is also like the perfect combination of Michelin chef + top ingredients to create a magpie that can find your favorite elements whether it is a new or an old roast.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

The second is the sense of spaciousness and openness. At first, when I saw the data of the magpie 32Ω 108dB/mW, and only the 3.5mm plug was standard, I was a little worried that I would not be able to play to my full strength, but the result was that I was too worried. Driven by the small tail and the professional player, the magpie shows a good consistency, and there is no tearing feeling of hard punch or over-push due to increased thrust, and I even feel that after changing to balanced output, it loses the original sense of looseness and wrapping, which is a bit more than worth the loss.

The scale of the sound field is quite open, whether it is horizontal or vertical, or depth, it has a good reflection, and it does not give people depression and suffocating discomfort, and it is a leader in single-ended headphones at the same price.

Looking back, you will find that every seemingly inadvertent detail of Magpie has actually been carefully calculated: maybe each indicator is not extreme, but when combined together, it has an unexpected harmonious effect, which is really good.

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report

Overall, in my definition, Magpie is a product that is both expected and unexpected, and can make me truly feel happy. The appearance is as outstanding as ever, the wearing is as comfortable as ever, and the tempered tuning is really very good for me. I'm not sure if today's young people will appreciate this kind of lukewarm, taper-savored tuning, but I can only say that Magpie did try its best to get closer to the tastes of young people: less character, more universal, and the right choice.

One sentence sums up my recognition of magpie: my nephew is very satisfied with magpie and has already asked me what kind of small tail is suitable for me!

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By Tie Xi Chi Zhi Qian

Intimate and warm, the reputation of "magpie" rises! SIVGA Magpie Subjective Experience Report